PowerPoint reflection on food

Reflection on food
1 in 8 people worldwide
do not have enough food
Take this all of you
and eat.
“Lack of food for the poor is the most
un-Eucharistic situation on earth.”
Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga, President of Caritas Internationalis
“You have tasted the blood of the Lord,
yet you do not recognise your brother…
You dishonour this table when you
do not judge worthy of sharing your food
someone judged worthy to take part in
this meal”
St John Chrysostom
“I believe that God created us and gave us life.
When we have no food, I pray to God to help us
and to make provisions for us.”
Mohammed, Sierra Leone
1 in 8
is 870 million people worldwide:
the combined population of
the US, Canada, Europe and Australia
But there is more than enough food produced
each year to feed everyone.
“Why is it not possible to prevent so
many people suffering the most
extreme consequences of hunger?”
Benedict XVI, World Food Day 2007
“When I give food to the poor,
they call me a saint.
When I ask why the poor have no food,
they call me a communist.”
Dom Helder Camara, Brazil (1909-1999)
“Liberation from the yoke of hunger is the first
concrete expression of the right to life.”
Benedict XVI, World Food Day 2011
“In order to achieve freedom from hunger
it is necessary to ensure not only that
enough food is available but also that
everyone has daily access to it.”
Benedict XVI, World Food Day 2010
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There will be circumstances when it is sensible to not have the green band and tab
on EVERY slide. So for example when presenting a reflection. In that case you could
consider using a more “subtle” version of our identity and adopt this slide where the
logo appears in the tab alone
“Love for others, and in the first place
love for the poor, in whom the Church
sees Christ himself, is made concrete in
the promotion of justice …
John Paul II, Centesimus Annus, 58
…It is not merely a matter of ‘giving from
one’s surplus’, but of helping entire
peoples which are presently excluded or
marginalized to enter into the sphere of
economic and human development…
John Paul II, Centesimus Annus, 58
…it requires above all a change of
lifestyles, of models of production
and consumption, and of the
established structures of power which
today govern societies.”
John Paul II, Centesimus Annus, 58
There will be circumstances when it is sensible
to not have the green band and tab.
“It’s difficult because the shopkeepers have
control of the price. It’s like we’re being
cheated. I feel exploited. It’s unfair. I’d like
people to come here to buy my crop. It would
be good to get people to come here.”
Emily Mbithuka, Kenya
“In and of itself, the market is not and
must not become, the place where the
strong subdue the weak.”
Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritate, 36
There is enough.
For everyone
“Go and feed them yourselves”
Luke 9 (The feeding of the 5000)
“The food available in the world is
enough to feed everyone. The
parable of the multiplication of the
loaves and fish teaches us exactly this:
that if there is the will, what we have
never ends. On the contrary, it
abounds and does not get wasted.”
Pope Francis, December 2013
“How can we not open our ears and our
hearts and start to make available those
five loaves and two fish which God has put
in our hands?”
John Paul II, Lenten Message 2006
“It is a question of adopting an
inner attitude of responsibility,
able to inspire a different lifestyle, with
the necessary modest behaviour and
Benedict XVI, 2011
“It is necessary to rediscover those values
engraved on the heart of every person:
the sentiment of compassion and
humanity for others,
the duty of solidarity
and the commitment to justice
must return to being the base of all
Benedict XVI, World Food Day 2011
“A future without hunger can become a reality if
the only things we are hungry for are sharing,
solidarity and justice.”
Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga
Generous God,
your Spirit hovered over the waters,
you breathed life into the earth
and created a world of plenty.
Look on us here as we break bread together,
and guide us to take only what we need
so that all your people have enough.
Father of all,
there are many among us who go hungry.
Help us listen and respond as one family,
so that, as we break bread together,
we may glimpse your Kingdom here on earth a Kingdom of welcome and plenty for all.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Photos: Tim Aldred, Annie Bungeroth, Eleanor Church, Robert Cruickshank,
Fora do Eixo, Simon Rawles, Sarah Smith-Pearse, Claudia Torres
Prayer: Catherine Gorman/CAFOD