EPFL EPFL International Relations Marius Burgat EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 Slide 1 EPFL Facts & Figures EPFL today Campus 9’306 355 2’809 Budget Students including PhD students (2012) Faculties Staff * 570 Mio CHF from the Swiss Confederation 219 Mio CHF external funding EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 *Scientific and administrative staff, Faculty and PhD students not included Slide 2 EPFL – Korea: Cooperations EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 Slide 3 Agreements KAIST-EPFL • General MoU (Research, Stud. exch,…) -> August 2011 - August 2016 – Cooperation Implementation Guidelines (Lifes Sciences) -> Sept 2013Sept 2017 – Cooperation Implementation Guidelines (Engineering&Communication Sciences) -> Sept 2013-Sept 2017 • MoU in the Area of Technology Transfer -> Janv 2014-…. EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 Slide 4 KAIST-EPFL: Recent actions • 17-18 April 2012, Seoul: SNU-KAIST-ETHZ-EPFL Joint Symposium on Biomedical Engineering • 15 October 2013: Prof De Micheli and Prof Leblebici have participated as guests in the "KAIST International Presidential Forum on Global Research Universities" in Seoul, upon invitation of President Steve Kang. http://forum.kaist.ac.kr/. • 17-18 October 2013: The Nano-Tera delegation consisting of profs. De Micheli, Aberer, Leblebici, Ryser, Atienza, Benini, and Huang visited KAIST campus in Deajeon, and gave a series of seminars in the workshop hosted by the KAIST Center for Integrated Smart Sensors (CISS). • 18-19 November 2013: KAIST Life Sciences & Bioengineering delegation at EPFL: connection scientists and discussion about cooperations. EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 Slide 5 KAIST-EPFL: Actions to come • April - September 2014: Two PhD students of Prof Chang Yoo (KAIST) are invited to visit the laboratories of Prof Leblebici and Prof Fua, for joint research collaboration. • Symposium in May 2014, in Life Science, in SEOUL, organized by the Swiss Embassy, EPFL professors invited • In line with the Agreement signed in Life Sciences in 2013, following the meeting at EPFL in November, the Symposium to be organized at KAIST, in the fall 2014 • … EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 Slide 6 EPFL and Korea EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 Scientific Workshop / Symposium Slide 7 EPFL and Korea EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 Scientific Workshop / Symposium Slide 8 EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 Slide 9 EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 Slide 10 EPFL-VPAA-RI 2014 Slide 11