4_Expression Web Overview - home.uni

Microsoft® Expression® Web
An Introduction to the Your Learning Guide to Expression Web tutorial
The Expression Web Tutorial:
Lessons for Analyzing, Evaluating, and Sharing through Technology
Encourage teachers and students to integrate technology as a tool for
learning and communicating into all curricular areas
Focus on essential questions—questions of importance that require
analysis and evaluation, and encourage sharing of knowledge through
Teaching and Learning resources
Teacher materials
Teaching Guides
Instructional presentation
Tutorial plus additional online resources
Evaluation Rubrics
Student materials
Reflection materials
Online resources
Learning Sequence
Analyze an essential question and defend answer
Conduct research to support answer
Learn Microsoft Expression Web software
Produce a Web site to communicate learning
Evaluate learning
Introduction Web Development
Exploring Expression Web
Microsoft Expression Web
A modern, professional Web design environment
Intuitive tools
Builds high-quality, standards-based Web sites
HTML, CSS, and other formats possible
Our focus: Dynamic Web Templates (DWTs)
Dynamic Web Templates (DWTs)
How do they work?
What is a dynamic Web template?
A dynamic Web template (DWT) is an HTML-based master
copy of a Web page that can serve as the basic design for
any number of additional pages. DTW’s can contain
settings, formatting, and page elements such as text,
graphics, page layout, and styles. These settings, formatting,
and page elements are non-editable on the DTWs. DTWs
allow the designer to include editable regions within the
template so that different elements can be included in the
pages created from templates.
Non Editable Regions
Editable Regions
Why use DWTs?
Allows the designer to create a consistent look between
all the pages of the Web site.
Provides for the use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Provides for the consistent use of a header
Provides for the consistent use of navigation buttons
Why use DWTs?
Templates save time for the user.
Templates create a uniform look for all of the pages of a
Web site.
Templates follow the premise: Design once, use often.
Working with Expression Web
A drop-and-drag interface for quick and easy design
Create dynamic, interactive pages
Offers features of Web 2.0 development
Enables layers, style sheets, dynamic Web templates,
interactive buttons, and more
The Environment
Invisible containers used to organize Web page content
Allow for precise location of controls on a Web page
Can contain most of the other controls
Layers are most easily selected and manipulated using the Layer Task
Panel and the CSS Properties Task Panel.
Employs sound design principle: Separate design from content.
Styles can be modified from the preformatted tags such as <h1>.
New styles can be created to fit the Web page needs such as the
specification of aligning images.
CSS allows for easy transfer of styles used for tags or formatting from
one page to another.
Makes for efficient Web page development & saves time.
External Style Sheets (CSS)
The CSS (cascading style sheet) file is saved independently of
the Web page so it can be applied to other projects.
This description of formatting for tags is saved in an external
(non-HTML) document that can be applied to other pages,
even other Web site projects.
“If it weren’t for links there would be no World Wide Web!”
Links offer connectivity from site to site.
Links can be created to access pages in the same site or to
access other sites.
Both text and graphics can serve as the source from which to
create a link.
The project you will create for this project encourages analysis,
evaluation, and sharing through the development of a Web site to
answer an essential question.
Microsoft Expression Web is a modern Web development
environment for creating sites with Web 2.0 features.
In the Microsoft Expression Web Tutorial project students will learn
to create Web features such as layers, style sheets, dynamic buttons,
and Dynamic Web Templates.
Learning Tasks
Complete the Beaches Around the World tutorial to
learn Expression Web design techniques.
Answer the question, “What “e-cessory”—electronic
accessory—has had the greatest impact upon you, your
family, friends, or community?”
Research the selected e-cessory and justify your
answer according to the guidelines established by your
Use Expression Web to create a Web site to
communicate your learning.
Evaluate your work with a the guided provided.