Edusoft - Selma Unified School District / Overview

Selma Unified School
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
1st grade Release Day
Day 1
October 13, 2010
 Norms
 The Big Picture:
 Goals
for this session
 Goals for future sessions
 New books to read
 Resources from Modesto, Santa Maria
 Other
 1st prompt
 New rubric
 Edusoft
 Writing protocols
 Link to ELA curriculum
 Modesto resources
Edusoft scan sheets
• 3 scores – GNR (Genre), WS (Writing
Strategies), WC (Writing Conventions)
• Edusoft will round and give you an
overall score
• Writing Score is no longer on the report
card – it will be included in the
Trimester report that is processed by
the office
Where are you on the ELA adoption
4 Corners Description
 Dirt Road
 Gravel Road
 Highway 99
 Interstate 5
Directions for the Activity
Decide where you currently are in your understanding
and instruction of the new MMH ELA Adoption.
Go to that chart.
On the top of the paper, brainstorm with the group why
you feel you are on that road.
On the bottom, brainstorm what you need to move to
the next level. What additional training would you like?
Please return in 10 minutes
(Let’s meet in the computer lab)
MMH Special Notes:
 Student Works CD – is now available for
student use on Thin Clients. Students can log
on, find the Treasures icon, and select the
correct grade level to launch the student
edition (this includes the audio reading of
each story).
 MMH unit assessments are Edusoft
 Teacher Works CD – Do NOT install the CD
on your computer. Please refer to additional
handout on how to access the online
 Follow up Training with MMH Trainers
Visiting the SUSD Website
Curriculum Pages
 CA Treasures – Access Online Resources
(including Teacher Works CD)
 CA Treasures – General Website
 Writing to Achieve web link
Types and Purposes
Summative vs Formative
Summative Assessment
Formative Assessment
 Culmination
 On-going
 Assesses student
 Diagnostic
mastery of what was
 May be performance
 Used to drive instruction
Please be back ready to
go in 1 hour 15 mins.
DRA2 Kits and Protocols
View video - overview of DRA2
Purpose of DRA2 Assessment
Review new District Protocols
View video - assessment conference
Create binders
DRA2 scavenger hunt
DRA2 administration practice
Protocol Review
These protocols are intended to provide consistency
across the district for the administration and scoring of the
DRA2 text reading assessment. The DRA2 is a summative
assessment used to determine what strategies students
use independently when they read text.
What will be tested?
Using the DRA2 leveled books, students will
be tested to determine their mastery reading
level. Mastery reading will be defined as
reading at or above a 94% accuracy level
with “Independent” level comprehension.
(Comprehension assessments begins at level
When will students be tested?
Students in K-3 will be tested during each
assessment window as required by the
District Assessment Schedule.
District Assessment time periods include:
Pre-Assessment, Trimester 1, Trimester 2,
and Post Assessment
1. Preparing for Assessment
It is important that you think through the following
questions before your first day of testing.
 Where will you assess the students?
 How many students will you assess each day?
 When will you assess?
 What are the other students doing during assessment?
2. Assemble Assessment materials
Check to see that the following are included:
 Multiple copies of the Teacher Observation Guides for
the leveled books
 Student Texts
 Pencils
 DRA K-3 Assessment Procedures Overview Card and
Reading Guidelines
1. Preparing for Assessment
It is important that you think through the following
questions before your first day of testing.
 Where will you assess the students?
 How many students will you assess each day?
 When will you assess?
 What are the other students doing during assessment?
2. Assemble Assessment materials
Check to see that the following are included:
 Multiple copies of the Teacher Observation Guides for
the leveled books
 Student Texts
 Pencils
 DRA K-3 Assessment Procedures Overview Card and
Reading Guidelines
4. Read all the student books you will be using
before you begin
It is important you know the texts the students are
going to read in order to evaluate student retellings
and determine their level of comprehension.
5. Decide on the format you will use for assessing
Generally teachers can do 2 assessments each day.
The assessment window needs to be taken into
consideration. The remaining students need to be
engaged in other activities. The location of the
assessment needs to be free from distraction. If you
are taking a release day you will need to arrange that
well in advance of the testing date. Talk with your
administrator about this.
6. Prepare students for the DRA
Remember to include re-telling of familiar stories
during Read Aloud and Guided Reading time so
students are familiar with the process.
If students are reading at or above level 20 they will
read aloud a short portion of the text and then be
asked to go to their seat to read the remainder of
the text. After completing the silent reading they will
be asked to talk with you about what they read.
Students need to be taught how to read silently
before being asked to complete this task.
Students reading at level 28 and above should
practice constructing written summaries of what they
have read.
7. Conducting the Assessment
Select a beginning level text from the
testing packet. If you have reading group
levels those should offer you a beginning
text level.
If the student is new to the school, the
chart below will help guide your first text
selection. If the text is too hard or too
easy, select another text. You do not need
to have the child finish reading the text
before selecting another level.
8. Scan into Edusoft
Scan sheet is similar to Fluency
Making our DRA2 Binders– 45 min.
Step 1
You will need:
1 - DRA2 box
Open your DRA2 box and ensure that you have
all the titles – Use the Book Checklist
You will have 4 different book titles for Levels16, 28, 38 and
Starting Level 18, you will have 3 copies of each book title.
In addition to the books, you should have:
Teacher Guide
Blackline Master Book
Blackline Master CD
Training DVD
Making our DRA2 Binders
Step 2
You will need:
1 - 4” binder
3 packs - plastic dividers
1 - DRA2 Cover Sheet
Tabs for dividers – 1 full sheet and 1 small sheet
Put together binders
You will use two dividers for Levels16, 28, 38 and 40 (4
different book titles for these levels)
Starting Level 18, you will have 3 copies of each book title.
*If you get done early, label your books in the front
NOTE: Please put the blank Avery Insert Sheets in
the cardboard box
Holding an Assessment Conference
 Put the child at ease
 Selecting a book
 Read only the text as written
 Taking the running record (using the plastic
card to mark the record)
 Comprehension
 Scoring
Let’s watch a teacher
holding an assessment
conference with a
Early Reader: Daniel, level 6, 8
Scavenger Hunt
Closing Thoughts…
Final comments