A zero in eChecker equals 10 in eXaminator: a comparison between two metrics by their scores RDWG Symposium on Website Accessibility Metrics As the stock market uses the "Dow Jones" index... why not an index of accessibility? web@x: web at eXaminator A zero in eChecker equals 10 in eXaminator: a comparison between two metrics by their scores RDWG Symposium on Website Accessibility Metrics What about the reliability of tests? Are they good? 1 million pages analysed hundreds of users in Portugal and Brazil used in dozens of projects as an element for supporting the development work A zero in eChecker equals 10 in eXaminator: a comparison between two metrics by their scores RDWG Symposium on Website Accessibility Metrics What happens when eXaminator is compared with other validators? In 2009 we tried to update Walidator (UWEM 1.2) with the same tests as eGovMon checker's, trying to compare test by test; Preliminary results with Portuguese Municipalties were frustrating The analyses by score, as you could see, aren't very conclusive either A zero in eChecker equals 10 in eXaminator: a comparison between two metrics by their scores RDWG Symposium on Website Accessibility Metrics WCAG 2.0 – AccessMonitor www.acesso.umic.pt/accessmonitor Different formulas: True: if(C==True) R=G*P False: if(C==False) R=G*P Proportional: R=(G-((G/E)*C))*P Decreasing: R=(G-((C-T)/F))*P References: R: Result E: Element C: Instance G: Grade P: Weight (Value*Trust) T: Tolerance F: Fraction