The Columbia River Derelict Vessel Task Force is a forum of stakeholders whose purpose is to identify and remove imminent pollution and hazard to navigation threats from derelict vessels, barges, and houseboats along the upper, middle and lower Columbia River and Willamette Rivers in the states of Washington and Oregon. The mission of this task force is to recommend policy, share information, and foster the collaborative and shared efforts of Task Force members to identify and mitigate the harmful effects of derelict vessels, barges, and houseboats along the middle and lower Columbia River and Willamette Rivers. USCG Sector Columbia River MTS Recovery and Salvage Planner OR State Marine Board Oregon Clean Marina Coordinator WA Department of Ecology, Spill Response Section Manager OR DEQ, Emergency Response/Enviro Cleanup, Lands Division Manager WA Dept of Natural Resources, Derelict Vsl Removal Program Manager EPA Federal On-Scene Coordinator OR Division of State Lands, Western Region Manager NOAA Scientific Support Coordinator Director, Oregon State Lands Other Participants include: Oregon DOJ Multnomah County Marine Patrol Supervisor 1. Inventory derelict vessels, barges, and houseboats along the Columbia and Willamette Rivers. 2. Determine derelict vessels, barges, and houseboats that pose actual or potential pollution threats and hazard to navigation. 3. Prioritize and remove all pollution, HAZMAT, and navigational threats from identified derelict vessels, barges, and houseboats. Prioritize and facilitate the removal of vessels that do not pose an immediate threat of pollution or hazard to navigation through the Task Force collective authority. 4. Conduct regular, intense, smart surveillance for prevention of pollution, HAZMAT, or navigational threats stemming from derelict vessels, barges, and houseboats. 5. Develop a list of law and policy areas for investigation where existing rules and policies could be changed to facilitate the reduction of current and future derelict and abandoned vessels. 6. Identify opportunities to align Washington and Oregon laws addressing derelict vessels with the goal of moving toward a consistent regulatory regime on the Columbia River. 7. Maintain effective communications with state and local agencies, CG Auxiliary, and Federal partners. Held two Meeting which: • Created Membership • Developed Charter • Reviewed Existing Programs • Agenda for MSU Portland Mtg - 7 July 2011 1) What does a abandoned/ derelict program look like (e.g. who collects, what to collect, who gets the reports, how to recall the information)? 2) What is a common prioritization mitigation strategy? 3) Is there common training that can be delivered to each agency's field personnel? This Task Force was Chartered by CPAT Kaup as a Co-Chair of the NWAC; should be include both the NWAC and RRT?