
What is Direct Store Delivery (DSD)?
The regular delivery of a vast array of consumer package
goods (CPG) to retail stores around the world. Soft
drinks, beer, bottled water, potato chips, bread,
cigarettes, magazines, and newspapers all have to be
delivered and accounted for, often on a daily basis.
Route Accounting Applications
Pre Sale (Orders)
It is a function where a sales person from a Distributor
goes to the retailer to get new orders at least one day
ahead of the order delivery date.
May or may not print the sales order, but transmits the order to the
distributor office, for picking and delivery the next day.
Order Truck DSD (Invoices)
It is a function where a sales person has a truck loaded
with goods and goes to the retailer sells, delivers, and
invoices all on the same day.
Prints invoice has customers sign for proof of delivery leaves copy with
the customer, transmits the invoices to the distributor office.
Basic DSD Structure
Direct Store Delivery Process
Drivers from the Manufacturing/Distribution
company arrive at a local distribution center
or warehouse. Using a handheld they
download the day's route, inventory, and
pricing information -- a process that may take
2-5 minutes per route.
The drivers then count their load to be sure the
proper inventory is aboard for that day's
deliveries. Then, they head out on the road to
make their round to retail stores.
Direct Store Delivery Process
Driver unloads the
merchandise at the store, keys
the info into the handheld ,
prints an invoice, Collect the
Customer Signature and the
Direct Store Delivery Process
Driver downloads the invoices or presales
to the Corporate at the Main System with
the truck inventory
Different ways to transmit Orders
1. Manual
Operated by the Sales Rep. Using WiFi or Phone Card
Local and Remote Sales
2. Automatic
Operated by IntelliSync. Using WiFi or Phone Card
Local and Remote Sales
What you can have with Protrack?
You can control your route schedule and truck Inventory
Transfer invoice and order info. to your accounting system
Salesmen/Driver will easily maintain truck Inventory levels
for, what was added, sold, returned, still in inventory
The Salesman or Driver:
– Print an Invoice or Order
– Collect the signature
– Collect the Payments
– See sales history by product
Print Accounts Receivable Statements
Lot control for each product (find recalled items)
Define up to 15 Price levels and volume breaks
Manage promotions by item or customer
Give credits for returned or spoiled product
Print daily sales reports to the office or mobile printer.
Bar-code scanner to quickly add items to your order
Web-Portal to manage handhelds from anywhere
Use the system in English or Spanish
System Features Configuration
Spanish version
Set specific Route or
Sales Rep
Edit or Change Prices and
Combine Credits and Invoices
on the same ticket.
View AR for every customer
Select payment for
the invoices.
Find options.
System Features Truck
Load Truck
Adjust Truck Inventory
Print Physical Inventory
Print Loading Order Truck
System Features Orders
Step 1.
Select Customer
Step 2
Select All products you want
on the Invoice
System Features Orders
Step 4 Collect Signature
Step 3.
Select Customer
Pruduct ID
Product Description
In Stock on Warehouse
And Truck
Unit of Mesure
System Features Orders
Step 5
Manage Lot control
Step 6
Process Order to send at
Main System
Step 7
Print ticket with all different
Motorola MC-70
Zebra Printer
Intermec Handheld
Pidion Handheld
Intermec Printer
Contact Merlyn Osbourne with any questions or for a live Demo of
ProTrack Handheld.
713- 840- 1616 Office
713-899-7040 Mobile
Email: Merlyn@innernetinc.com
Inner-Net, Inc.
8800 Jameel Rd., Suite 120
Houston, Texas 77040
Visit us at www.protracksales.com