Making Predictions powerpoint

Making Predictions
By Mrs. Jobe
Edgar L.Murray Elementary
Making Predictions
When you are reading a story, help yourself stay involved
with the story. One way to stay involved in the story is to
make predictions.
A prediction is a guess about what will happen next.
Making Predictions Graphic
Read the following story
“Rosie, are you hiding something under you jacket?” Rosie’s
mother asked sternly.
“I’m not really hiding it,”Rosie replied. “I’m keeping it
warm. It’s one of Mr. Falco’s kittens. He’s giving them
“No, No! Not another animal!” said Rosie’s mother. “You
already have two parakeets, a gerbil, and a guinea pig. And
Mittens might not want another cat in the house.”
“But Mittens could use a playmate,” said Rosie. “And just look
at this lovable, fuzzy fellow.” Rosie opened her jacket to show
the kitten snuggling against her.
Rosie’s mother signed.”What a cute fluff ball he is!” she said,
reaching out to stroke the kitten’s head.
Make a Prediction
In the Story
Rosie has parakeets, a
gerbil, and a guinea pig
Rosie says Mittens could
use a playmate
Words to describe a kitten,
lovable, fuzzy, snuggling,
cute fluff ball
Rosie’s mother sighs and
reaches out to stroke the
What I Already Know
• People who have lots
of pets often want
more pets.
• Parents sometimes
change their mind
about not keeping a
pet when they see how
cute the pet is.
Rosie’s mother will let Rosie keep the kitten.
The Story of the Spiders and Diamonds
A kind old man and old woman lived in a house in the forest.
They were poor but very happy. A mean, selfish man lived
nearby. He had many possessions. One day, a poor beggar
came to the mean man’s house and asked for food.
What happens next?
The mean man asked why he should have to
share his food. He laughed and threw the
beggar out of his house.
Think about what you know.
In the story
Mean man
What do I already know
I have read other stories
about people who are
mean and selfish.
They don’t like to
share especially with
poor people.
The mean man asked why he should have to
share his food. He laughed and threw the
beggar out of his house.
The beggar then went to the house of the poor
What happens next?
Think about what you know
In the story
What you already know
Poor but happy
Poor people know what
it is like to be hungry
Happy people usually
share what they have
They invited him to stay for dinner and let him eat as much
as he wanted.
After dinner the beggar told the people that he wanted to pay
them back for their kindness. He told them they could find
treasure by digging under the apple tree in the forest. The
wife said it was too late in the evening to go digging. They
decided to go to sleep and search for the treasure in the
The selfish old man had been standing outside the old
couple’s window listening to their conversation. When he
heard them talking about treasure…….
What happens next?
Think about what you know
He ran to the forest as fast as he could. He found the apple tree
and started to dig.
What did he find?
All he found was a jar of spiders. He thought that the kind
people were very stupid for helping the beggar since there was
no treasure.
He was very angry. So when he reached the kind couple’s
house, he threw the jar of spiders down the chimney.
What do you think happens
When the Jar hit the ground it broke, and the spiders turned
into diamonds.
More practice
Dad and Carla went
fishing. They rowed
out onto the small
lake. After some time
Carla felt a tug on her
line. “Feels like a big
one,” she said.”Good,”
replied Dad. “Just in
time for lunch.”
What happened next?
Carla reels in the fish.
Dad put Carla’s fish in
the bucket as she
rowed the boat back to
the dock. “Wait until
you taste my pan-fired
fish,”boasted Dad.
Just then they pulled
up to the dock. Dad
stepped onto the dock
with the bucket. He
reached for the rope.
What happens next?
Dad tied the boat to the
“I’ll clean the fish while
you set the table,” Dad
suggested. Carla
arranged a cloth and
some dishes and
silverware on a nice
flat rock. Then she
watched Dad roll the
clean fish in cornmeal
and put it in the pan.
What happens next?
Dad lit the fire to
cook the fish.
Mr. Edward lived in a
new house for only a
year. One day he
declared, “This house
doesn’t suit me at all!
I’m going to move!”
With a sign, he got out
the phone book.
What happens next?
He called someone to sell
his house.
What happened next?
He pushed “4” and the
elevator went up.
“Home Search is on the
fourth floor,” the man
said. Mr. Edward left
the lobby and stepped
into the elevator.
“I.m looking for an old
house,”Mr. Edward
began. “Something
with cracks and creaks
and things to fix
would be would be
fine. Do you have any
houses like that for
• What happen next?
Ms. Morgan showed Mr. Edward
some old houses.
It was a cold December morning. As Gina got out of bed, she
shivered. Gina dresses quickly, putting on her warmest sweater,
and went to the window for a peek outside. The sky was gray
and gloomy. Dark clouds were piled up over the rooftops like
mountains of smoke. “Looks like bad weather coming,” Gina
thought. After breakfast, Gina took another look out the
window. “Uh-oh! I was right!” she said to herself. She
collected her schoolbooks. But before going outdoors, Gina
went to the front closet and
What did she get?
She got her coat
and boots and
umbrella because it
will probably snow
or rain because it
said that there were
dark clouds and it
looked gray and
Let’s Review
When Predicting we
• Look for clues in the text
• Think about what we already know
• And then make a prediction.