Runway Incursion1 - coscap-na

Runway Incursion’s Affect on
FAA Approved Pilot Training
and Pilot and Flight Instructor
Certification and Part 121
Pilot Checking
– Andy Edwards
– Manager
– FAA’s San Francisco International Field Office
Runway Incursion affected 5
Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) Applicant
 Private Pilot Applicant Certification
 Commercial Pilot Applicant Certification
 Aviation Safety Inspector CFI surveillance
 Part 121 Pilot Proficiency Checks
FAA Policy
The FAA strongly recommends the following to
promote runway safety:
– 1. Training in runway safety and the specific Standard
Operating Procedures contain in AC’s 91-73 and 12074 be incorporated in ground training and flight training
conducted by air carriers and by all persons conducting
training and evaluation under Parts 61 and 91.
– 2. Standard Operating Procedures be implement and
carefully followed during taxi operations.
FAA –H-8083-25
Pilot’s Handbook of
Aeronautical Knowledge
Revised 2003 with new Runway Avoidance
 Provides basic knowledge that is essential for all
Pilot’s Handbook Info
Proper planning can prevent runway
 Pilot should be aware of the airplane’s
position on the surface at all times.
Pilot’s Handbook Info
– Read back all runway crossing and or hold instruction
– Review airport layouts as part of preflight planning and
before descending to land.
– Review NOTAM for information on runway/taxiway
closures and construction areas.
– Request progressive taxi instructions from ATC when
unsure of the taxi route
– Check for traffice before crossing any Runway Hold
Line and before entering a taxiway
Pilot’s Handbook Info
– Continue:
 When landing, clear the active runway as soon as
possible,, then wait for taxi instructions before
futher movement
 Study and use proper phraseology in order to
understand and respond to ground control
 Write down complex taxi instructions at unfamiliar
Flight Instructor PTS
Special Emphasis Areas
The examiner shall place special emphasis on the applicant's
demonstrated ability to teach precise aircraft control and sound
judgment in aeronautical decision making. Evaluation of the applicant's
ability to teach judgment shall be accomplished by asking the applicant
to describe the presentation of practical problems that would be used in
instructing students in the exercise of sound judgment. The examiner
shall also emphasize the evaluation of the applicant's demonstrated
ability to teach spatial disorientation, wake turbulence and low level
wind shear avoidance, checklist usage, positive exchange of flight
controls, Land and Hold Short Operations (LAHSO), runway
incursion avoidance, and any other directed special emphasis
Private Pilot PTS
Private Pilot PTS
Private Pilot PTS
Commerical Pilot PTS
Commericial Pilot PTS
Commercial Pilot PTS
121 Requirements
1995: Airlines encourage to develop
runway incursion policies and procedures to
include at least:
– Use of Standard Phraseology in ATC Clearance
read backs to confirm the assigned runway
121 Requirements
1996: FAA requires airlines to include in
their Initial and Recurrent Pilot Ground
Training programs the following:
– Airport surface movement during night/low
visibility environment
– Airport markings, signs and lighting.
121 Requirements
2001: FAA issues AC120-74 (revised in
2003): Flight Crew procedures during Taxi
Purpose: provide guide lines for developing
and implementing Standards Operating
Procedures for conducting safe aircraft
operations during taxing.
121 Requirements:
Guidance Provided by AC-120-74A to
develop SOP’s:
– SOP Template for Ground Operations and the
Prevention of Runaway Incursion
Philosophy of Using SOP for Runway
Incursion Preventions
Recommended Practices and Techniques
Pre-Departure Briefing
Arrival Briefing
Reference Materials
Aeronautical Information Manual
AC-120-74A Flight Crew Procedures During Taxi
AC-91-73 Pilot/Flightcrew procedures during
Taxi Operations and Single Pilot Operations
Airplane Flying Handbook
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
VCR Tape: Pilot Operations at Towered Airports
and Airport Signs, Marking and Procedures Your
Guide to Avoiding a Runway Incursion