Leaving Certificate Study Guide 2009 / 2010 "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Structure of Presentation Part 1 - Review Findings of Self Evaluation Part 2 - Motivation Part 3 – Students’ Guide to Success Break Part 4 – Activity Part 5 – Practical Skills "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Self Evaluation Questionnaire Which of the following best describes your plans for after you leave school. college work Apprenticeship Don`t Know PLC Course 3% 9% 10% 78% "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Self Evaluation Questionnaire Average amount of time spent studying per evening 18 14 3 0 >1hr 1 - 2 hrs 2 - 3 hrs 3 - 4 hrs 0 4 - 5 hrs "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Self Evaluation Questionnaire What have you found most difficult since September? 20 22 11 5 2 6 3 "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Self Evaluation Questionnaire How satisfied are you with your work rate? Not satisfied Quite Satisfied Less than Satisfied Very Satisfied "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Self Evaluation Questionnaire What is preventing you from working to your full potential? 21 5 9 7 4 2 3 "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Motivation Why am I not Motivated? Don’t like the subject Not used to studying/doing homework Have other, more interesting things to do Don’t see any point to some of the work Too many distractions Not enough time Lack of confidence No definite plans for after school All I need is a “pass” "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Motivation Short Term Goals 1st yr – 4th yr = 668 days Study planner 5th yr – up to today = 66 days Careers night Remember: Total done = 734 days CAO form “Winners never quit. 1st December – today Points Quitters never win!” Long Term Ambitions Successful exams College / University Career **You are almost finished** 16 days Christmas Holidays 22 days Mocks - 8th Feb. 24 days Easter Holidays 39 days Competition / Encouragement Believe in yourself Summer – 4th June 101 school days left to go "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Students’ Guide to Success CLASS HOMEWORK / STUDY MEMORY REVISION EXAMS "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Students’ Guide to Success CLASS •ATTENDANCE / PUNCTUAL •AVOID DISTRACTRACTING INFLUENCES •CONCENTRATE / UNDERSTAND •QUESTIONS / ENGAGE IN CLASS •NOTES •HOMEWORK / REVISION "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Students’ Guide to Success HOMEWORK / STUDY •EVERY EVENING (Min. 3HOURS) •WEEKENDS •GOOD STUDY HABITS •BE ACTIVE "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Students’ Guide to Success HOMEWORK / STUDY •REVISION NOTEBOOK FOR EACH SUBJECT •DESIGNATED, QUIET, WELL ORGANISED STUDY AREA •NO T.V., DVD, RADIO, i POD, etc. •LEAVE MOBILE PHONE IN ANOTHER ROOM •GAMES, EXTRA CURRICULAR, PART TIME JOB. •STUDY TIMETABLE •SET TARGETS AND GOALS FOR YOURSELF "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Students’ Guide to Success MEMORY •UNDERSTAND •ORDER •REVISION •RECORD •NOTES •ACRONYM / BY ASSOCIATION / RHYME "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Students’ Guide to Success REVISION •REVISION PLAN •LIST OF TOPICS •TEST YOURSELF REGULARLY •MAKE SHORT NOTES •REGULAR "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Students’ Guide to Success EXAMINATION •KNOW THE FORMAT OF THE PAPER •ARRIVE EARLY FOR EXAM •TIME ALLOCATION •READ QUESTIONS CAREFULLY •ANSWER WHAT YOU ARE ASKED •READ OVER YOUR ANSWERS AT THE END •NEVER LEAVE EARLY "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Study Planner Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Time Saturday 5:30 – 7:00 7:00 – 7:15 Homework Homework Homework Homework Homework Irish Past Questions Break Break Break Break Break 7:15 – 7:45 7:45 – 8:15 8:15 – 8:30 8:30 – 9:00 9:00 – 9:30 9:30 – 9:45 9:45 – 10:15 10:15 – 10:45 English Poetry Irish Irish Poetry Irish Essay Irish Irish Poetry English Essay French English Poetry English Break Break Break Break Break English Novel Math’s Past Question Math’s Past Question French 9:00 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:20 10:20 – 11:20 11:20 – 11:40 11:40 – 1:00 1:00 – 2:00 2:00 – 3:00 3:00 – 3:15 3:15 – 4:15 4:15 – 4:30 4:30 – 5:30 Math’s Past Physics Def’s Math’s Past Question & Formulae Question History Topic Math’s Topic History Essay Break Break Break Break Break DCG French DCG Physics Past Question History DCG Construction Engineering Construction Drawing Past Question Topic Engineering Topic Sunday Break English Essay Break Math’s Past Questions Break Physics Def’s & Formulae French Break Break DCG History Break Construction / Engineering Check Timetable, Diary and To Do List "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" To Do List To Do What do I need When Don e "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect" Mentors Role of the mentor; To assist you in keeping a study timetable. To give you advice and tips on how best to study. To help you set achievable targets. To advise you about courses, calculating points, etc. To help keep you motivated. A support person that you can go to for advice. Meet with and speak to your mentor as often as possible. Keep them informed about your progress. Be honest with them and yourself. “Patience and Determination are the keys to success” "In Coola Post Primary School we encourage all our students to achieve their maximum individual potential in an environment of fairness and mutual respect"