CRS Power Point Template

Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting
“Measuring Agency-Level Results:
Can it work, and does it matter?”
Tracking Beneficiaries
Services Delivered
Harry (“Hap”) Carr, Senior Technical Advisor for M&E
Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
April 10, 2013
Beneficiary and Service Delivery Indicators
Measure Agency-wide Performance
CRS Fundamental Program Outputs
Services Delivered
Beneficiaries Served
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
Types of Benefits in CRS Projects
Direct Beneficiaries
Indirect Beneficiaries
Benefits /
Policy Advocacy
Environmental Protection
Institutional Strengthening
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
CRS Services and Benefits
Eight Current CRS Program Areas:
Water and Sanitation
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
Water and Sanitation
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
Emergency Services and Beneficiaries
Illustrative Service Categories
Means of
Service Beneficiary Beneficiary
Delivery Definition Definition
(Shelter Kit)
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
BSDI Data Flow Map
Point of Service Delivery
Typically data are recorded on
paper for individual beneficiary
Beneficiary and service
delivery data are registered
Regional/Partner Office
Beneficiary and service delivery
data are recorded and records
are updated
Typically data are stored
in a project database
Typically data are
transcribed to Excel files
Project Management Office
Beneficiary and services delivery
data are stored, maintained,
analyzed and reported
On-line Agency
Database (PIMS)
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
BSDI Performance
Measurement Products
BSDI allows accurate, annual agency-wide tracking of CRS performance
“Number” and “% targeted” of direct beneficiaries served” by
 Sub-program area service categories
 Geographic location (GPS) point of service delivery
 Gender and other beneficiary demographic characteristics
BSDI allows integrated technical and financial performance analysis
“Costs per beneficiary by service”
BSDI will track “double counted” beneficiaries in a multi-sector projects
Title II Project beneficiary of nutrition, agriculture and microfinance services
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
BSDI Actions in the Last Year
Field Validation Visits
West Africa region projects – March 2012
Latin America And Caribbean region projects – May 2012
Pilot Test of BSDI – June to December 2012
CRS Emergency projects in the Sahel Crisis Area
Coordination with other CRS data management initiatives
Project Information Management System
East Africa M&E/ICT initiative
Data Stewardship Group
Comparison with Other Agencies
Save the Children “Beneficiary Reach”
International Red Cross “People Reached Indicator”
USAID/State Foreign Assistance Framework – Elements and Sub-Elements
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
BSDI Catapult
March 2013 CRS Board Meeting
FY2012 CRS Annual Report
FY2012 Beneficiary Survey
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
FY2012 Beneficiary Survey
Short-fused request for FY12 beneficiary data:
From CEO – so it was important
Final data needed within 2 ½ months from request
Data to include Direct and Indirect Beneficiaries
By major CRS program areas
To be submitted through the CRS financial data reporting system
On newly designed screens and procedures for data entry
Three weeks were allowed for field data collection and reporting
Current CRS procedures for collecting beneficiary data:
In the BSDI Catalogue of Services and Beneficiaries –
Service area categories had been largely formulated
Most Direct Beneficiary definitions had been formulated
Few Indirect Beneficiary definitions had bee n formulated
There were no common procedures for beneficiary data collection
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
Beneficiary Survey Lessons Learned
Lessons Learned… for the type and level of detail in guidance
How best to formulate guidance for data gathering and data entry
Common definitions of Indirect Beneficiaries for similar projects was difficult
There were some problems with the eBudget software BUT
Data can be easily entered into the system
Lessons Learned…regarding our reporting of beneficiaries:
Beneficiary data reported in the past were generally –
Estimated from budget reports and were
There is value in having accurate, timely beneficiary data
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation
Output versus Outcome Indicators
There has been an on-going discussion at CRS –
Not formally organized,
Part of various data management efforts going on
In which the importance of measuring CRS results was paramount
We have tacitly settled on –
The primary importance of Beneficiary Data
In the longer-term goal of Outcome Indicators
…For selected selected program areas
Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation