Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting “Measuring Agency-Level Results: Can it work, and does it matter?” Tracking Beneficiaries and Services Delivered Harry (“Hap”) Carr, Senior Technical Advisor for M&E Catholic Relief Services (CRS) April 10, 2013 Beneficiary and Service Delivery Indicators (BSDI) Measure Agency-wide Performance on CRS Fundamental Program Outputs Services Delivered and Beneficiaries Served Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation Types of Benefits in CRS Projects Direct Beneficiaries BSDI Indirect Beneficiaries Benefits / Services Policy Advocacy Environmental Protection Institutional Strengthening Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation Not BSDI CRS Services and Benefits Eight Current CRS Program Areas: Microfinance Agriculture Health HIV-AIDS Education Peacebuilding Water and Sanitation Emergency Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation Water and Sanitation Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation Emergency Services and Beneficiaries Illustrative Service Categories Program Area SubProgram Area Service Emergency Shelter Transitional Shelter Means of Direct Indirect Service Beneficiary Beneficiary Delivery Definition Definition Training Technical Assistance Assets (Shelter Kit) Commodities Other Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation Individual household member BSDI Data Flow Map Point of Service Delivery Typically data are recorded on paper for individual beneficiary Beneficiary and service delivery data are registered Regional/Partner Office Beneficiary and service delivery data are recorded and records are updated Typically data are stored in a project database Typically data are transcribed to Excel files Project Management Office Beneficiary and services delivery data are stored, maintained, analyzed and reported On-line Agency Database (PIMS) Donor Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation BSDI Performance Measurement Products BSDI allows accurate, annual agency-wide tracking of CRS performance “Number” and “% targeted” of direct beneficiaries served” by Sub-program area service categories Geographic location (GPS) point of service delivery Gender and other beneficiary demographic characteristics BSDI allows integrated technical and financial performance analysis “Costs per beneficiary by service” BSDI will track “double counted” beneficiaries in a multi-sector projects Title II Project beneficiary of nutrition, agriculture and microfinance services Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation BSDI Actions in the Last Year Field Validation Visits West Africa region projects – March 2012 Latin America And Caribbean region projects – May 2012 Pilot Test of BSDI – June to December 2012 CRS Emergency projects in the Sahel Crisis Area Coordination with other CRS data management initiatives Project Information Management System East Africa M&E/ICT initiative Data Stewardship Group Comparison with Other Agencies Save the Children “Beneficiary Reach” International Red Cross “People Reached Indicator” USAID/State Foreign Assistance Framework – Elements and Sub-Elements Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation BSDI Catapult March 2013 CRS Board Meeting and FY2012 CRS Annual Report FY2012 Beneficiary Survey Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation FY2012 Beneficiary Survey Short-fused request for FY12 beneficiary data: From CEO – so it was important Final data needed within 2 ½ months from request Data to include Direct and Indirect Beneficiaries By major CRS program areas To be submitted through the CRS financial data reporting system On newly designed screens and procedures for data entry Three weeks were allowed for field data collection and reporting Current CRS procedures for collecting beneficiary data: In the BSDI Catalogue of Services and Beneficiaries – Service area categories had been largely formulated Most Direct Beneficiary definitions had been formulated Few Indirect Beneficiary definitions had bee n formulated There were no common procedures for beneficiary data collection Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation Beneficiary Survey Lessons Learned Lessons Learned… for the type and level of detail in guidance How best to formulate guidance for data gathering and data entry Common definitions of Indirect Beneficiaries for similar projects was difficult There were some problems with the eBudget software BUT Data can be easily entered into the system Lessons Learned…regarding our reporting of beneficiaries: Beneficiary data reported in the past were generally – Estimated from budget reports and were Over-estimates There is value in having accurate, timely beneficiary data Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation Output versus Outcome Indicators There has been an on-going discussion at CRS – Not formally organized, Part of various data management efforts going on In which the importance of measuring CRS results was paramount We have tacitly settled on – The primary importance of Beneficiary Data In the longer-term goal of Outcome Indicators …For selected selected program areas Inter-Action EPEWG Meeting Presentation