lab 11A - temperature and heat

Pre-Lab 11A: Temperature
and Heat
• Hot and cold are familiar sensations. What
happens when something hot comes in contact
with something cold?
• Think about putting some ice cubes in a drink.
• Things don’t remain the same, changes occur
and these changes have to do with the
movement of energy from one material to the
• This investigation will explore the difference
between temperature and thermal energy,
• and how the movement of thermal energy
relates to the concept of heat.
Key Question
• How are temperature and heat related?
– Temperature
– Thermal energy
– Specific heat
• Draw a cup of water with a cube of
aluminum (Al) in the cup.
Section 1:
Read this now.
Is a hypothesis, you must use:
Change: Do not use 0 and 50 degrees
waters, just use very hot and very cold
You must predict a temperature the water
will become using equal masses of the two
different temperatures of water and WHY
do this NOW
Section 2:
Use two labeled cups (1 hot and 1 cold) and
fill each with their respective liquids:
The hot from the flasks under the hood,
the cold from your extra cup of ice-cube
Do you need to measure/use the same
amount: why/why not?
You will end up combining these two liquids
w/ the exact same amount: how much?
What goes into the third cup?
All this time you are measuring the
temperature of the mixed waters on the
meter mode.
What does the word stabilize mean?
Do NOT throw ice water away, why?
Section 4:
Use the IF …THEN …BECAUSE format
do this now.
Section 5:
You will first mass an aluminum cube
Then heat the aluminum cube (how?)
Then measure out some ice cube cold water so it
has the same mass as the aluminum cube:
Because the cup has mass, mass the dry
cup first so you can add that to the mass
the aluminum cube had on your balance
(called tare weight)
Last, after recording the temp of each, place hot
aluminum cube in a cup with the massed super
cold water
Use tongs to move the hot cube into the super cold
Record the temperature when stable, but do NOT
Section 6:
c. use CPO page 254 for specific heats,
remember to convert to our unit used:
Post Lab 11A: Temperature and
• Hot and cold are familiar sensations. What
happens when something hot comes in contact
with something cold?
• Think about putting some ice cubes in a drink.
• Things don’t remain the same, changes occur
and these changes have to do with the
movement of energy from one material to the
• This investigation will explore the difference
between temperature and thermal energy,
• and how the movement of thermal energy
relates to the concept of heat.
Key Question
• How are temperature and heat related?
• Define:
– Temperature
– Thermal energy
– Specific heat
• Suppose you mix equal masses of water. One
sample is at 0 °C and the other is at 50 °C. What
do you think the final temperature of the mixture
will be? Why?
• Did the result of your experiment agree with your
prediction (within 3 degrees)? Discuss why the
temperature value may not have matched
exactly your predicted value. Source of error?
• How do you think your results would have been
different if you had used more hot water than
cold water, instead of equal masses?
• Suppose you mix equal masses of cold
water and hot metal. Will the final
temperature follow the same pattern as
the experiment you did in Part 2? Explain
your answer.
• Why didn’t the temperature of the water
and aluminum mixture come out halfway
between the temperature of the cold water
and hot aluminum cube, even though you
mixed equal masses?
• Explain what is happening between the
aluminum cube and water in terms of
temperature and energy.
• How much energy does it take to raise the
temperature of one gram of aluminum by 1
°C compared to raising the temperature of
one gram of water by 1 °C? (Look up this
value.) Relate your answer back to your
experimental results. E=MCp(T2-T1)
• Heat and temperature are related, but they
are not the same thing. According to your
results, what does the concept of heat
energy take into account that temperature
does not?