JArchitect Benefits

JArchitect Benefits
by CoderGears
What is JArchitect?
JArchitect manage complex code base and achieve high Java Code Quality.
Bad Quality
High Quality
With JArchitect, software quality can be:
• Measured using Code Metrics,
• Visualized using Graphs and Treemaps,
• Enforced using standard and custom Rules.
CQLinq – Code Query Language
JArchitect has innovative code query language named CQLinq,
which is used to create and customize easily your own code rules.
From m in Application.Methods where m.NbLinesOfCode > 30
From p in Packages p.Level = null
From T in Types where t.IsClass
Writing CQLinq queries and constraints is straightforward because
JArchitect provides a CQLinq editor which supports:
• Code completion / intellisense,
• Live compile error description,
• Integrated tooltip documentation.
Interactive Guis
Exploration and Architecture Compliance categories are represented
best via interactive graphs:
Dependency Graph,
Dependency Matrix,
Metrics View,
Abstracness vs Instability.
Dependency graph
The JArchitect dependency graph panel displays the
graph of dependencies between projects.
Dependency Structure Matrix
The DSM (Dependency Structure Matrix) is a compact way to
represent and navigate across dependencies between components.
Metrics View
In the Metric View, the code base is represented through a
Treemap. Treemapping is a method for displaying treestructured data by using nested rectangles.
Abstracness vs. Instability
In any software system particularly large ones, balance is critical. In this case,
a system should balance abstractness with stability in order to be "good”.
More than 80 Code Metrics
JArchitect comes with more than 80 code metrics some of them
are related to:
• Your code organization (the number of classes or Packages, the
number of methods declared in a class...),
• Code quality (complexity, percentage of comments, number of
parameters, cohesion of classes, stability of Projects...),
• The structure of code (which types are the most used, depth of
JArchitect support out of the box the XML files from PMD, FindBugs,
CheckStyle and CPD, however you can integrate another analysis tool
by providing to JArchtect an XML file with this following format:
Builds comparison
In software development, products are constantly evolving. Hence,
developers and architects must pay attention to modifications in code
bases. Modern source code repositories handle incremental
JArchitect can tell you what has been changed between 2 builds but it
does more than simple text comparison. It can distinguish between:
• Comment change,
• Code change,
• what has been added/removed
• what has just been modified.
Customizable reports
JArchitect can analyze source code and Java Projects through
Jarchitect Console. Each time it analyzes a code base, JArchitect
yields a report that can inform you about the status of your
You can customize sections shown in the
report and you can even provide your own XSL sheet for full
You can also build your own set of CQLinq
constraints that will be checked at each analysis.
Sample Report made by JArchitect.
Rich Code Search facilities
Contrary to other tools, JArchitect Code Search supports numerous
criterias including Searching by:
• Name,
• Size,
• Complexity,
• Coupling,
• Popularity,
• Coverage,
• Visibility,
• Mutability,
• Purity,
• Change and Coverage of Changes.
JArchitect features
Analysis of Application Projects, Code Source and Third-Party Projects,
Facilities to Create and Customize JArchitect Project,
Dashboard reflecting the status of the code base,
Automatic HTML Report Production through JArchitect console,
Possible Integration into the Build Process,
Warnings about the Health of the Build Process,
Plugins Integration (PMD, FindBugs, CheckStyle, CPD)
Interactive UI: Dependency Graph, Dependency Matrix, Metrics
• Build Comparison / Code Diff
• Edition of custom CQLinq Queries and Rules
• Support for Trend charts and Trend metrics
Related links
CQlinq syntax: http://www.jarchitect.com/Doc_CQLinq_Syntax
CQLinq features: http://www.jarchitect.com/Doc_CQLinq_Features
CQLinq performance: http://www.jarchitect.com/Doc_CQLinq_Perf
Dependency graph: http://www.jarchitect.com/Doc_VS_Arch
Dependency Structure Matrix: http://www.jarchitect.com/Doc_Matrix
Metrics view: http://www.jarchitect.com/Doc_Treemap
Code metrics: http://www.jarchitect.com/Metrics
Plugins: http://www.jarchitect.com/JArchitectPlugin
Build comparison: http://www.jarchitect.com/Doc_VS_Diff
Reports: http://www.jarchitect.com/Doc_CI_Report
Rich code search: http://www.jarchitect.com/Doc_VS_Search
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