TKaM Jeopardy - Mrs. Gambill`s Blog

Characters Potpourri
Q $100
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Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Finches
Other than Atticus catching them, what was
the main reason Scout wanted to stop
playing the “Boo Radley” game?
$100 Answer from Finches
When Jem rolled her into the Radley
yard in the tire, she heard someone
inside laughing. She thinks it was Boo.
$200 Question from Finches
What were Scout’s two “crimes” at school?
$200 Answer from Finches
1. She could read.
2. She could write.
$300 Question from Finches
Why didn’t Scout tell the truth about why
she hit Francis when she was first asked at
Finch’s Landing?
$300 Answer from Finches
Atticus had told her to keep her head up
and her fists down, so she didn’t want to
disappoint him.
$400 Question from Finches
Describe Jem and Scout’s relationship as
Jem matures.
$400 Answer from Finches
Jem is acting bossier with Scout, and she
resents it. They argue more, but they are
still close and join forces. For example, who did
Scout go to right after the fight when she
thought there was a snake in her room?
$500 Question from Finches
What does Alexandra believe is the cause of
most human behavior?
$500 Answer from Finches
Heredity, genetics. Streaks of different types of
behavior run in families.
$100 Question from Themes
Which theme does this quote support and
who said it?
“It’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”
$100 Answer from Themes
Good vs. Evil or Destruction of Innocence
Atticus tells the children this when he
gives them their air rifles.
$200 Question from Themes
Which theme does this quotation support and
who says it?
“I wanted you to see what real courage is.”
$200 Answer from Themes
“Good in Unexpected Places” or “People
aren’t all good or all bad”
Atticus says it.
$300 Question from Themes
Which theme does this support and
who says it?
“It was the first time I ever walked
away from a fight.”
$300 Answer from Themes
Coming of age.
Scout says it when she refuses to get into a fist
fight with Cecil Jacobs after he insults Atticus.
$400 Question from Themes
Which theme does this quotation support and who
says it?
“I wouldn’t care if he couldn’t do a blessed thing.”
$400 Answer from Themes
Coming of Age.
Jem says it after Atticus shoots the rabid dog
and the children find out about “one-shot Finch”
being the “deadest shot in Maycomb County.”
$500 Question from Themes
Which theme does this support and who
says it?
“You have gotten off on the wrong foot in
every way.”
$500 Answer from Themes
You never can understand a person until you
consider things from their point of view.
Miss Caroline Fisher
(After talking to Atticus, Scout realizes
Miss Fisher was mad at her because Miss
Fisher didn’t know any different. She didn’t
know the ways of the town.)
$100 Question from Characters
Scout and Jem’s father. Widower. Alabama
Legislator. Older than their friends’ fathers.
$100 Answer from Characters
Atticus Finch
$200 Question from Characters
Small for his age, stays with his Aunt
Rachel (the Finches’ next-door neighbor)
every summer, creative, tells “tall tales,” is
7 at the beginning of the story, lives in
Meridian, Mississippi.
$200 Answer from Characters
Charles Baker “Dill” Harris
$300 Question from Characters
Gossipy neighbor, busy body who minds
everyone else’s business. Claims Boo
Radley looked in the window at her.
$300 Answer from Characters
Stephanie Crawford
$400 Question from Characters
Poor farm boy whose family is “poor but
proud.” Family never takes anything that
they can’t pay back.
$400 Answer from Characters
Walter Cunningham
$500 Question from Characters
Member of family whose home life is so bad
that the town bends the rules. His father is a
drunk who does not take care of his family.
His mother is dead. He had “cooties” on the
first day of school.
$500 Answer from Characters
Burris Ewell
$100 Question from Potpourri
Why did Miss Caroline handle things with
Burris and Walter Cunningham so poorly?
$100 Answer from Potpourri
She was new to the town, so she didn’t know
about the families.
$200 Question from Potpourri
Why did Scout rub Walter Cunningham’s
face in the dirt?
$200 Answer from Potpourri
She blamed him for getting her in trouble
with Miss Caroline because Scout had
explained to the teacher why he wouldn’t
borrow the quarter from the teacher to eat
$300 Question from Potpourri
What is the main reason the people of
the town dislike the Radleys?
$300 Answer from Potpourri
They keep to themselves. Ex: They worship
at home when going to church is the main
recreation for the people in Maycomb.
$400 Question from Potpourri
What does Miss Maudie think about the
Radleys? Two things.
$400 Answer from Potpourri
She thinks they have the right to do
whatever they want to do as long as
they don’t bother anyone else AND they have
a right to their privacy.
$500 Question from Potpourri
What two things does Jem learn from the
death of Mrs. Dubose?
$500 Answer from Potpourri
That there is a different kind of courage
than physical courage like a man with
a gun—courage is knowing you are
beat before you start but doing something
anyway because it is the right thing to do
AND you never know a person until you
walk around in their skin.
$100 Question from Quotes
Who says it and what does it mean?
“He ain’t Company, Cal, he’s just a
$100 Answer from Quotes
Scout thinks that because the Cunninghams
are not as wealthy or respected as the
Finches, they do not need to be treated as
guests. Calpurnia teaches her any person
you bring into your house is a guest and
deserves equal respect.
$200 Question from Quotes
Who says it and what does it mean?
“…but sometimes the Bible in the hand
of one man is worse than a whiskey
bottle in the hand of—oh, of your father.”
$200 Answer from Quotes
Miss Maudie
Miss Maudie is explaining that religion
can be just as destructive as alcohol.
$300 Question from Quotes
Who says it and what does it mean?
“You never really understand a person
until you consider things from his
point of view … until you climb into
his skin and walk around in it.”
$300 Answer from Quotes
Atticus is explaining that you can only
really understand a person once you’ve
experienced life and experiences from
his/her point of view.
$400 Question from Quotes
Who says it and what does it mean?
“Atticus Finch is the same in his
house as he is on the public streets.”
$400 Answer from Quotes
Miss Maudie
She is explaining that Atticus is an
honorable and upstanding man who acts
the same both at home and in the town.
He is not a hypocrite.
$500 Question from Quotes
Who says it and what does it mean?
“Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but
make music for us to enjoy. They
don’t eat up people’s gardens, don’t
nest in corncribs, they don’t do one
thing but sing their hearts out for us.
That’s why it’s a sin to kill a
$500 Answer from Quotes
Miss Maudie
Miss Maudie is explaining that it is a sin
to kill a mockingbird because they are
innocent creatures who deserve no harm
because they do no harm.
Final Jeopardy
Explain the significance of the Finch family’s
last name.
Final Jeopardy Answer
A finch is a small vulnerable bird.
Jem and Scout are particularly vulnerable
because they are children. This symbolizes
that they will be vulnerable to the events in
the book. Their innocence will be