Chp. 28 -

Chp. 28
Test Review
Pg. 862
• New Frontier: Kennedy’s Agenda
• Earl Warren: Chief Justice of the Supreme
• Peace Corps: International humanitarian
• Warren Commission: Investigate the
assassination of JFK
• Great Society: President Johnson’s
• Head Start: Preschool
• How was the 1960 presidential election a
new kind of campaign?
– 1st time TV played a major role in elections
• What main issues did Nixon and Kennedy
debate in the 1960 election?
– Economy
– Cold War
• How close was the outcome of the
presidential election in 1960?
– Very close…only won the popular vote by
119,000 votes
• What was Kennedy’s response to the steel
industry’s decision to raise prices sharply?
– He threatened to buy steel from foreign
• What were three measures Kennedy took
to strengthen the economy?
– Deficit spending
– Create jobs through the space program and
defense manufacturing
– Hold down wages in order to hold down prices
• What were 3 programs set up by Kennedy
in order to reduce the threat of nuclear
– Conventional weaponry
– Foreign aid
– Peace Corps
• What inspired Johnson’s war on poverty?
– Johnson’s personal experience
• What was the purpose of Medicare,
passed during President Johnson’s term?
– To ensure healthcare for the elderly
• Which Great Society initiatives are still in
effect today?
– Medicare
– Medicaid
– Head Start
– Department of Transportation
– Department of Housing and Urban
• Why were Medicare and Medicaid
landmark pieces of legislation?
– One of the first times that government would
fund a healthcare program
• In the 1960 presidential debate most radio
listeners thought Nixon had won, while
most television viewers thought Kennedy
had. Why do you this this was so?
– Nixon appeared very nervous and was
sweating, while Kennedy was calm. People
who watched on the TV could see the results
whereas people who listened just heard the
• How did Kennedy help prevent
Communists movements from flourishing
in Latin America?
– He provided aid to Latin America…”we were
trying to buy our friends”
• President Kennedy was unable to pass
civil rights legislation. What were some of
the factors that allowed President Johnson
to push civil rights forward after Kennedy’s
– Civil Rights Movement
– Kennedy’s assassination
– Johnson’s style of leadership
• What were the 3 crises during Kennedy’s
– Bay of Pigs
– Berlin Wall
– Cuban Missile Crisis