Ch 27 Review 2014-2015

Ch 27 Review 2014-2015
Multiple Choice
1. What was an effect of U.S. spy planes detecting missiles in Cuba?
2. The term “Great Society” came to represent
3. President Kennedy developed which of the following strategies to supplement the Cold War policies of his
4. Kennedy had difficulty convincing Congress to support his proposals because he
5. Which of the following Supreme Court decisions banned racial segregation in the nation’s schools?
6. Which of the following was the most immediate cause of the Cuban missile crisis?
7. Which of the following factors contributed to the victory of John F. Kennedy in the 1960 presidential
8. Which of the following was one difference between John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson?
9. During the 1968 Pueblo incident,
____ 10. What guided President Johnson’s policies in Vietnam?
____ 11. One reason John F. Kennedy’s assassination deeply affected people was because
____ 12. Why were relations between the United States and Cuba poor in 1960?
____ 13. What was an effect of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
____ 14. Why did President Kennedy expand the space program?
____ 15. What citizens benefited most from the series of Supreme Court rulings that included Baker v. Carr (1962),
Westberry v. Sanders (1964), and Reynolds v. Sims (1964)?
____ 16. President Johnson’s success in passing many of former President Kennedy’s programs was due in part to
____ 17. Which of the following played a key role in the decline of the Great Society?
____ 18. Senator Barry Goldwater was known for what?
____ 19. How did the Bay of Pigs invasion affect U.S.-Cuban relations?
What kind of society did President Johnson envision when he created the Great Society programs?
What was the Johnson Doctrine?
Johnson’s “unconditional war on poverty” in America began with the passage of
Unlike Richard Nixon, John F. Kennedy was
Lyndon B. Johnson would have described his political views as most similar to which of the following
____ 25. In Miranda vs. Arizona , the Warren Court decides what?
____ 26. What was an effect of the construction of Berlin Wall?
____ 27. The Warren Commission found that
____ 28. Who was John F. Kennedy’s closest adviser?
____ 29. Who killed John F. Kennedy?
____ 30. One of President Kennedy’s greatest foreign policy successes was
New Frontier
Cuban Missile Crisis
Lee Harvey Oswald
Fidel Castro
Lyndon Johnson
Earl Warren
Space Program
Warren Commission
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Berlin Wall
Peace Corp
Miranda vs. Arizona
War on Poverty
Job Corps
Barry Goldwater
Robert Kennedy
Flexible Response