HWBB 20130213AP08 Commissioning intentions 13-14

CCG Operating Plan:
Commissioning Intentions
2013 - 14
Health and Wellbeing Board
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
Introduction and context
• The Operating Plan combines local and nationally mandated
priorities for CCG Commissioning in 2013/14 from the NHS
Constitution and National Mandate
• The local priorities identified fall out of the CCG Integrated Strategic
Operating Plan (ISOP) and cross reference to the priorities identified
in the Health and Wellbeing Strategy
• Page 6 of the Plan demonstrates the alignment of the Operating
Plan to the Transformation Agenda and the Strategic context for the
next 4 years.
• The attached is an early draft for further development. A final draft
will be submitted to the National Commissioning Board on 5th April
• The Plan is set in a challenging context of a (2013/14 – 2015/16)
financial recovery arising from an inherited financial position
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
High Level Summary of ISOP Priorities
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
Overarching Priorities of the CCG
Prevention of ill-health
Self-Management and shared decision making
Long Term Conditions
Children and Young People
Planned Care
Primary and Community Care
Urgent Care
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
What We Are Doing
How it will look different in 5 years
• Individuals take responsibility for their health
• Integrated pathways
• Care in right settings
• Understand how to use services
• People choose Croydon Health Services
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
What We Are Doing
How it will look different in 5 years
• Stable finances
• Services re-configured:
– CHS: A&E, Maternity, Day cases
– Elsewhere: Planned inpatients
– South London Hospitals changes
– Better Services, Better Value changes
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
Core Operational Principles
• Working with Public Health: Roll out Prevention Programmes
• Emphasis on Self-Care / Shared Decision Making
• Evidenced based commissioning, aligned with Plans
• Collaborate (where adds value) to jointly commission services
– with our Local Authority and Neighbouring CCGs
• Work to integrated clinical and referral pathways/common protocols
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
Primary & Community Response
Commissioning Intentions 2013/14
Priority Areas
Commissioning Intentions
Implement Prevention Self Care and Shared
Decision Making Strategy
Long Term Conditions
Risk Stratification
Geographical Multi-Disciplinary Team (MDT)
Case Management
Beginning to end Pathways, Cancer, Dementia,
Cardiology, Diabetes
Increase uptake of IAPT
Roll out Telehealth
Fair Pricing Continuing Health Care Placements
Children and Young People
Commitment to Family Engagement Partnerships
Increase % Ratio H/V & Midwives
Review access to Tier 3&4 CAHMS
Fair Pricing CHC Placements
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
Commissioning Intentions 2013/14
Priority Areas
Commissioning Intentions
Planned Care Intermediate
Implement Tele-Dermatology Pilot
Day Case Drug Infusion
Review of Cardiology
Primary and Community
Implement Primary and Community Strategy
Urgent Care
Reduce Multiple Access Points
Review GP Extended Hours within Networks
Rapid Response Care Homes
Agree 111 / LAS / OOH: Directory of Services
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
National Mandated Priorities
NHS Constitution
18 week – referral to treatment
4-hour maximum wait in A&E departments
62-day - urgent GP referral to 1st definitive treatment for cancer
8 minute responses for category A red 1 ambulance calls
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
National Mandated Priorities
NHS National Mandate
Helping people live longer
Helping people manage on-going physical and mental health conditions
Helping people to recover
Making sure people experience better care
Providing safe care
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
3 Local Quality Premiums
In addition to meeting NHS Constitution and NHS Commissioning Board Mandatory
3 Local Quality Premiums to support ‘One Plan on a Page’ to be identified e.g.
Take up of Risk Stratification
Numbers of People on MDT Caseloads
Increase Dementia Diagnosis Rate – Stretching Current Target
Increase in Capacity to Tier 3 and Tier 4 Children CAHMS
Increase % Health Visitor Ratio
Increase in Day Case Infusions in Intermediate Care
Reduction in Emergency Admissions from Care Homes
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon
Longer, healthier lives for all the people in Croydon