Presentation ICA G20 - France - The Infrastructure Consortium for

A G20 agenda
French Treasury
Infrastructure a G20 agenda
 A strong commitment in Seoul
 Calendar and organization of the group
 Expected outcomes
I- A strong commitment in Seoul
Strong G20 commitment in the Seoul communiqué as
part of the G20 Development Consensus for Shared
Growth and first pillar of the Multi-Year Action Plan :
 Action 1 : Multilateral development banks (MDBs) to
develop jointly action plans with 2 objectives : “to increase
public, semi-public and private finance” ; “to improve
implementation of national and regional infrastructure
projects in developing countries (LICs in particular)”
 Action 2 : High Level Panel (HLP) “to mobilize support for
scaling up infrastructure financing”
A strong commitment in Seoul: dialogue between various
G20 Leaders Summit in
Cannes (November 2011)
Mutilateral Development
Banks (MDBs)
High Level
Panel for
A strong commitment in Seoul: Articulation between MDBs
and HLP
Multiltateral Development Banks
1)Information and needs assessment
2)Internal practices
3)Improving the domestic infrastructure
investment climate
4)Special measures for regional integration
5)Transparency and sustainability
Action Plans:
1) First assessment in March
2) Preliminary report in June
3) Final report in September
HLP for Infrastructure
1) Review MDBs action plans
2) Provide independent
comments and bridges
between public & private
3) Recommend concrete
II- Calendar and organization of the group
 What has been done?
Seoul communiqué (November 2010)
Appointment of M. Tidjane Thiam as Chair of the HLP (January 2011)
Appointment of the 16 members of the HLP (February 2011)
1st Development Working Group meeting (March 2011)
 Next steps
 HLP meetings (June 1st ;July; October)
 2nd Development Working Group meeting (July)
 G20 sherpas meeting / Cape town (July)
 3rd Development Working Group meeting / Washington (September )
 G20 Cannes Summit (November)
High level panel for infrastructure investment
Appointment of the members of the HLP (February 2011)
Tidjane THIAM (Ivory Coast) Group Chief Executive of Prudential plc - CHAIR
Yahya A. ALYAHYA (Saudi Arabia) CEO of the Gulf International Bank
Yoon-Je CHO (Korea) Professor at Sogang University, Seoul, Korea
Luciano COUTINHO (Brazil)President of Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES)
Paul DOUGLAS (Canada) CEO of PCL Constructors Inc.
Jim HARMON (USA) Chairman of Harmon & Co. LLC , Chairman of the Caravel Fund
Mo IBRAHIM (Sudan) Founder of the Mo Ibrahim Foundation
Hayrettin KAPLAN (Turkey) CEO of the Turk Eximbank
Takatoshi KATO (Japan )President of Japan Center for International Finance
Norbert KLOPPENBURG (Germany) Member of the Managing Board of KfW
Rajiv B LALL (India ) CEO of the Infrastructure Development Finance Company
Jin LIQUN (China) Board of supervisors of China Investment Corporation (CIC)
S.R. MAHARAJ (South Africa)Former Minister of Transport, SpecialEnvoy of the SA pdt
Nicholas MOORE (Australia) CEO of Macquarie Bank
Paul Victor OBENG (Ghana) Chairman of the Guinness Ghana Breweries Ltd
Alessandro ORTIS (Italy) Chairman of the National Regulatory Auth. for Elect&Gas
Lionel ZINSOU (France) CEO of PAI Partner
III- Expected outcomes
Six Outcomes proposed by the co-facilitators at the 1st DWG meeting (March 2011)
1. A set of policy recommendations to strenghten enabling environment
(robust sectorial policies, strong regulation, regional planning, mobilization
of internal sources, etc.)
2. Better data on needs, financial volumes and best practices (expand AICD ?)
3. A review of MDBs lending practices and policies, especially to favour
regional projects ;
4. Search for missing instruments : project preparation ; capacity building ;
risk mitigation tools (guarantees) ; performance-based contracts for
services ? ; project bonds ? ; etc.
5. Initiatives/principles to increase transparency and sustainability
6. List of bankable growth-supporting projects, following strict criteria and
with a priority for regional infrastructures
III- Expected outcomes/guidelines from the DWG:
 The DWG confirmed very high collective expectations for this pillar ("Jewel on the crown
of the G20 Development Agenda")
 The DWG agreed on the guidance proposed by the co-facilitators to address in priority
regional needs in developing countries, in particular LICs, and, while not exclusively,
with a special emphasis on Sub-Saharan Africa
 Members agreed to work on the six outcomes proposed by the co-facilitators, notably,
with the help of the HLP, working towards a list of bankable growth-supporting projects,
preferably at the regional level, taking into account existing commitments and
 Members especially underlined the needs in efficient energy and transport
 Members look forward to the MDBs action plan and suggested that the IMF could also be
involved (DSF, fiscal space, Investment quality in Infrastructure…)
 Members emphasized the need for the HLP to add value to the work of the MDBs. They
urged the HLP to begin its work and meet as soon as possible. They asked for a close
cooperation between MDBs and the HLP, and for a joint meeting, together with the DWG
in July.
 Members recalled the need to link the infrastructure pillar with other pillars (notably food
security, trade, human resource development, domestic resource mobilization, private
investment) in an integrated manner
 Members underlined the importance of outreach to non-G20 countries, especially LICs in
the context of various events in the Development Calendar