Korea Model G20: KMUN Special Session

Korea Model G20:
KMUN Special Session
Pre-Conference Delegate Orientation
Today’s To Do List
Secretary General’s Welcoming Speech
What is Model G20?
How Model G20 is different from MUN?
Committee and Agenda Introduction
How to prepare (Research tips)
How to write a Declaration/Position Paper
Rules of Procedure
Secretary General’s Welcoming Speech
Ho Jeong Ma
The Secretariat
What is Model G20?
• Simulation of G20 conference
• Participants=G20+NGO Delegates
Research, Negotiate, Form Declaration
• Broader View, Internationally Aware
How is Model G20 Different from MUN?
• Organization
• Flow of debate and Voting Procedure
• Declaration
How is Model G20 Different from MUN?
Model G20
192 Nations
20 Nations (including EU) +
Substantive Voting –
simple majority
Substantive Voting –
unanimous vote
(Observer States cannot vote)
Committees and Agendas
Global Trade Commission (GTC)
• Combating protectionism and concluding
Doha Development Agenda (DDA)
(non agricultural goods)
• Resolving the conflict over trade of
agricultural goods
Global Development (GD)
• Effective aid donation policy coordination for
developing countries
• Setting a financial crisis response mechanism
for low-income countries
(long term development perspective)
Climate Change & Energy (CCE)
• Post Kyoto & Copenhagen
• Practical framework to promote transition to
green energy
Financial Institution - IMF
• Reform of the International Monetary Fund
• Solving the problems of the exchange rate
Financial Institution – World Bank
• Reform of the World Bank
• Mechanism to tackle the problem of
unemployment of post financial crisis
Historical G20 (HG20)
• 2008 November 15th -Combating the financial
crisis and stabilizing exchange rate
• 2008 November 15th -Proliferation of
multilateral trade, reduction of trade barriers
International Press Corps. (IPC)
• Xinhua News Agency
• Washington Post
• New York Times
• Al-Jazeera News Agency
How to Write a Declaration
• Purpose of the Declaration is to show
consensus among the G-20 members
• Each state is sovereign, meaning the
declaration has to have unanimous vote to pass,
and are always non-binding
How to Write a Declaration
• The Format
1) The Preamble
The declaration's preamble begins with 5 main
components: who, where, when, why and what
How to Write a Declaration
• Example
“We, the leaders of the Group of Twenty, held an
initial meeting in Washington on November 15
, 2008, amid serious challenges to the world
economy and financial markets.”
How to Write a Declaration
• After declaring who, where, when and why the
meeting, what they intend to do is mentioned,
such as:
“We are determined to enhance our cooperation
and work together to restore global growth
and achieve needed reforms in the world’s
financial systems.”
How to Write a Declaration
• 2) Operative Clauses
-Operative clauses are actions that have been
taken and actions that will be taken
How to Write a Declaration
-For operative clauses it is important to note
how the contents are categorized.
-Categories are made based on the discretion of
the congregation. After the preamble, operative
clause format continues in a numerical order
“1, 2, 3…..n.”
How to Write a Declaration
• Actions Taken and to be Taken
1. We have taken strong and significant actions
to date to stimulate our economies, provide
liquidity, strengthen the capital of financial
institutions, protect savings and deposits,
2. ---
How to Write a Position Paper
• Position Paper is a 1~2 page summary, a
document outlining your country or NGO's
position on the issues on the agenda
How to Write a Position Paper
• An ideal Position Paper should include the
following elements:
• 1. 1~2 page length. An ideal Position Paper is not a 5~10
page thesis. Such Position Papers are difficult to read,
understand, and make useful. It should be succinct and brief
• 2. Clear and concise language. The language used in your
Position Papers should be clear and concise so that they can
be easily understood and effectively convey its meaning.
How to Write a Position Paper
• 3. Clear Statement of Policy. The purpose of the
Position Paper is to organize specific country or
NGO's stance and foreign policies. Therefore, it
should provide readers with adequate
understanding of the policies and positions
regarding the given agendas.
• 4. Organized. Since Position Paper is essentially
an essay it should be tightly organized.
How to Write a Position Paper
• In order to meet these elements, it is
recommended that the Position Paper follows a
general structure consisted of three sections.
• 1) Position Paper should begin with outlining
the topic and providing general insight to the
How to Write a Position Paper
• 2) Next, you should specify your background
research on your country or NGO and the
• 3) Third, you should elaborate your country or
NGO's policies and stance, supporting these
explanations with historical evidence
and factors
How to Write a Position Paper
• 4) Finally, a conclusion should be added to
restate your country or NGO's position and
sum up what you wish to achieve throughout
the conference.
How to Prepare (Research Tips)
The Group of Twenty (G20) (http://www.g20.org)
The Toronto Summit (http://g20.gc.ca/home)
The United Nations (http://www.un.org) – The United Nations.
Permanent Missions to the United Nations (http://www.un.int)
CIA World Factbook (https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook)
National Intelligence Service (http://www.nis.go.kr)
US Background Notes (http://www.state.gov/www/background_notes)
Country Studies (http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/cshome.html)
RAND Corporation (http://www.rand.org)
Center for Strategic & International Studies (http://www.csis.org)
Issues and Press (http://www.state.gov/issuesandpress)
The Rules of Procedure
Chapter 1 & 2:
Reporting Structure, Conduct and Ethics
The Rules of Procedure
Chapter 3:
Procedure of Committee Proceedings
Student Officers
• Position papers are due July 26th
Please send them to kmundsg@gmail.com
• Please register at our online-forum (http://club.cyw
orld.com/kmg20) and contact your teammate
• Please bring your legal waiver form on the first day
of the conference!
• Accommodation waiver form
• All contacts to kmun@kmun.net (no personal
Thank You 
See you in August!