Becoming a Retake Candidate PowerPoint

National Board Retake
CERRA National Board Candidate Support
Workshop Toolkit
Essential Questions
• As I reflect upon the process, what should I
include in a professional growth plan for this
• How will my entry be scored?
• What does accomplished teaching look like?
• What specific rules apply to retake entries?
• How can I determine what entries to retake?
• How can I use NB information to improve my
CERRA National Board Toolkit
The Scoring Process
 Each entry is sent to a different scoring site.
 Having 20 scoring sites in the US insures
geographic representation among scoring
staff. Candidate’s work is scored by trained
scorers across the country.
 Assessors are rigorously trained to score only
one portfolio entry or assessment center
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The Scoring Process (cont.)
• All retake entries are double-scored to assure
validity and reliability.
• If there is a score discrepancy of more than
1.25 points, a trainer re-scores the entry and
provides the actual score. If there is not a
score discrepancy, then the scores are
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Scoring Facts
 Assessors complete bias training.
 They are trained to suspend their own belief
 Score weighting is different for some entries.
 12-point constant is added to all scores.
 This offsets possible subjectivity in scoring.
 Scoring is not either of the following:
 a deficit model (scorers do not “count off” for
 based on a bell curve
CERRA National Board Toolkit
Scoring Facts (cont.)
• There are no “fatal flaws.”
• Assessors look at the information submitted
by candidates and assess the level to which
the candidates demonstrate clear, consistent,
and convincing evidence according to the NB
• Each entry is scored holistically.
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Scoring Guide
 Part 1: Understanding / Interpreting Your
Scores (general information for all certificates)
 Part 2: Understanding and Applying the
Scoring Criteria—scoring rubrics based on
standards for portfolio entries and assessment
center exercises (certificate specific)
The scoring guide for each certificate can be
found at
CERRA National Board Toolkit
Certificate Specific Evaluation
of Evidence Guides
 Aspects of Teaching: These are listed first in
the scoring guide. Each entry has unique
aspects of teaching.
 Additional Questions: These questions follow
the aspects of teaching and are designed to
help you locate evidence and
links/connections between evidence. Each
entry has unique questions.
Can be found at
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• Begin with the overarching statement.
• The body of the rubric consists of statements
organized to match the order of the tasks or
questions in the entry/exercise.
• Read across the rubric (not down the rubric).
• Each entry is scored holistically to evaluate
the work as a whole.
• Carefully review the rubric for your entry and
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EMC/LRLA Entry 2
(Early and Middle Childhood—Literacy: Reading & Language Arts)
Constructing Meaning through Reading
The Level 4 performance provides clear, consistent, and convincing evidence of accurate
recognition and acknowledgement of individual growth of students as it relates to social,
verbal, and cognitive development and an insightful explanation of how these attributes affect
the literacy development.
The Level 3 performance provides clear evidence of accurate recognition and acknowledgement
of individual growth of students as it relates to social, verbal, and cognitive development and
an insightful explanation of how these attributes affect the literacy development.
The Level 2 performance provides limited evidence of recognition and acknowledgement of
individual growth of students as it relates to social, verbal, and cognitive development and a
weak explanation of how these attributes affect the literacy development.
The Level 1 performance provides little or no evidence of recognition and acknowledgement of
individual growth of students as it relates to social, verbal, and cognitive development and the
explanation of how these attributes affect literacy development is missing or minimal.
The Score Scale
(12-Point Scale)
1 (+ or -) Little or no evidence that entry meets standards
2 (+ or -) Limited evidence
3 (+ or -) Clear evidence
4 (+ or -) Clear, consistent, convincing evidence
4.25 (4+)=highest weighted score for any entry
(+ or -) means up to .25 points from rubric score
Scores may fall between rubric points
2.75 (levels 3 and 4) is considered “accomplished.”
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Reasons for Scores of “0”
Minimum requirements were not met.
Major piece of evidence was missing.
Teacher was not visible in the video.
Government-issued form of photo
identification was not submitted.
• Video was not viewable or audible.
• Submission is in another language and/or did
not contain sufficient translations.
CERRA National Board Toolkit
Reasons for Scores of “NS”
Teacher did not attend the assessment center
Teacher did not open the assessment center exercise
(did not view the prompts).
Entry envelope did not contain any of the critical
Students didn’t fall within the defined age parameters.
Submission features content outside of the scope of
teacher’s certificate.
Teacher is suspected of plagiarism.
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Scoring: A Weighty Matter
3 CBE (classroom-based entry) X 16 = 48%
1 DAE (documented accomp.) X 12 = 12%
6 ACE (assessment entry) X 6.67
= 40%
10 portfolio entries
Accomplished entry = 2.75
2.75 X 100% = 275
275 = minimum score required to earn
National Board Certification
CERRA National Board Toolkit
Standardized Feedback
If you receive less than a 3.75 on an entry, you
will receive feedback. This feedback:
• reflects the Five Core Propositions.
• should serve as a guide for general areas of
possible improvement.
• are entry specific.
• are score-point specific.
CERRA National Board Toolkit
How to Use Feedback
Assessors assign feedback statements to
highlight points of weakness in an entry so
that you can target areas for improvement.
Read the statements.
Examine your entry.
Reread the Five Core Propositions, the standards, and the
scoring rubric.
Ask others to review your entry as compared to the scoring
rubrics and the “Evaluation of Evidence Guide.”
How could the original entry have been strengthened?
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Evaluating your own
Assessment Center Performance
Read the scoring rubrics in “Part 2: Understanding
and Applying the Scoring Criteria” of the scoring
guide. Pay attention to information corresponding to
your scores.
Review the description of each assessment center
exercise in the “Assessment at a Glance.”
Think back to the exercise you completed.
Read the rubric for level 3 (each exercise). What
evidence would have demonstrated that you met the
standards for this exercise?
CERRA National Board Toolkit
Retake Considerations
Your highest numeric score (initial or retake)
will be used to compute your total weighted
scaled score.
• Score report will show your highest score.
• Not Scorable (NS) – previous score DOES
NOT carry forward.
Policy changed for candidates scored in 2010
and beyond.
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More Considerations
Scores are banked for 24 consecutive months
following the initial score release.
Retake any combination of entries with a score less
than 2.75.
Retake entries will be scored during the summer, and
scores will be posted by December 31, 2014.
Deadline to apply for retake and to pay fees is
January 31, 2014.
There is a $15 non-refundable processing charge.
The cost for retake is $350 per entry.
CERRA National Board Toolkit
Which Entries Should I
There are two major questions to consider:
1) How likely is it that my score will improve on
any given entry or exercise?
2) How much will any individual improved
score(s) affect my Total Weighted Scaled
CERRA National Board Toolkit
Which Entries Should I
Retake? (cont.)
Selecting Retake Entries:
Step 1: Determine how many additional points are
needed. (275 – current score = points needed)
Step 2: Determine which entries can be retaken (based
on raw exercise score).
Step 3: Estimate possible score increase and the result
on the Total Weighted Scaled Score.
Step 4: Assess personal strengths and weaknesses
related to each entry. Consider personal factors.
Step 5: Ask for feedback from colleagues.
CERRA National Board Toolkit
Things to Remember when
Completing Retake Entries
Retake portfolio submissions ARE compared to
previous submissions.
Classroom Based Entries:
• Contextual Information Sheet
• Descriptive Aspects of Teaching
• Analysis and Reflection
• Student Work Samples and Videos
CERRA National Board Toolkit
Things to Remember when
Completing Retake Entries (cont.)
Documented Accomplishments:
• Contextual Information Sheet
• Description and Analysis - Work as a
• Description and Analysis – Work with Families and the
• Documentation - Work as
• Documentation - Work with Families and Community
• Reflective Summary
CERRA National Board Toolkit
More Things to Remember
• Submit your work before or by the due date.
• Submissions will be uploaded and sent via ePortfolio, as instructed on the NB website.
• NB does have an appeals process accessible
at “Policy on Reconsideration of Certification
or Scoring Decisions,” but it is a costly
process, and most candidates do not establish
“a good cause.”
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NB Customer Support--1-800-22-TEACH
• Guide to National Board Certification
• Scoring Guide for Candidates
•; NB link;
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CERRA National Board Toolkit