推動12年國教 教務主任的任務 以課程與教學為核心 臺北市政府教育局 課程督學邱淑娟 (原麗山高中教務主任) 2012年12月25日 教務主任面對12年國教的挑戰 在多元訊息下宣導「教改政策」 在發展學校亮點下推動「校本課程」 在改革呼聲下展開「教學翻轉」 在教學自主氛圍下帶領「專業學習社群」 在競爭氣氛下又有「策略聯盟」的需求 教務主任面對12年國教的策略 確定目標 設定議程 提供支援 尋找資源 內部檢核 先感動自己,才能感動別人! 課程與教學:具體行動 團隊合作資源整合 增進課程教學專業領導 發展學校特色課程 增進教師效能教學 團隊與資源 1. 校內 辦理校本研習活動 (系統化研習) 激勵教學團隊 (相關計畫) 推動專業學習社群 (PLC初階及進階工作坊) 推動各學科共同備課 (Lesson Study) 2. 校外 橫向合作:跨校學習策略聯盟機制 (麗山高中為例) 向下扎根:與國中對話 (Open Day) 向上延伸:與大學的對話與合作 (領先課程計畫) 研習可以大不同 各式研習剪影 工作坊 、體驗活動 世界咖啡館、社群 團隊與資源 教務主任 as 專案經理 爭取學校發展所需資源 (中央 地方) 整合資源 合理分配 專業課程教學領導 1. 課程部分增能 1) 與世界接軌的課程設計 2) 重理解的課程設計(Understanding by Design) 2. 教學部分增能 認識觀課與走察 釐清觀課和走察目的與功能 提供「校長主任觀課」及「教室走察」的工具 觀課實作練習 / 分組提問練習 2) 認識「以學生學習為核心」的內涵與實作 1) A big picture of the curriculum Three key questions The curriculum aims to enable all young people to become Curriculum aims 1 WHAT are we trying to achieve? Every child matters outcomes Focus for learning Successful learners Confident individuals Responsible citizens who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve who are able to lead safe and healthy lives who make a positive contribution to society Enjoying and achieving Health Safety Contributing positively Skills eg, literacy, numeracy, ICT, personal, learning and thinking skills Attitudes and attributes eg, determined, adaptable, confident, risk-taking, enterprising Achieving economic wellbeing Knowledge and understanding eg, big ideas that shape the world The curriculum as an entire planned learning experience underpinned by a broad set of common values and purposes Components Learning approaches 2 HOW do we organise learning? Dimensions Lessons Environment A range of approaches, In tune with including enquiry, active Including all human learning, practical and learners development constructive Events Routines Extended hours Out of school Building on Matching time to learning Using a range Opportunities for learning Community and need, eg, deep, Taking of audiences learner choice and beyond the business links immersive and regular risks and purposes personalisation school frequent learning spiritual – moral – social – cultural personal development, health and well-being – active citizenship and community action – enterprise and entrepreneurship – cultural diversity, identity and belonging – technology and the media – global dimension and sustainability 3-5 National curriculum Locations 5-16 Communication, language and literacy A&D CEG Ci Creative development D&T En Knowledge and understanding of the world Ge Hi ICT Mathematical development Ma MFL Personal, social and emotional development Mu PE PSHE Physical development RE Sc Assessment fit for purpose To make learning and teaching more effective so that learners understand quality and how to improve 3 HOW WELL are we achieving our aims? Assessment Builds a more open Has clear Has understood, Uses Celebrates Gives advice on Includes peer- Includes peer- Includes Includes relationship learning shared and what and how to and selfand selfindividual error between teacher intentions shared negotiated success success against testing improve assessment evaluation target setting positively agreed criteria and learner with pupils criteria Securing Accountability measures Attainment and improved standards Behaviour and attendance Civic participation Healthy lifestyle choices Further involvement in education, employment or training 專業課程教學領導 校長培力工作坊發表文章 英國學校領導研討會心得報告 發展課程 1. 為何學校要有亮點課程? 2. 發展課程的困難? 3. 突破的勇氣與推力 發展課程 以臺北市高中職課程發展領先計畫為例 教學效能 能力為導向 Problem-solving Hands-on tasks collaboration Oral presentation Time management 教學效能 1. Feeling-based 2. Data-driven 多元評量 差異化教學 補教教學 **同質分組的差異化教學 **多元多樣的差異化教學 探索學習共同體的可能性 教學效能 找回學習的熱情 尋找教學的感動 試辦學習共同體 (國高中小共26所學校) 教學效能 「老師走出去,世界走進來」 臺北市出國分享 (上海篇、日本篇、韓國篇、新加坡篇) 從教→到學 GIVE YOU FIVE!!! Hands up for change