Smart Phone Web App

Keisuke Nakane
iPhone Web app
This web app is developed by HTML, PHP, Java and
any web creating scripts.
• Easy to develop
• In the case of iPhone app, we need a license to
develop, but if it is a web app, it isn’t necessary.
• It is easy to implement for other devices.
ex. Android
• A web app cannot control every function of iPhone
ex. batch (notifications)
• The performance depends on speed of internet
• Security problems
How to design looking like iPhone app?
iWebKit is a file package designed to help you create your own iPhone, iPod Touch and
iPad compatible website or web app. The kit is accessible to anyone even people without
any html knowledge and is simple to understand thanks to the included tutorials. In a
couple of minutes you will have created a full and professional looking website. iWebKit is
a great tool because it is very easy to use, extremely fast, compatible & extendable. It is
simple html that anyone can edit contrary to some other very complicated solutions
based on ajax. Simplicity is the key!
Travel Venue app
• This web app is to share the places which are traits,
parks, and so on with each users.
• Information of the places is stored on MySQL
database server.
• The location of each place is managed by Google©
Map API.
 Adding place information. In this case, the location
address can be placed by iPhone GPS. Of course users
can type by them selves.
 Editing information
 Free keywords search
 Find the near places from current location with GPS
Structure of the MySQL database
Id (INT : Primary key)
Address (varchar)
Image (longblob)
Image_type (varchar)
Lat (float)
Lng (float)
Table: places
Geocoding is the process of converting addresses (like "1600
Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA") into geographic
coordinates (like latitude 37.423021 and longitude -122.083739),
which you can use to place markers or position the map. The
Google Maps API includes a Geocoding web service that can be
accessed directly via an HTTP request or by using a
GClientGeocoder object.
iPhone GPS outputs both latitude and longitude, so by geocoding
the data is changed to actual address.
Also, in the case that user types address by his/herself, it is also
changed to both latitude and longitude.
How to get an around places
Get current
Make a
temporary db
• Current location is got by iPhone GPS
• The distance between current position and places
which is stored in the database (table: places) is
calculated with “Hubeny’s Distance Formula.”
• The temporary database has key, place id, and
• The place id is related with the primary key of places’
• After searching, the every data stored in the temporary
will be deleted.
Hubeny’s Distance Formula
• I couldn’t find the code to upload the picture taken by iPhone
• I have to think about how I can get more accurate the latitude
and longitude with iPhone GPS.
• In the future, by embedding the AR (Augmented Reality)
system, the platform will be a more efficient and more
accurate system. In addition, we wanted to create something
that would be immediately worthwhile, and combine the two
somewhat separate entities to create a functional and
convenient system.