Introduction to the Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Revised version of the presentation given at the Summer 2012 Minnesota PBIS Institute School-wide Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Lists 53 benchmarks of PBIS programs that address 10 critical elements of PBIS implementation Completed by school teams on an annual basis Assess how schools score on a 107 point scale with regard to developing and implementing school-wide PBIS School-wide Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ) Useful in developing action plans for following school year Encourage team discussion of strengths and weaknesses and provides ideas for action planning One of the measures used by MDE to identify model schools Criteria for qualifying to complete the BoQ Score of 80 for overall Implementation on most recent SET (within 3 years) Local Demonstration with Fidelity Out of training (next school year – cohorts 1-6) Why learn about the BoQ now? Timeline for 2012-2013 school year January 2013: Notification sent to schools qualifying for the BoQ February 2013: BoQ training, sent by Wilder Research February-May 2013: Complete BoQ and submit scores on Three components of the BoQ Team Member Rating Form ─ Completed by team members independently ─ Returned to coach Scoring Form ─ Completed by coach using Scoring Guide ─ Used for reporting back to team Scoring Guide ─ Describes procedure for completing BoQ ─ Includes a rubric for scoring each item STEP 0 Complete BoQ training ─ This year, two short training videos ─ Training format may be different next year STEP 1 PBIS Coach uses Scoring Guide to complete the School-Wide Benchmarks of Quality: Scoring Form Benchmarks example: Scoring Form Critical elements STEP 2 ++, +, or - STEP 1 PBS Team 1. Team has administrative support 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) 3. Team has established a clear mission/purpose 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 STEP 3 Benchmarks example: Scoring Guide Benchmark 3 points 2 points 1 point 0 points 1. Team has administrative support Administrator(s) attended training, play an active role in the PBIS process, actively communicate their commitment, support the decisions of the PBIS team, and attend all team meetings. Administrator(s) support the process, take as active role as the rest of the team, and/or attend most meetings Administrator(s) support the process but don’t take as active role as the rest of the team, and/or attends only a few meetings Administrator(s) do not actively support the PBIS process. STEP 2 PBIS Coach asks every PBIS Team Member to complete the School-Wide Benchmarks of Quality Team Member Rating Form independently ─ Do not give a Scoring Guide to team members Giving a deadline is helpful (e.g. submit at next month’s meeting, within 1-2 weeks, etc.) STEP 2 Coach collects Team Member Rating Forms Coach tallies all responses provided by team members using the Team Member Rating Form: Tally Sheet STEP 2: Scoring team member forms For items with a range of 0 to 1: ─ 1 = In Place ─ 0 = Needs Improvement or Not in Place For items with a range of 0 to 2: ─ 2 = In Place ─ 1 = Needs Improvement ─ 0 = Not in Place For items with a range of 0 to 3: ─ 3 = In Place ─ 2 or 1 = Needs Improvement ─ 0 = Not in Place Tally sheet ll I IIl IIl Benchmarks example: Scoring Form Critical elements STEP 2 ++, +, or - STEP 1 PBS Team 1. Team has administrative support 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) 3. Team has established a clear mission/purpose 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 ++ ++ - STEP 3 STEP 3 PBIS Coach places a “√” next to any item where there is a discrepancy between the coach’s rating and the item’s most frequently responded by the team. Benchmarks practice: Scoring Form, Scoring Guide Critical elements STEP 1 PBS Team 1. Team has administrative support 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) 3. Team has established a clear mission/purpose 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 STEP 2 ++, +, or - STEP 3 ++ √ ++ - STEP 3 The coach will then complete the Team Summary on page 3 of the Benchmarks of Quality Scoring Form recording areas of discrepancy, strength, and weakness. Areas of Discrepancy Team Response 1 ++, ++, ++ Coach’s Score Scoring Guide Description 0 Item # Administrator does not actively support the process Areas of Strength Critical Element Description of areas of strength Areas in Need of Development Critical Element Description of areas in need of development Adjusting scores in areas of discrepancy If upon sharing areas of discrepancy, the item and the adjusted final score should be recorded on the Scoring Form It is recommended that changes be noted with a different color ink Adjusting scores after discussion Critical elements STEP 1 PBS Team 1. Team has administrative support 2. Team has regular meetings (at least monthly) 3. Team has established a clear mission/purpose 3 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 STEP 2 ++, +, or - STEP 3 ++ √ ++ - STEP 4 Coach will report back to the team using the Team Report page of the Benchmarks of Quality: Scoring Form Coach leads team through a discussion of the identified areas of strength and weakness This information should be conveyed as “constructive feedback” to assist with action planning STEP 5 Coach adds up all the points on the Benchmarks of Quality: Scoring Form Coach submits scores on 70% score or higher equals implementing PBIS with fidelity (75 points or higher) Entering scores into Visit Enter your School ID ─ Please contact Wilder Research at if you do not know your School ID for logging in to Entering scores into Viewing scores on Contact Wilder Research 651-280-2960