1- Sea Transport

Sea Transport
Logistics flow
Sea Transport
Sea Section
Contribution of Sea transport
National prestige
Enhance employment ratio
Improve balance of payment
Spin off industries
Improve local infrastructures
Allow the owner’s country to participate in
global trade issues
National prestige
• Participation of the nation in global arena
• Protect commercial interest
– Capture some foreign funds
• Provide naval reserve
• Linkage of the world
– Think of some Land-locked developing country
Enhance employment ratio
• Shipping is a labour intensive industry
– For local or national level
– Create job opportunities for unskilled workers
– Offer jobs to skilled workers
– Branched out jobs to work aboard, port areas
Improve balance of payment
• The balance of payments (or BOP)
– measures the payments that flow between any individual
country and all other countries.
– summarize all international economic transactions for that
country during a specific time period, usually a year.
• The BOP is determined by:
– the country's exports and imports of goods, services, and
financial capital, as well as financial transfers.
Improve balance of payment
• The GDP of a country is defined as the market
value of all final goods and services produced
within a country in a given period of time.
– one of the several measures of the size of its
– GDP =
• consumption + investment + government spending +
(exports − imports)
Spin off industries
• Shore side
– Banking; Insurance; Warehousing; Trucking; Stevedore
service, ship’s chandler; bunkering
• Related to shipping industry
Ship repair; shipyard
Seafarer and personnel training
Ship surveyors
Pilot service . . . etc
Improve local infrastructures
• To avoid congestion in main road
– Improve infrastructure adjacent to port areas
– Better road/rail connection to carry heavy load
– Give ample of space for future development
Participate in global trade issues
• With strong shipping service
– Take part in trade routes deployment
– Obtain strong bargaining power in trade and other
– Induce further trade volume – as Hub and regional
For Trainer
• You must be able to show
– Important of shipping to the national
• In money term and national prestige levels
– Show shipping has links to the national economic
– Intangible nature of this industry
– It can be a gate
– It can be a bottleneck