Time and Effort Documentation for Federal Programs David McLaughlin, Federal Fiscal Compliance and Monitoring James Connolly, Grants Administration Thursday, May 9, 2013 Session Overview Introduction to T&E requirements ◦ Where do T&E requirement come from? ◦ What are the requirements for T&E? 2 Substitute system for T&E Questions?!?! Introduction to Time and Effort Requirements Where do T&E requirements come from? ◦ 2 CFR 225 (OMB Circular A-87) Appendix B – Selected Items of Cost ╸ 8 – Compensation for Personal Services H – Support of Salaries and Wages ◦ OMB Circular A-133 ◦ Title 34 CFR 74.21 – Standards for Financial Management Systems ◦ Applicable grant requirements 4 What is the purpose of T&E documentation? Serves as a “receipt” for payroll expenditures When is T&E documentation required? When any part of an individual employee’s salary is: ◦ Charged to a federal program, or ◦ Used as a match for a federal program, ◦ Note: Not required for contractors or vendors. What type of T&E documentation is required to support payroll expenditures? Semi-annual certification ◦ Employees that work on a “single cost objective” Personal Activity Reports (PAR) ◦ Employees that work on “multiple cost objectives” What is semi-annual certification? Statement that individuals(s) worked solely on activities related to a single cost objective Completed at least every six months Signed by the employee or supervisor with firsthand knowledge of work performed What must semi-annual certification include? Employer’s name Employee’s name Employee’s position Description of federal program/single cost objective What must semi-annual certification include cont.? Reporting period (at least semi-annually) Statement that 100% of employee’s time worked on the federal program/single cost objective Employee or supervisor’s signature and date What is a Personal Activity Report (PAR)? Accounts for 100% of an employees time (not just time worked on federal programs) Prepared and signed at least monthly Must be completed after the fact Reflects actual work performed (not budgeted) Signed by the employee Agrees to supporting documentation Key questions to ask yourself? Does your organization have a locally developed and approved administrative procedures manual (APM) that includes a description of the process that personnel are required to follow with time and effort requirements? Key questions to ask yourself cont.? Does the APM make clear that the PAR should be completed after-the-fact and reflect 100% of actual time spent on each activity and each fund source? Does the APM include a sample PAR? What is an employees salary is being used to meet a Matching requirement? If an employees salary is used to meet a matching requirement then T&E documentation is required Summary Salaries charged to federal grants must be accurately recorded ◦ Semi-annual certification ◦ Monthly PAR 15 Time must be charged as worked, not as budgeted PARs must be submitted at least monthly Substitute System for Time and Effort What Is Time-and-Effort (T&E) Reporting? Paying only proportionate share of personnel costs with federal funds Salaries charged to federal funds? Time distribution records required Contractors not subject to time-and-effort requirements Two types of records: ◦ Semiannual certification ◦ Personnel activity report (PAR) 17 Semiannual Certification Requirements 18 After-the-fact record (dated) Accounts for total compensated activity Completed at least every six months Signed by supervisor with knowledge of employee Coincides with one or more pay periods Traditionally applied to employees supported by a single cost objective PAR Requirements 19 After-the-fact record (dated) Accounts for the total activity for which employee compensated At least monthly Signed by the employee Must coincide with one or more pay periods Traditionally applied to employees supported by multiple cost objectives September 7, 2012, USDE Guidance: Single Cost Objective 20 Definition: “A function, organizational subdivision, contract, grant, or other activity for which cost data are needed and for which costs are incurred.” Multiple funding sources may still be single cost objective September 7, 2012, USDE Guidance: Single Cost Objective 21 Employees supported by single cost objective submit semiannual certification Regardless of whether LEA implements substitute system Determining Single Cost Objective “The key to determining whether an employee is working on a single cost objective is whether the employee’s salary and wages can be supported in full from each of the federal awards on which the employee is working, or from the federal award alone if the employee’s salary is also paid with non-federal funds.” 22 Example I: Title I, Part A, and State Funds 23 Supplemental math teacher serves lowachieving students on a Title I campus Paid half from Title I, Part A, and half from state funds Teaching math to low-achieving students can be fully supported under Title I, Part A Example I: Title I, Part A, and State Funds (Cont’d) 24 Single cost objective Only a semiannual certification is required, despite federal/state funding split Example II: Two Sections of IDEA-B 25 Preschool special education teacher split-funded between IDEA sections 611 and 619 Teaching preschool special education is allowable under both sections. Single cost objective Only a semiannual certification is required, regardless of multiple federal awards Example III: Perkins and State Funds 26 State curriculum specialist develops new CTE courses and initiatives Funded half with Perkins and half with state general funds Single cost objective Only a semiannual certification is required, regardless of split between federal and state funds What Are Multiple Cost Objectives? Employee works on: Multiple federal awards (not meeting single cost objective definition) Federal and non-federal awards (again, not meeting definition) 27 What Are Multiple Cost Objectives? (Cont’d) 28 Indirect/direct cost activities Multiple indirect activities allocated using different allocation bases Unallowable activity and direct or indirect cost activity New USDE Guidance (September 7, 2012) Multiple cost objective employees may submit semiannual certification, if: ◦ LEA submits management certification to TEA ◦ Employee completes schedule and certification ◦ Is in effect for entire 2012-2013 school year Applies to all LEAs, including ESCs and charters 29 Ed-Flex Waiver Substitute system does not affect Ed-Flex. LEA Requirement: Management Certification 31 Form on Substitute System page (search for “Substitute System” or follow link from Grants page) LEA must complete/submit form every school year Form submitted by mail as specified on Substitute System page Due September 6, 2013, for 2013-2014 We anticipate mailing letters for 2013-14 by May 17, 2013. Conditions for Employee Participation 32 Must currently work on a schedule that includes multiple activities or cost objectives that must be supported by monthly PARs Must work on specific activities or cost objectives based on a predetermined, consistent schedule May not work on multiple activities or cost objectives at the exact same time Employee Schedule Requirements Employee schedule must: • Indicate specific activity/cost objective employee worked on for each segment of employee’s schedule • Account for total hours for which each employee compensated during schedule period • Be completed again/resubmitted if schedule changes by more than 10% 33 Employee Schedule and Certification Employees must complete work schedule and certification Schedule and certification submitted to LEA business office Certification must be semiannual at least Signed by employee and supervisor with firsthand knowledge of employee’s work 34 TEA-Developed Schedule and Certification 35 TEA developed sample employee schedule and certification form Auto-calculating spreadsheet Includes all elements TEA auditors require LEAs not required to use TEA form If LEAs develop own form, must include all required elements Demonstration of TEA Form 36 Spreadsheet includes instructions, schedule, and certificate All material covered here included in instructions Read instructions first Complete schedule next Finish with certification Demonstration of TEA Form: Schedule 37 Complete name, position, district, schedule period fields Complete program table (list of programs worked on) Identify time worked on programs each day Demonstration of TEA Form: Name Name, position, schedule period, and district info will auto populate certification Entered Manually on Schedule Populates on Certification 38 Demonstration of TEA Form: Programs 39 Must list all programs worked on Room for eight programs, including local funds Use dropdown when possible to list programs Dropdown menu available fields A-E For other programs, manual entry fields F and G Demonstration of TEA Form: Program Dropdown List Select SOF from dropdown list 40 Demonstration of TEA Form: Manual Program Entry 41 Demonstration of TEA Form: Time Worked 42 Document regular daily schedule Dropdown list for minutes worked, 15-minute increments Manually type brief description of activity Dropdown letter list (A-H) to associate activity with program Program list will update with total minutes Demonstration of TEA Form: Schedule Row 43 Demonstration of TEA Form: Minutes Dropdown Select period of minutes from dropdown list 44 Demonstration of TEA Form: Activity Description Manually enter activity 45 Demonstration of TEA Form: Associate Program by Letter Select SOF Code (from above) from dropdown list 46 Demonstration of TEA Form: Minutes by Program 47 Demonstration of TEA Form: Schedule with Multiple Rows/Programs 48 Demonstration of TEA Form: Program List with Minutes Charged to Multiple Programs Funding Percentages auto-calculate as time is entered 49 Demonstration of TEA Form: Accounting for Lunch 50 Lunch accounted for on last row of schedule Lunch minutes are not part of program calculation Demonstration of TEA Form: Certificate Much content of certificate autofills from schedule Following content entered manually: ◦ Total hours worked ◦ Total lunch hours ◦ Fund codes ◦ Employee signature/supervisor name and signature 51 Demonstration of TEA Form: Identifying Information 52 Name, position, schedule period, and district information auto fills from schedule Demonstration of TEA Form: Hours Manually enter total number of hours worked Manually enter total number of lunch hours (actual hours, rather than lunch periods) Check the following: ◦ Total hours times 60 (a) equals total minutes 53 Demonstration of TEA Form: Hours 54 Demonstration of TEA Form: Fund Codes 55 Enter the appropriate Fund Code for each SOF Resources and Further Information 56 USDE September 7, 2012, letter Chief Grants Administrator section of the Grants page of TEA website Substitute System page of TEA website (search for “Substitute System” or follow link from Grants page) Questions? Copyright © Notice. The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of TEA, except under the following conditions: 1) Texas public school districts, charter schools, and Education Service Centers may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for the districts’ and schools’ educational use without obtaining permission from TEA. 2) Residents of the state of Texas may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for individual personal use only without obtaining written permission of TEA. 3) Any portion reproduced must be reproduced in its entirety and remain unedited, unaltered and unchanged in any way. 4) No monetary charge can be made for the reproduced materials or any document containing them; however, a reasonable charge to cover only the cost of reproduction and distribution may be charged. 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