What is Inventory Carrying Cost?


ROI (Payback) Model

Eyal Cohen

APM Annual International Partners


May 4, 2011

What is the key competitive advantage of APM scanners?

2 May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting

Key Competitive Advantage of APM Scanners

Accurate Inventory Measurement

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 3



May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 4

Improving Inventory

Measurement Accuracy

May 2011

Substantial Cost Savings

Across the Supply-Chain

APM International Partners Meeting 5

Financial Aspects of Inventory

• Inventory costs money

• Carrying and handling of inventory costs money

• Efficient ordering saves money

• Safety stock costs money and can be reduced by accurate inventory measurement

• Accurate Inventory Measurement is the basis of efficient operation and cost reduction

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 6

Negative Effects of Inaccurate

Inventory Measurement

• High safety stock levels

• Non-optimal utilization of storage capacity

• Excess ordering

• Excess delivery costs

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 7

What is Inventory Carrying Cost?

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 8

What Makes Up Inventory Carrying


• Inventory carrying costs are made up of the following . . . .

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 9

What Makes Up Inventory Carrying

Costs? (2)

• Capital costs include the investment in inventory . . . .

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 10

What Makes Up Inventory Carrying

Costs? (3)

• Inventory service costs include insurance, physical handling, and taxes

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 11

What Makes Up Inventory Carrying

Costs? (4)

• Storage space costs include public, plant, rented, and company owned warehouses

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 12

What Makes Up Inventory Carrying

Costs? (5)

• Inventory risk costs are made up of obsolescence, damage, shrinkage, and relocation costs

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 13

Example of Yearly Inventory Carrying

Cost List

Carrying Cost

Cost of money




Physical handling

Clerical & inventory control



May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 14

Common Inventory Carrying Cost

Carrying Cost


Cost of money




Physical handling

Clerical & inventory control


Deterioration & pilferage

Total Cost (per year)

Potential Range

6% - 12%

2% - 6%

1% - 3%

2% - 5%

2% - 5%

3% - 6%

6% - 12%

3% - 6%

25% - 55%

(1) Richardson, Helen: Transportation & Distribution, “Control Your Costs then Cut Them” Dec. 1995

(2) Total inventory carrying costs can be estimated or be based on available customer data.

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 15

Inventory Carrying Costs In Summary

• Total inventory carrying costs can be broken down by

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 16

How Companies Calculate Their

Inventory Carrying Cost

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 17

Inventory Carrying Cost Calculation


Over 65% of all companies do not compute inventory carrying cost, but use rough estimates instead.*


The “rule of thumb” for inventory carrying costs is 25% of inventory value on hand


The cost of capital is the leading factor in determining the percentage of carrying cost .

* Richardson, Helen: Transportation & Distribution,

“Control Your Costs then Cut Them” December, 1995

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 18

How APM Scanners Can Reduce

Inventory Carrying Cost?

19 May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting

APM’s scanners improve inventory measurement accuracy by 15%-20%

Reducing the safety stock by 15-20%

Reducing the carrying cost of the safety stock by 15-20%

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 20

Safety Stock Level

Before and After Installation of APM Scanner

Maximum LeveL

Minimum Level - Reordering Point

Safety stock without APM Scanner

The immediate benefit of accurate volume measurement is reduction in the need for safety stock by at least 10% of the silo storage volume

More storage room

Less safety storage

May 2011

Minimum Level - Reordering Point

Safety stock with APM Scanner

APM International Partners Meeting 21

Example: Financial Value of 10% Reduction in Safety


Silo size

Width (meter)

Height (meter)

Volume (cubic meter)

Calcium Carbonate


Weight (ton)

Cost per ton (US$)

Max (100%) value of the stored materials (US$)

Reduction in safety stock (%)

Total reduction in inventory (US$)










May 2011

The reduction in inventory is directly related to size of the silo and value of the stored materials.

APM International Partners Meeting 22

Example: Carrying Costs and ROI Calculation


APM 3DLevelScanner (MV Model)


Total investment

Saving calculation

Reduction in safety stock

Carrying cost factor (per year)

Total saving (per year)

Additional potential saving

Lower maintenance cost (mainly anti bridging treatment)

Scheduling for silos filling & emptying

Accumulated storage by material type

Theft control

Total saving


Net return on investment (ROI)

Net return on investment (ROI) (%)

APM International Partners Meeting










Case Studies

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 24

Shemen Haifa, Israel

Silo capacity

• Material

Price per ton

• Error measurement rate by previous technologies

Excess safety stock (10,000@15%)

• APM error measurement rate

• APM safety stock (10,000@3%)

Reduction in safety stock

10,000 tons

Soy Beans

$US 700


1,500 tons


300 tons

1,200 tons

• Actual reduction in inventory value per year $840,000

• Saving in carrying costs per year (25%) $210,000

While the investment cost for APM MVL2 System $25,000

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 25

Gadot -BioChemical Industries, Israel

• Silo capacity

• Material

200 tons

Citric Acid

• Price per ton US$ 800

• Material buildup inside the silo blocked 40% of the silo volume

• Error rate when using previous measurement 80 tons (200*40%)

• APM- measurement error 6 tons (200*3%)

• Using APM reduced inventory value by 74x800 $59,200

• Saving in carrying cost per year (25%) $14,800

While the total investment for APM MV Scanner $7,600

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 26

Gadot -BioChemical Industries (cont.)

• Additional savings:

– Penalty (5%) US$ 3,200 per order on returned of excess 80 tons

(ordering 200 tons while free capacity is only 120 ton)

– US$ 6,000 - cost to remove build up materials (per event)

– Cost of operation downtime due to lack of material (per case)

May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 27

Kraft Food, Sweden

• Silo capacity 80 tons (refilled every week)

• Ordering level –

• Material – Sugar

• Error measurement rate using previous

• Error measurement rate using APM scanner

40 tons

US$ 350 per ton



• Reduction in inventory using APM Scanner =

(80 ton* 20% less 80 ton@*3% = 13.6 ton* $350)


• Higher maintenance cost for bi-weekly clean-up of the radar sensor compared with once a year clean-up needed for APM Scanner

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May 2011 APM International Partners Meeting 29
