Automated Estimation and Evaluation of SQL

Automated Estimation and
Evaluation of SQL-injection
Jonas Persson, Group 30 - Language based security
The impact of SQL-injection
 Blindfolded SQL-injection
 What has been done before
 Automating the process
 Results
 Conclusions
Impact of SQL-injection
Sysobjects – stores info on all tables in the database
Sysdatabases – stores info on all databases on server
Xp_cmdshell – executes arbitrary commands
Bcp – write to arbitrary file
Openrowset – transfer data from/to remote SQL-server
Xp_regwrite – write arbitrary registry values
Bulk insert – insert from arbitrary file
Blindfolded SQL-injection
Should not rely on contents of error
The only relevant question is – did the
query execute or not?
Determine errors
Find format and query structure
What has been done before
Automated datamining using blindfolded
SQL-injection (Absinthe by Cameron
Vulnerability scanning tools with support
for finding SQL-injections
Absinthe only mines for data from existing
injections, does not find the vulnerabilities
All vulnerability scanning tools I have
tested only appends a single quote at the
end of parameter values and report a
vulnerability if the server returns a ”500 –
internal server error”
Automating the process
Determine errors
• Appending ” AND ” should give incorrect
syntax error
• Appending ” AND 1=0 ” should result in error
• Appending ” AND 1=1 ” should not result in
Comparing to these results will tell us
wether appending ” AND (any sql) ”
executed or not
Automating the process
Finding format
• Appending ” -- ” might remove
necessary ending parentheses
• Breaking out of parentheses by trying to
end them one by one until the query
More advanced formats does not
require this procedure
Automating the process
Finding the query structure
• How many columns does the query
select? Try ordering! ” ORDER BY 1 -- ”
• Which types does the selected columns
• Three base types strings, ints and dates
• Append ” UNION ALL SELECT null -- ”
• Append ” UNION ALL SELECT 1 -- ”
• Append ” UNION ALL SELECT ’1’ -- ”
Automating the process
Once you have found the format and
structure, exploiting is easy!
” UNION ALL SELECT columns FROM table -- ”
Automating the process
Checking the impact
• Selecting from system tables
• Running stored procedures
• Connect to other servers through
• Read files with bulk insert
• Options are limitless!
A program that
• Evaluates a parameter and returns how
likely it is that the parameter is
vulnerable and exploitable
• Finds format and query structure
• Estimates how vulnerable the parameter
is on a scale from 1 to 10
• Reports its findings to the user, detailing
the vulnerability and its impact
As we just have seen it is indeed possible
to automate the search and exploitation of
SQL-injection vulnerabilities
The example can be extended in many
different ways to create either a versatile
audit tool or a powerful hacking tool