LEAP INTO EFFECTIVE INSTRUCTION October 8, 2012 Created By: Melinda Jenkins, Lynn Paarmann, Kim Powell, & Carol Simopoulos Objective for Today: Work with your teammates to LEAP into Instruction 2 As a grade level, we would like for you to closely examine the Curriculum Framework, the Pacing Guide, the TIP Framework, and we will introduce to the Rigor and Relevance Framework to you- Learn Dig deeper in to the Curriculum Framework to understand the content objectives. Engage Discuss and apply instructional strategies during this activity to ensure your students are active and engaged learners. Adjust Discuss and design a formative assessment to monitor and adjust instructional strategies for student mastery. Discuss and design a summative assessment to determine the students’ understanding and the extent of the depth and breadth of the content taught. Progress Let’s revisit the TIP Chart….. 3 What is the purpose of the Teaching Innovation Progression Chart (TIP Chart)? http://blogs.henrico.k12.va.us/21/files/2011/07/TIPC_062211_DRAFT.pdf • RESEARCH & INFORMATION FLUENCY In the 21st Century classroom, students find, navigate through, and evaluate large amounts of information. Teachers provide guided and independent research opportunities for students to make informed, ethical decisions and create products. • COMMUNICATION & COLLABORATION In a 21st Century classroom, students communicate and collaborate ethically and effectively to reach a common goal or create a product. The teacher uses a variety of communication methods, structures student interaction in groups, and engages students in collaborative projects. • CRITICAL THINKING & PROBLEM SOLVING Students will extend knowledge and skills in practical ways to solve real world problems. The teacher provides the activities, experiences, and feedback needed for students to develop questioning, critical thinking and problem solving skills. • CREATIVITY & INNOVATION In the 21st Century classroom, students develop original ideas and create products by applying critical thinking, research methods, communication tools, and collaborative processes. Teachers provide experiences that allow students to create unique ideas and products. TIP : Research and Information Fluency Rigor or Knowledge 4 Entry (1) Developing (2-3) Acquire information using provided resources. Apply search techniques demonstrated by teacher. Follow teacher direction to complete class assignments. Respond to, but do not extend teacher prompt. Determine accuracy and authority of information sources using provided checklist or digital tool. Respond to class assignments that prompt analysis of information. Relevance or Application of Knowledge Approaching (4-5) Construct questions to guide research. Select the most appropriate digital tools and information sources. Assemble and organize information to address authentic tasks. Ideal / Target (6-7) Assemble and synthesize information to address authentic tasks. Use tools to powerfully display and interact with information. TIP: Communication & Collaboration Rigor or Knowledge 5 Relevance or Application of Knowledge Entry (1) Developing (2-3) Approaching (4-5) Ideal / Target (6-7) Work in small groups toward a common product without collaborating. Work in teacherselected groups with defined roles to accomplish class assignments. Establish group norms, form teams, and organize roles to address an authentic task. Use digital tools to communicate to complete class assignments. Use appropriate digital tools to facilitate collaboration. Select appropriate digital tools to communicate and collaborate with peers and experts, regardless of time zone or physical distances. Reflect on their roles as communicators and collaborators and set goals for future growth. TIP: Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Rigor or Knowledge 6 Entry (1) Developing (2-3) Respond to, but do not justify their answers to teacherinitiated questions. Respond to higher order questions. Work on class assignments through recollection of knowledge. Relevance or Application of Knowledge Approaching (4-5) Ideal / Target (6-7) Generate and respond to purposeful Elaborate on critical questions. thinking or problem solving practices Justify decisionwhen prompted. making and/or problem-solving Apply digital tools practices. to think critically and solve problems Apply digital tools in class assignments. to think critically and solve openended authentic tasks that require higher order thinking skills. Select the most appropriate digital tools, as well as questioning, critical thinking and problem solving strategies to solve authentic tasks. Reflect on their roles as critical thinkers and/or problems solvers and set goals for future growth. TIP: Creativity & Innovation Rigor or Knowledge 7 Relevance or Application of Knowledge Entry (1) Developing (2-3) Approaching (4-5) Ideal / Target (6-7) Respond to teacher direction to complete class assignments. Work on class assignments that blend technology and limited aspects of personal choice to generate new ideas and products. Analyze trends and make predictions that inspire new solutions to authentic tasks. Synthesize existing and self-generated knowledge to create new ideas and products within and beyond assignment parameters. Work on standard products following teacher direction. Question, summarize and make predictions on existing knowledge using provided digital tools. Create meaningful, original work within the assignment parameters. Choose strategic risks that support innovation. Reflect on the creative/innovative process and set goals for future growth. 8 Here is a H21 submission that focuses on all four content areas: http://blogs.henrico.k12.va.us/21/2012/01/12/catapult-creations/ As a grade level team, review the H21submission entitled “Catapult Creations.” Discuss with your team how this activity aligns to the TIP Chart. How would you score it based on the 4 components? K-1 teams will focus on Research and Information Fluency. 2-3 teams will focus on Communication and Collaboration. 4-5 teams will focus on Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Exceptional Education and other resource staff will focus on Creativity and Innovation. At the end of this activity be prepared to share and justify your scores with your colleagues. Distribute TIP Chart to each group. Please pause the presentation here. Rigor & Relevance Defined 9 Definitions: Rigor ~ • is learning in which students demonstrate a thorough in-depth mastery of challenging tasks to develop cognitive skills through reflective thought, analysis, problem solving, evaluation or creativity. Relevance ~ • is learning in which students apply core knowledge, concepts, or skills to solve real-world problems. Relevant learning is interdisciplinary and contextual. Rigor/Relevance Framework Adapted from the International Center for Leadership in Education Low Rigor/Knowledge High 10 Bloom’s Create 6 Evaluate 5 Analyze 4 Apply 3 Understand 2 Remember 1 Quadrant C – ASSIMILATION (TIP Level 2-3 Developing) •Brainstorming •Inquiry •Research •Socratic Seminar •Quality Teacher Questions Quadrant D – ADAPTATION (TIP Level 6-7 Ideal/Target) •Presentations/Exhibitions •Project Design •Instructional Technology •Ask own questions, research answers Quadrant A – ACQUISITION (TIP Level 1 Entry) •Guided Practice •Lecture •Memorization Quadrant B – APPLICATION (TIP Level 4-5 Approaching) •Cooperative Learning •Demonstration •Simulation/Role Playing •Work-based learning 1 Knowledge in one discipline Low 2 Apply in discipline 3 4 5 Apply across disciplines Apply to realworld predictable situations Apply to real-world unpredictable situations Relevance/Application of Knowledge High Visual Representation of the Four Quadrants 11 High Traditional Tasks C – ASSIMILATION Rigor Student Thinks Low Performance Based D – ADAPTATION Student Thinks & Works A - ACQUISITION B – APPLICATION Teacher Works Student Works Relevance High Rigor/Relevance Framework Adapted from the International Center for Leadership in Education High Rigor/Knowledge Low - Research & Information Fluency - Communication & Collaboration Bloom’s Create 6 Evaluate 5 Analyze 4 Apply 3 Understand 2 Remember Quadrant C – ASSIMILATION (TIP Level 2-3 Developing) Quadrant D – ADAPTATION (TIP Level 6-7 Ideal/Target) Quadrant A – ACQUISITION (TIP Level 1 Entry) Quadrant B – APPLICATION (TIP Level 4-5 Approaching) Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Creativity & Innovation 12 1 1 Knowledge in one discipline Low 2 Apply in discipline 3 4 5 Apply across disciplines Apply to realworld predictable situations Apply to real-world unpredictable situations Relevance/Application of Knowledge High 13 Rigor & Relevance and the State SOL Assessments – Then 3rd Grade Science 14 Assessments –Now 3rd Grade Science 15 Third Grade – 2003 Assessments – Then 5th Grade Science 16 Assessments – Now 5th Grade Science 17 Assessments – Then 3rd Grade Math 18 19 Assessments – Now 3rd Grade Math 20 Assessments – Then 5th Grade Math 21 Assessments – Now 5th Grade Math Assessing fraction concepts – 22 Visual Representation of the Four Quadrants 23 High Traditional Tasks C – ASSIMILATION Performance Based D – ADAPTATION Student Thinks & Works Rigor Student Thinks A - ACQUISITION Teacher Works Low B – APPLICATION Student Works Relevance High 24 Task 1 (Task Time: Approximately 20-30 minutes) Learning is to gain knowledge, comprehension, or mastery of through experience or study. • Consult your pacing guide to choose a math SOL. • Refer to the “Essential Knowledge and Skills” column in the HCPS Curriculum Framework. • Develop an assessment that incorporates a TEI format. • Consider where your assessment belongs in the Rigor and Relevance Framework. Pause Here 25 26 Task 2: Language Arts (Task Time: Approximately 20-30 minutes) Engagement has both mental (thinking) and physical (doing) aspects. To what degree will your lesson ensure all students are thinking (rigor) and acting (relevance)? •Select a English Sample Lesson Plans found on the VDOE website. •As a grade level team, decide on a lesson plan that you will implement during the 1st semester of school. •Review the lesson to determine where it falls on the Rigor & Relevance framework. • Modify this lesson so it will meet the needs of your students. If necessary, adjust the lesson to ensure that every student is actively engaged in both thinking and doing (Quadrant D). Pause Here 27 28 Task 3: Science (Task Time: Approximately 30 minutes) Adjust the delivery of instruction by using Formative Assessments. Formative assessments are designed to assist the learning process by providing continuous feedback to the learner, which can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses to improve future performances. 29 Task 3: Science (Task Time: Approximately 30 minutes) Informal Continuous Formative Assessments Divergent Process Based 30 Task 3: Science (Task Time: Approximately 30 minutes) • Log on to Virtual Share afp://esteachers.henrico.k12.va.us and click on the Science folder. • Refer to the Science Henrico Pacing Guides. • Dig in to the Henrico Science Curriculum Framework. • Select one item from the Essential Knowledge and Skills section. • Using the guidelines listed, create a formative assessment that you will use with your students in the near future. Pause Here 31 32 Task 4: Social Studies (Task Time: Approximately 20-30 minutes) Summative assessments are used primarily to make decisions for grading or determining readiness for progression. Typically summative assessments occur at the end of an educational activity and are designed to judge or evaluate the learner’s overall performance. 33 Task 3: Social Studies (Task Time: Approximately 30 minutes) Formal Final Summative Assessments Product Based Convergent 34 Task 4: Social Studies (Task Time: Approximately 20-30 minutes) • Log on to Virtual Share afp://esteachers.henrico.k12.va.us and click on the Social Studies folder, then your grade level folder. • Refer to the Social Studies HCPS Pacing Guide. Look at the 1st Marking Period. • Dig in to the HCPS Social Studies Curriculum Framework and read content objectives. • Go to TestMaker and select questions that support these objectives. • Then, reconstruct these test questions to reflect higher rigor and relevance without using the multiple choice format. As a grade level, begin to design your 1st Marking Period summative assessment. Pause Here 35 36 • • • Reflection Discussion/Conclusion Take Away for Today: When curriculum, instructional planning and delivery, along with an appropriate collection of varied assessments are aligned, they provide our students with a powerful framework for success. How can you modify your instructional planning and implementation to include more rigorous and relevant activities? Has the power of grade level discussion for increasing Rigor & Relevance with 21st century skills (TIP) been effective today? Take the LEAP to increase effective instruction.