EMEA - Cloudis-CMPIC

Cloudis Limited
Company history
• 1994 Company formed
• Work with companies in the marine /process /
power sectors
• First customer for cable management software
was in 1996 (BAE Systems)
– BAE Systems (LPD, Auxiliary Oilers, CVF Aircraft Carriers, Type 45 Frigates,
Astute Nuclear Submarines, OPVs) DCNS (Delta, Horizon, FREMM frigates,
Scorpene, Barracuda submarines), Marinette Marine and Gibbs & Cox (LCS), SC
Retec, Sea Trucks Group (Jascon 18 Offshore Construction Vessel), RMK,
NPCIL, Tata Nuclear, Rutgers University.
• More than 60 man years development in CMPIC
Company location
• Cloudis is a Limited Company registered in the United
• Office location
Runcorn, Cheshire
North West of England
• Distribution partners in India, Singapore, China, USA
& Canada (Navware)
What is CMPIC?
CMPIC is a software application for the lifecycle
management of cables from design through to
It is a multi-user, multi-project system based on the Oracle
What is CMPIC?
CMPIC consists of 2 modules:
- The Design Module enables you to schedule devices and
cables, route the cables, design terminate them, and create
Pull Sheets and Termination Charts (the instructions for the
cables to be installed and terminated). You can also manage change
- The Production Module takes the data created in the Design
Module and enables you to create and track Work Packages
(Production Orders) of cables and devices. The system can be used
to manage reel optimisation, cable cutting, installation and
commissioning. Also has barcoding to input installation status for
Interface to ShipConstructor
Objectives of the 2 products working together:
• To get as early view as possible of cable lengths, % fill,
MCT sizing, EMC spacing, cable bundling etc.
• To retain as much as possible of the work done whilst
modifications are being made to the cableways
• To identify any potential problems – supplied cables with
maximum length, long lead-time cables, heavily populated
MCTs / ladders/ trays etc.
• To identify whether money and effort can be saved by
looking at alternative cable routes.
• To look at effects on % fill by changing containment size.
• To enable iterative attempts at routing with the minimum
of effort
Interface to ShipConstructor
Interface has been developed using:
• Release 2012 R2 of ShipConstructor
• Space allocations to create the cableways
• Supports from SC Electrical to create additional node
• ShipConstructor’s SQL Server to CMPIC’s Oracle
database communication
• Possible as an interim measure to export HVAC data
which can then be used to route cables
• Demonstration
Interface to ShipConstructor
In CMPIC you can apply Multi-Tiers to cableways:
• Creates multi-tier hangers and trays for routing purposes
from a single 3D polyline
• Segregations allocated to each tier
• CMPIC will only route cables on correct tier for their
• Cable schedule, pull sheet and other reports show cable
routes tier by tier
Interface to ShipConstructor
Cable and device scheduling can be done:
• Within CMPIC itself by typing directly into the Cable and Device
Schedule screens
• Importing from a spreadsheet (e.g. which could have been
generated by schematics)
• Importing from another database – Access, Oracle, etc.
• Importing data from ShipConstructor
Wherever the scheduling is carried out the cables can be:
• Routed in CMPIC and displayed in ShipConstructor
• Routed from within ShipConstructor
Interface to ShipConstructor
Additional data that can be added in CMPIC:
How the cable is to be bundled – pair, trefoil, bundle
Segregation (EMC) spacing rules
Maximum or minimum cable length acceptable
Whether shielding conduit is required
Remarks and standard notes
Routing rules and preferences
Cable termination details (core to terminal or core to
plug/socket). Add glanding data.
• Applicability / configuration management
Interface to ShipConstructor
Cable routing from within ShipConstructor
• Actual routing is carried out on the CMPIC database
• Routing action can be instigated from ShipConstructor
• Once a cable has been routed, the route can be copied in
part or in full using CMPIC
• Cables can also be routed compartment to compartment
Useful to get an early view of hanger and penetration sizing
• Any routes can be viewed in ShipConstructor
Interface to ShipConstructor
Routing rules
Rules can be applied from within ShipConstructor
Interface to ShipConstructor
Modifying the cableways in ShipConstructor:
• If the cableways in ShipConstructor are modified, the following
CMPIC actions are carried out on cables already routed
Cables are automatically re-routed based on the modified cableways if
The lengths of the cables are changed accordingly without user
If the modified cableways mean that a re-route is not possible (for example
the new layout contravenes a rule) then the cable will be left partially
routed or not routed
Interface to ShipConstructor
Adding detail to the Space Allocations:
• Supports or hangers created in SC Electrical can be
added to the Space Allocations
• These become additional node points in the cableways
and will appear on reports
• These node points can be numbered appropriately
• Any routes already completed will have the new node
points added to their routes
Interface to ShipConstructor
Automatically routing multiple cables
• To get as accurate a view as possible of % fills and
cable lengths, cables can be routed on the database
• Results can be seen in the model
• % fills
• Locked MCTs, trays or hangers
• Cable routes
• Apply rules and preferences
• Each cable route takes maximum 1 minute to route
Interface to ShipConstructor
Using routing preferences:
• It is often useful to look at alternative possible routes
for a cable. For example:
The cable may have a maximum length, the only
available cableways are currently full and alternatives
would take the cable over its max length
How long would the route be if you ignored its
In these cases we can use preferences to try out ‘what if’
Interface to ShipConstructor
Routing preferences
Interface to ShipConstructor
Manual routing from ShipConstructor:
• By digitising on each part of the cableway, cable’s route
is created
• Route can be partial and completed later
• Once a partial or full route exists, this can be copied to
other cables
Interface to ShipConstructor
Using the routed cables we can now:
• Approve the cable routes
• Create a Work Package (Production Order) for cable
• Create Pull Sheets and Cutting Sheets
• Manage cable stock
• Track cable installation progress
Interface to ShipConstructor
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