Heavy School Bags Children and bag weights The bag should not weigh more than 10% of the childs’ weight. Thus a 50kg child should only carry 5kgs maximum! The bag weight needs to be against the spine, and not hanging from the spine. Weights of stationary Small text book : Medium Text book : Large text book : Exam pad : 72pg : 96pg : 192pg : 288pg : Ring file : Lever arch file: School bag : 400g 800g 1.2kg 320g 200g 300g 470g 760g 250g 450g 1.3kg 6.45 kg Thus the child would need to weigh 64.5kg to carry one of each item! And the lunch and pencil bag are not yet included! Different subjects book weights Light subject Total weight 72pg :200g Medium Heavy subject subject 192pg: 470g 288pg: 760g Small text book: 400g Medium text Large text book: 800g book: 1.2kg File/notes:250g File: 250g File: 450g 850g 1.53kg 2.410kg 4.79kgs Mix them up, result the same Total weight 72pg :200g 288pg: 760g 192pg: 470g Large text book: 1.2kg Medium text Small text book: 800g book: 400g File/notes:250g File: 250g File: 450g 1.65kgs 1.81kgs 1.32kgs 4.79kgs Time tables and subjects Most timetables allow for 5 – 6 subjects per day. Thus a child has to carry for 5 – 6 subjects every day. Each teacher insists that all the books for that subject are at class……. Let us see what that means for the child’s back! Weight of the bag for a day! 2 heavy subjects 2 medium subjects 2 light subjects 2.41kg x 2 1.53kg x 2 0.85kg x 2 8.73kg 1 heavy subject 2 medium subjects 2 light subjects 2.41kg x 1 1.53kg x 2 0.85kg x 2 6.32kg 2 heavy subjects 1 medium subject 2 light subjects 2.41kg x 2 1.53kg x 1 0.85kg x 2 8.05kg 2 heavy subjects 2 medium subjects 1 light subject 2.41kg x 2 1.53kg x 2 0.85kg x 1 7.88kg 6 heavy 2.41kg x 6 14.46kg Add lunch and pencils! School bag @ 1.3kg Lunch/pencil bag @ 0.5kg 8.73kg 10.03kg 10.53kg 6.32kg 7.62kg 8.12kg 8.05kg 9.35kg 9.85kg 7.88kg 9.18kg 9.68kg 14.46kg 15.76kg 16.26kg What should they carry? Weight of child Weight that should be carried - 10% Actual weight of bag Weight of child needed! Percentage of childs weight 40kg 4kg 10.53kg 105.3kg 26.32% 40kg 4kg 8.12kg 81.2kg 20.3% 40kg 4kg 9.85kg 98.5kg 24.63% 40kg 4kg 9.68kg 96.8kg 24.2% 40kg 4kg 16.26kg 162.6kg 40.65% And for an older child…. Weight of child Weight that should be carried - 10% Actual weight of bag Weight of child needed! Percentage of child’s weight 60kg 6kg 10.53kg 105.3kg 17.55 % 60kg 6kg 8.12kg 81.2kg 13.53% 60kg 6kg 9.85kg 98.5kg 16.41% 60kg 6kg 9.68kg 96.8kg 16.13 60kg 6kg 16.26kg 162.6kg 27.1% In a nutshell…….. Most children are carrying 3 – 30 % more than is healthy for them. The long term effects will only be felt when they have left school! Even the best bag in the world needs parents, teachers and schools to help solve this issue. The solution! Parents need to contribute. Teachers need to contribute Children need to do their bit too! Teachers/Schools Install lockers, in a convenient place for the children to access between lessons. It should not take more than 2 minutes for the child to reach the locker. Teach the children how to use the lockers. Take only the books you need until the next break. Allow time for the children to use the locker. Use thinner books. Why make them carry a 288pg? Use 72 or 96 pg, and bring a new book when the first one is full! Plan your week and share this plan with the children. Do not change the plan on the day so that the children are in trouble for not having their books there! If you say you are doing literature on Weds, then do literature on Weds. Then all the children need only bring literature books, saving a lot of weight on their backs. Parents Buy the best bag you can afford. It should have an internal frame to keep the weight of the books against the spine, and not hanging from the spine. This also protects the books! Encourage/teach your child to use the lockers. Encourage/teach your child to unpack and repack everyday so as not to carry unnecessary books and clutter with them. Speak to your school to use thinner books, install lockers etc. Children Unpack and repack your bag daily. Carry your bag using BOTH shoulder straps. Speak to your teachers if you are carrying too many books, to find a solution. Use your locker effectively. Take only as many books as you need until your next break!