90(PRO-II Tutorial)

PRO/II Tutorial
To get some practice with the use
of the PRO/II process simulator to
model chemical processes
(see PRO/II documentation –
Tutorial Guide)
Steps in Creating a Model
Create a new case (1-1)
Select Units (1-1a)
Select Thermodynamics (1-7)
Select Components (1-4)
Add Unit Operations & Streams (1-3)
Run Simulation (1-19)
Generate Report (1-20)
PRO/II Tutorial
Don Robinson
Session 2 Adds More Units
Distillation Column (2-2)
Heat Exchangers (2-7)
Compressor (2-11)
Skip: Flash Hot Key (1-20)
Double Window (2-3, 2-4)
PRO/II Tutorial
Don Robinson
Session 3
How to get data from model to reports,
Excel etc.
On CD, but not on paper copies
If you have time, take a quick look at it
PRO/II Tutorial
Don Robinson
Bad Habits Taught By Tutorial
Illogical order of steps (see list on
previous slide)
Two many unit ops and streams at one
time (do one at a time)
Infrequent saving of files (do Save As
case01, case 02, . . . case0n)
PRO/II Tutorial
Don Robinson