INCREASE INNOVATION AND RESEARCH WITHIN SECURITY ORGANISATIONS Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) Module IV Creativity improvement • • • • • • • Innovating means what exactly? Creative breathing Suggestions of Creativity Strategies Creativity Sessions Key success factors & best practices Added-value of INSEC project/Platform References Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 2 Creativity improvement Innovating means what exactly? Creating Inventing Imagining Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 3 Creativity improvement Creative breathing Divergence/Convergence • Asking the right questions • Imagining • Doing Do one thing at a time! Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 4 Creativity improvement Suggestions of Creativity Strategies • ZEN Itisnotpossibletoinnovateifwedon'tdevoteenoughtime • PO Innovationinvolvesprovocation,aconstantchallengingofconventionalismsanddominantideas • OPEN Whereistheremoretalent,insideyourorganisationorontherestoftheplanet? • YOUR IDEA FLOW Knowinghowtothinkcreativelyiskeytoachievinginnovationprocesses. • EMO Itishardtoinnovatewithoutemotions. • HAPPY Youcandothingswithjustprofessionalismorwitharealpassion • TEAM Inordertoinnovateweneedtoreplacetheattitudeofblindcompetition Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 5 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions Presentation of techniques and sessions that “open the mind” of the participants, helping them to “think out of thebox” andtofinddisruptivesolutionstospecificproblems. Why? • To multiply disruptive points of view among employees. • To manage and tackle individual temperaments against creativity. • To neutralise typical organisational innovation antibodies. YOUR IDEA How? • Orientation of creativity • Preparation of sessions • Implementation Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 6 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions Examplesof CreativitySessionsTechniques TO OPENMINDS TO GENERATE IDEAS TO VALUATEIDEAS Six Thinking Hats Ideart Plus Minus Interesting Serendipity HallofFame The Checkerboard Prigogine’sants experiment Brainstorming The nine cross exercise Brainwriting MartianInterview Analogy Creativebreathing Empathy YOUR IDEA Reformulation Idea selection Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 7 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO OPEN MINDS SIXTHINKINGHATS It is a technique developed by Edward De Bono, a communication tool used worldwide to help resolve or analyse problems from different viewpointsor perspectives. It is a frameworkfor thinking incorporating lateral thinking. DeBono proposes six hats of different coloursrepresentingthesixdirectionsofthinkingweusewhenwefaceaproblem: • WhiteHat:withthisthinkingweshouldfocusontheavailabledata.Seetheinformationwehaveandlearnfromit • Red Hat: observe problems using intuition, feelings and emotions. The participant exposes his feelings without having to justify them • BlackHat:usingthishatfocusonthoughtsofjudgmentandcaution,highlightingnegativeaspects • YellowHat:thishathelpusthinkpositivelyandseewhysomethingwillworkandwhatareitsbenefits • GreenHat:thisisthehatofcreativity.Someoftheexistingtechniquestodevelopcreativitycanbeusedatthistime • Blue Hat: represents the control and management of the thought process. With it summarizes what has been said and the conclusionsreached YOUR IDEA While the technique is being used, participantswithinthe same groupmustuse the same hat at the same time. Theorder of the hats canbedifferenttotheexposed. Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 8 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO OPEN MINDS SERENDIPITY It consists of solving a problem using a workaround, instead of attacking that problem through a direct approach. Gordon, creator of Synectics (creative method based on the use of analogies) insisted that "through this mechanism it is put in parallel some facts, knowledge or different disciplines“. For example, to solve a business problem we try to look at how other disciplines (in biology, in history,inateamsport....)solvesimilarproblems. YOUR IDEA Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 9 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO OPEN MINDS PRIGOGINE’S ANTSEXPERIMENT Telling the following experiment: “An ant colony was starved of food and kept isolated from the outside world. Then, the colony was connectedtoahoneypotbyawoodenplankwhichactedasabridge.Theantswerelookingforfood,runninginalldirections,andone of themstartsoff across the bridge.Noticing that nootherant has ever passed that way (ants are guidedby pheromones leftby other ants)the pioneerant turns back.Bychance,initsmovements hitherandthither,asecondant isguidedby the pheromonesofthefirst ant follows the same path over the bridge going just a little further than the first one before turning back. When a third ant goes onto the bridge, it too carries its tell-tale trace a little further before turning back. And so it continues until, at last, an ant reaches the pot of honeyandreturnstriumphantlytothecolony”. YOUR IDEA Thisexperiment pointsoutthepowerofcollaboration.Itisenrichingonseveralaccounts: • If the ant nest had been perfectly organized, not a single ant could have gone on to the bridge as it’s an navigational error which takesthemthereinthefirstplace • Thereisonlyoneantwhichfindstheway,butmanyothershelpprepareforthisdiscovery • Forthistobeachieved,itisimportantnottoexplaintothefirstantthatcamebackempty-handedthatitwaswrong Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 10 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO OPEN MINDS THENINE CROSS EXERCISE Askparticipantstodraw4lineswhichgothrougheachof the9crosseswithout lifting thepencilfromthepaper. Thisexercisewill align participants in the claim that there are different ways to solve the same problem. This exercise has a variation, the square exercise: “findasmanywaysaspossibletodivideasquarein2equalpartssothatyoucansuperposeoneontheother”. MARTIANINTERVIEW YOUR IDEA Part of the group asks the others questions as if they have just arrived from Mars and are astonished by everything they see.This technique works if you ask open questions. When you ask closed questions (yes/no), you are converging and get poor information. If you ask open question targeted to left, right and limbic brain, you get all the dimensions of the subject: 1. Limbic brain: emotions, wants / desires –ex: how does it make you feel? 2. Left cortical brain: language, mathematics, logic –ex: what’s the use of it? 3. Right cortical brain: images, visual –ex: how does it look? Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 11 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO OPEN MINDS CREATIVEBREATHING It consists of moving away from the problem set (diverging), then refocusing on it again (converging). Creative thinking refuses the illusion that you can go directly to your objective in a straight line. The approach is composed of 6 steps which alternate between divergenceandconvergence: 1. Exploration(divergence) 2. Reformulation(convergence) 3. Productionofideas(divergence) YOUR IDEA 4. Selection(convergence) 5. Experimenting-Tests(divergence) 6. Organization(convergence) Othertechniquesareusedtodeployeachstep. Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 12 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO GENERATE IDEAS IDEART It is a technique for generating ideas (within the realm of thought provoking) using visual stimulus, usually paintings. It was created in 2000 by Franc Ponti. Given a particular creative focus, a picture is chosen so that it can generate analogies and associations. First, attempt to describe the picture and "play" with the concepts that it might create (build stories, detect hidden aspects, fables, comparisons,etc..).Later,tryto"force"connectionsbetweenthecreativefocusandthepictureusingphrasessuchas: • Thisissimilartoourprobleminthat... • Thisaspectofthepictureislinkedwith... • Whatifwedolike...? YOUR IDEA • Ournewserviceislike...because... Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 13 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO GENERATE IDEAS HALLOF FAME Technique created by Michael Michalko in his book Thinkertoys. It consists of extracting ideas starting from quotations of famous peopleandgreatmindsofhistory(bothrealandfictional).Thestepstodevelopthistechniqueare: • Findquotes,youcanlookforfamousquotesininternet. • Createalistofcelebrities.Thinkoffamouspeoplelivingordead,realorfictionalthatappealtoyouforsomereasonormotivateyou forsomethingandmakeaselection(alistofabout30) • Choseacreativegoalorfocusandcheckyourlist.Chooseacelebrity(whichislikeanadvisor)andselectoneofyourquotes YOUR IDEA • Writedownthethoughtsandideasthatwillarise(allofthem) • Choosetheideasorinformationthatyouthinkhavethemostcreativeorinnovativepotential • Doacreativepause(5to10minutes)fornewideas Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 14 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO GENERATE IDEAS BRAINSTORMING it is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneouslycontributedbyitsmembers.ThetermwaspopularizedbyAlexFaickneyOsborninthe1953bookAppliedImagination. Osborn claimed that brainstorming was more effective than individuals working alone in generating ideas. Osborn claimed that two principles contribute to "ideative efficacy," these being 1.Defer judgment, and 2.Reachfor quantity. Following these principles were his four general rules of brainstorming, established with intention to reduce social inhibitions among group members, stimulate idea generation,andincreaseoverallcreativityofthegroup. YOUR IDEA This techniqueisguidedby the CQFDrule:makeneither Criticisms nor Comments,Quantityrather thanquality,Fancifully encouraged andDevelopideasproposedbyothers. Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 15 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO GENERATE IDEAS BRAINWRITING itisawrittenformofbrainstorming.Brainwritingisparticularlyusefulwithagroupofpeoplewhoaresomewhatreticentandwouldbe unlikely to offer many ideas in an open group session such as brainstorming; even a shy person who doesn’t like to speak in front of otherscancontributeactively.Thereisnojudgmentandnohierarchicalorder.Italsoworkswellwithlargegroups-thereisnoreallimit tothegroupsize. • Eachparticipanttakesablanksheetandcarefullywritesdownanideatoanswertheproblemset • Eachoneofthempasseshis papertothefellow-participantto hisleft.Participants readtheideaonthe newsheetjustreceivedand YOUR IDEA reactbyaddingafurtherideaormodificationtoenrichit • They continue passingthe ideasheets to theleft neighbor,adding to eachsheet until the sheets havecomecomplete circle and are returnedtotheiroriginalowners • Eachparticipantreads“his”sheetwithalltheideasandhecirclestheoneheconsiderstobethebest • Eachparticipantreadshispreferredideatotheothers • Alltheparticipantsatthetableselectthebestonefromallthoseselected Sometimes, brainstorming goes too fast and in all directions. In a brainwriting, it goes more slowly, you have no critic and the production is made by the group. It is fun, productive and collaborative. It is a push to be present, to be active, and to participate. You can do it by emailfor instance. Ask people solutions via email. Thosewho don't answer the email won't be able to say this is "bullshit" toideasproducedbecauseyoucanreproachthemnottohaveproposedtheirsolutionbyansweringtheemail. Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 16 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO GENERATE IDEAS ANALOGY Theaimis to lookfor examplesfromotherfields andto transfer toourownchallengethesolutionswhichworkelsewhere. Theidea is togooutsidetheusualframeworkinordertosolvetheproblem. First,youlistpeople, companies, animals,etc. Whohavesolved thesame problemasyoursorwhosucceed indoingwhatyouwish to attain.Thenyoutransposetheirbestpracticeandideastoyourownfieldandsubject. It is important to come with a few examples as participants often have difficulty visualizing what it means to diverge by analogy given YOUR IDEAfunctional analogies, sometimes that there are very varied types of it. You can choose between comparing one system with another, evenanalogiesbasedonshape.Inallcases,therewillalwaysbethingsthatdon’tworkbutthatdoesn’tmatter. Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 17 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO GENERATE IDEAS EMPATHY Theaimis to lookfor examplesfromotherfields andto transfer toourownchallengethesolutionswhichworkelsewhere. Theidea is togooutsidetheusualframeworkinordertosolvetheproblem. First,youlistpeople, companies, animals,etc. Whohavesolved thesame problemasyoursorwhosucceed indoingwhatyouwish to attain.Thenyoutransposetheirbestpracticeandideastoyourownfieldandsubject. It is important to come with a few examples as participants often have difficulty visualizing what it means to diverge by analogy given YOUR IDEAfunctional analogies, sometimes that there are very varied types of it. You can choose between comparing one system with another, evenanalogiesbasedonshape.Inallcases,therewillalwaysbethingsthatdon’tworkbutthatdoesn’tmatter. Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 18 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO EVALUATE IDEAS PLUS MINUSINTERESTING Itallowsamoredetailedassessmentofthemostrelevantideas.Eachideaisanalysedintothefollowingsections: • Pluses("P"),arethosepotentialreasonswhywebelievethattheideacanworksuccessfully • Minus(“M"),itsweaknessesandthosereasonswebelievethattheideamaynotworkorthatleadtocaution • Interesting aspects ("I"), issues that are important to take into account, but they are neither positive nor negative, or they mayhave botheffects YOUR IDEA THE CHECKERBOARD It is a technique for evaluating creative ideas in which you can measure each idea in relation to a set of specific criteria. The steps for the developmentofthetechniqueare: • Developalistofcriteriarelevanttoassess,identify,selectandsupporteachidea • Writethesecriteriaatthetopofasheetofpaper • Makealistofallyourideasinasinglecolumndowntheleftsideofthepaper • Foreachidea,makeasignalundereachcriterionasappropriateinrelationtoitsbenefits • Selecttheideathathasmoresigns Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 19 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO EVALUATE IDEAS REFORMULATION After a divergence exercise(e.g. Martian interview), you converge. It is better to do it alone (written) and then share your reformulations. Try to reformulate the subject in 1 to 3 questions/creative challenges beginning with “how to...” Afterwards you diverge again on each of them to produce ideas. When you have 50 ideas, then you choose the solution (new convergence). The secretistohave50ideasbeforeselectingandjudgingthem. YOUR IDEA Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 20 Creativity improvement Creativity Sessions - TO EVALUATE IDEAS IDEASELECTION Before passing to the selection itself, two complementary techniques can be employed:to combine the ideas, by keeping in each one only its positive aspects; and to list the limits of each “candidate” idea with the solution, and to produce a creative work to raise the objections. This technique is also known under the name -popular -of the “devil's advocate”. When the work of reformulation and clarification of the objectives was well undertaken, the criteria of appreciation of the ideas are explicit. To have attended many situations of selection, we can testify that the personality of the individuals who decide isdetermining in the final choices. Very irrational criteria can appear such as the effects of spots blind, the aversion to the risk, the willto remain irreproachable (the umbrella effect), the search for originality. On the other side are theYOUR intuitionIDEA and the audacity. You have to leave time at the end of the creativity session for the idea selection phase so that each participant can give his opinion about the best ideas he has heard. This has a positive impact, even among participants who are not in a positive frame of mind, as they hear the satisfaction expressed by other participants. What’s more, this exchange of views about the best ideas prolongs the amazement and also the divergence phase. Why? Simply because participants are surprised by the fact that such and such a person found a particular idea interesting, whereas he had felt it to be totally without interest. And from this contrast between two views will emerge the idea that the world can be perceived in different ways, that this creates tension and that this tension can be used to create new ideas. And this is precisely the reason why it is possible to be more creative in a group than alone. If the overall result is weak in terms of ideas generated –which is unlikely if the meeting has been well facilitated –you will need to repeat the exercise with a slightly different technique, asking the participants to assess the number and quality of their own productions. A Brainwritingexercise will make participants face up to their responsibilities and produce ideas. Always bear in mind that being creative requires time, and no one can tell in advance precisely how much time will be necessary. Momentary failure must not be allowed to defeat patience, the greatest of all virtues for creative people. Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 21 Creativity improvement Key success factors & best practices • Multidisciplinaryteams inthesessions increase theflowof ideas(variousdepartmentsor other sectors) • Duringthesessions,postponesheer criticism,thisisthefirst“creativitykiller”. • Evaluatingideastoo muchalsokillsnew ideas. • Playingfosterscreativity. • Considering gaming practices is highly recommendable, taking into account the formal behaviour typical of thesecuritysector. YOUR IDEA Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 22 Creativity improvement Added-value of INSEC project/Platform • • • RelatedInnovationelements(availableat InnovationmanagementTool Kit or viadiagnosis) • #1 cultureassessment • #2 creativitysessions • #4 InnovationStrategy& Policy INSEC will organise 1 creativity session for each type of end user involved in the project (4 in total). These one day respective sessions will gather all relevant people in the security organisations in order to: • Generatenew innovativeideas; • Structure the ideas expressed based on the objectives expected; • Expressa firstranking; • Identify weak point in the current management system. Additionally, one creativity session will be organized with the members of the Advisory Board in order to find the right balance between the end-users’ point of view and the SMEs cooperationneeds. Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 23 Financing RDI at European level References CreativityTechniques byKaos CreativityDevelopment Programby ActitudCreativa SystematizingCreativeThinkingby InteligenciaCreativa Contract No. FP7- 285287 INSEC is a project co-funded by the European Commission under the Seventh Framework Programme (2007-2013) 24 25