Data reporting system for Community Builders Training for Service Providers September/ October 2011 Data Reporting Workshop The purpose of today’s workshop is to guide you through the online data reporting system. We will show you how to enter project activity details and how to access the surveys. And... answer any questions you may have 2 Workshop program 1. Background – context, purpose and scope 2. Project data – overview - activity level information - project level information - feedback 3. Outcomes surveys – overview - timing 3 Background • Transition from CSGP to Community Builders • Service Activity Descriptions Community Community Community Community Hub Capacity Building Skills Development Sector Development • Performance-based Service Specifications • Consistent data reporting • Performance Monitoring Framework (PMF) 4 Importance of Data Reporting • To consistently measure and report on the number and types of services delivered by Community Builders services across NSW • To be able to report outcomes • To improve the program 5 Data Use • To assess project effectiveness against the service specification • To measure the project’s contribution to the model and program • To contribute to program evaluation 6 Principles for Data Reporting • Minimise the reporting costs for service providers and Community Services • Only collect data that will be used and is meaningful for compliance or evaluation • Simplify systems for data collection, storage and analysis 7 Key Concepts • This is reporting system not a management information system • Reporting against Community Builders funding and your service specifications • Project data items vs outcomes data 8 Key Concepts cont’d • Snapshot vs whole period data • Occasions of service • Outlets are reported separately Scope ARTD was engaged by Communities and Early Years to develop a data reporting system to cover the 4 Community Builders service activity descriptions (SADs). Each of the SADs has performance measures and data is reported under : • outputs (how much?) • quality (how well?) • outcomes (is anyone better off?). Output data is reported through the on-line portal. Quality and Outcomes data is collected through service user surveys. 10 Data Reporting • The system will be piloted for one year • Data will be reported through a web-based system • Each project will have its own data reporting web page • Access to this system will be distributed by email • Service providers may submit their project data as a data file 11 Project Data • Will be submitted via an on-line portal • One entry point regardless of the number of SADs • Can be submitted incrementally or at the end of the reporting period • Projects will only report to the activities defined in their Service Specifications 12 The data portal - a tab for each SAD All projects will have their own data collection web page. These pages will be customised to the Service Specifications of each project. There will be a tab for each SAD a project is funded under. 13 Activity data – Snapshot and whole period • Most data covers the whole reporting period. • Two pilot periods to start with July- Dec 2011 and Jan-June 2012. • In Hubs and Community Capacity Building there are a few activities where data will only be collected in ‘snapshot’ months: May and Oct (Nov this year) 14 Overview of data required Task name Measure – Number of… Timing Clients connected with info Individuals accessing information in person, electronically or on paper Snapshot Clients referred Assisted referrals Snapshot Events (all types) Participants per event Whole period Programs (all types) Times the activity occurred Total attendances per program Whole period Resources developed Resource produced, people reached Whole period Community workshops Sessions held Total attendances per workshop Whole period Community networks/groups Meetings held per group Whole period On-line forums Times the forum was held Hits per forum Whole period Efficiency/Effectiven ess On-time, as planned Whole period 15 Snapshot data form The activities requiring snapshot data appear first in each SAD – shown below under a Hub portal page 16 Snapshot data form Once ‘submit’ is clicked you cannot access the data. Use ‘save draft’ if you want to edit later 17 Whole period activity data Data for all other activities is entered by clicking the ‘add’ button next to each activity. 18 Adding activity data When you click ‘add’ a pop-up where the data is to be entered appears. * Denotes mandatory fields – most fields are mandatory 19 Summary of activity data When activities have been entered, they will be visible in summary form, with running totals. 20 Community Hub activities Task name Measure – Number of… Clients connected with info Individuals accessing information in person, electronically or on paper by support category (snapshot) Clients referred Assisted referrals made (snapshot) Services coordinated through the Hub Times service provided Using community infrastructure Bookings/occasional users in snapshot month Community consultation Participants per consultation Events Participants per event Community plans Participants per activity Networks established Participating organisations per network Times the network met Partnership projects Participating organisations per project Integrated plans Participating organisations per activity 21 Hub pop-ups - events 22 Hub pop-ups – community plans 23 Hub pop-ups – networks 24 Community Capacity Building activities Task name Measure – Number of… Clients connected with info Individuals accessing information in person, electronically or on paper (snapshot) Clients referred Assisted referrals (snapshot) Events (all types) Participants per event Programs (all types) Times the activity occurred Total attendances per program Resources developed Resource produced, people reached Community workshops Sessions held Total attendances per workshop Community networks/groups Meetings held per group On-line forums Times the forum was held Efficiency/Effectiveness On-time, as planned 25 CCB pop-ups – resource development 26 CCB pop-ups – networks/ groups 27 CCB pop-ups – social inclusion programs 28 Community Skills Development activities Task name Measure – Number of… Training (all types) Total attendances per activity Resources developed (all types) Resource produced, people reached Programs (all types) Total attendances per activity Efficiency/Effectiveness On-time, as planned 29 Key term – Attendances Programs Please name all of the community activity programs your organisation held during the reporting period e.g. a community safety program or a community garden. Your Community Garden club meets 20 times in 6 months, with total attendance of 293 Name Program 1: Garden Club How many times this activity occurred 20 Total number of attendances (for all sessions) 293 Program 2: Program 3: 30 Community skills development 31 Community Sector Development activities Task name Measure – Number of… Skills/training program Sessions per activity Attendances per activity Organisations present per activity Resources developed Resource produced, people reached Community sector capacity building Sessions per activity Attendances per activity Organisations present per activity Data collection project Attendances per activity Organisations present per activity Plans produced Attendances per activity Organisations present per activity Sector planning/consultation workshops Sessions per activity Attendances per activity Organisations present per activity Partnership projects Attendances per activity Organisations present per activity Efficiency/Effectiveness On-time, as planned 32 Key term - Organisations represented You hold an RBA training program with 4 sessions. 12 people attend all 4 sessions, and 1 attends 3 That is, 4 x 12 +3 = 51 participants. Of the 12, 8 people come from 3 NGO’s, 2 from different Councils, and 2 from regional offices of Community Services Name of Skills Training Program Program 1: RBA Program 2: Program 3: Sessions held 4 Total number of participants (for all sessions) 51 How many of the following organisations were represented? NGO Local State Other govt. Govt. 3 2 1 33 Community sector development . 34 Outcome Survey relationship to key tasks Project Community Hub Information and referral Events Survey 1 Survey 2 Survey 3 Info & Referral Services Events Community Building Activity Community workshops Social inclusion programs Community Skills Development Life skills program Education/learning programs Governance training Leadership training Mentoring programs Train volunteers Community Sector Development Skills/training program Community sector capacity building Sector planning or consultation workshops Partnership projects Survey 5 Community Sector Info & Planning Survey 6 Community Sector Development & Training Community consultation Community Capacity Building Information and referral Events/Events utilising infrastructure Programs/Programs utilising infrastructure Survey 4 Skills & Development Activities Outcome surveys • Each project will need to administer a number of outcome surveys. Which surveys and when will be determined by the business rules, and by decisions made at regional office. • The surveys that a project is required to administer will appear on this tab. • Only use surveys printed from your portal. 36 Which surveys and when to use Survey Which activities? Who/ when? 1. Information and Referral People connected with information Assisted referrals 2. Community Events Events Events (utilising infrastructure) Sample of people attending each event, up to 4 events per year. If possible, survey 1 event per quarter. 3. Community Building activities Community consultation Programs Program (utilising infrastructure) Community workshops All people engaged with the activity during the survey quarter (Apr-Jun) All people using the service in the snapshot period – May and October (Nov in 2011) 37 Which surveys and when to use Survey Which activities? Who/ when? 4. Skills & development activities Social inclusion programs Life skills program Education/learning programs Governance training Leadership training Mentoring program Train volunteers All program participants at the completion of groups or activities in the survey quarter (Jan-Mar) 5. Community sector information and planning Community sector capacity building Sector planning or consultation workshops Partnership projects All people engaged with the project/service during the survey quarter (Apr – Jun) 6. Community sector development & training Skills/training program At the completion of the activity, survey all skills/training participants in the community sector survey quarter (Apr - Jun) 38 Outcomes Surveys –Demography and priority groups The surveys will provide demographic information about project participants – ‘how well?’ • Sex • Age • ATSI origin • Other language at home • Main income source • Financial disadvantage • Social exclusion • Postcode 39 40 Project level data 3 optional questions: 1. Project highlight 2. % funded time spent on coordination/ administration 3. % funded activity not covered in reporting data 41 Project survey 42 Feedback form Providers will be asked to provide feedback through the online feedback form available through the project data collection website. 43 Reporting • Service Providers will receive an annual report • It will include outputs data, survey summaries and regional/state averages • CPOs will also receive a copy of this report to assist them with the PMF 44 Where can I get help? • The ? Buttons on the system • Service Provider User Guidelines • ARTD telephone help • SRSOs for queries about your service specification or key tasks • Changes to contact details email: • LCSA and YAPA 45 What’s next? • You will receive your personal portal link via email in mid October • The first snapshot period (for Info & Referral and Services Coordinated) starts in November • The first reporting period is July-Dec 2011 • Close off date for entry of Jul-Dec data is 27 January 46 Any Questions? LCSA & YAPA LCSA – Transition Resource Project Officers Lyn Lormer Can Yasmut YAPA – Youth Sector Support Coordinator Sophie Trower