AAR (Section – Det Chief)

JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
26November 2013
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
• Create OMB (III MEF SMO)
– Allows the spectrum “element” to process requirements
– Allows continuous spectrum support without the constraints of individual coordination
– OMB email address can be used for HA/DR tools like Mercury
Enhances the JSME performance across various platforms
• Create Mercury JTF Account (Pointing to OMB)
JSC/PACOM – Move existing assignments to JTF 505 Box
• Units supported (Initially – Before JTF EXORD):
– USMC – III MEF (7th Comm BN), 31st MEU, 1st MAW (ACE), 3D MLG. 2/6 (ACM)
– PAC AF – 644th
– ARMY – 25th CAB
– Navy – Bilateral requirements with AFP maritime
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
• Publish Datacall (release message by the J-3)
– Establish Policy on:
• JACS 3.0 (Standard for MILDEP’s)
– Required for generating JCEOI
– Master Net List from units transferred to MERCURY for processing by the JTF
– Used by all users not having the capability to use JACS 3.0
– Used by all users who have unique requirements (COTS, S&T, RADARS, ETC…)
– JTF require a copy of all TACSAT (tactical satellite) Satellite Access Assignments (SAA)
– Used for submission of classified systems only
• S&T
– Submit requirements in Mercury
– No J/F 12 required (Long as Host Nation approves spectrum request)
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
• Generate and Publish JCEOI
Unclassified (HA/DR is unclassified)
Before publishing, ensure Maritime frequencies are Unclassified (Bilateral nets only)
Do not extract or publish Navy/JFMCC OpTaskComms (OTC) spectrum assignments
• Populate JTF Portal:
Loadset (JTF 505 frequency hopping Loadset)
Mercury “How to Brief” (1st Full implementation of program)
Do not post spectrum documents on HA/DR “public” access site
• (Example: APAN – All Partners Access Network)
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
• Armed Forces Philippines (AFP) was the military Host Nation controlling
Allotment Plans identified to PACOM
PACOM/JTF 505 required to coordinate request within these plans with AFP
AFP allotment plan did not include 225-400 MHz
Limited resources to support JTF requirements
• National Telecommunications Commission (NTC) supported requirements
outside of AFP allotment
– Requirements outside of AFP allotment plan were identified within request sent to
– Process time at NTC advertised as 2-4 days
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
– Coordination element between JTF 505 and Host Nation
– Essential in establishing/promoting policy (Especially in the absence of the JTF)
– Essential in providing spectrum authorizations where Host Nation approval/direction was
(COCOM JFMO Has to be willing to make the call when urgency is a necessity)
• JTF 505 JSME
– Was able to capitalize on relationships established in PACOM
Was essential where Comm Con was still being developed
– Key Components/Elements engaged from the begging
– PACOM capturing Components requirements early
Easy to transition assignments under JTF 505 J6 JSME control
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
After Action Report – Applications:
• Mercury
Outstanding concept for processing “unclassified” spectrum support
Requires minimal “frequency” data input for Host Nation to make assignments
Gives the JTF more flexibility and simplicity in order to coordinate with various users
Web based tool that can be accessed on Tactical or Garrison unclassified networks
(long as user has access to the Internet)
Allows spectrum to be processed outside of the constraints associated with “software” on DoD networks
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
After Action Report – Applications (cont.):
• Mercury
– Recommendations to improve the software:
• General enhancements:
• Allow navigation between previous and next records from within the record.
• Allow the ability to adjust the number of records viewed on a page and the ability to
select all assignments for a specific request (not just 25 at a time).
• Allow the ability to view as many records (assignments) as will fit on the page when they
are collapsed
• Add search function for requests.
• Provide a function for a higher echelon in the coordination process the ability to tag
request to an operation without exporting and importing those records.
• Allow anyone within the coordination process the ability to view that record and its
history (or at least search for it) as it is being processed.
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
After Action Report - Applications (cont.):
• Mercury
– Recommendations to improve the software:
• Spectrum enhancement:
• Create a toggle function to allow entry of PUB 7 SFAF line items. The simplified
request supports the non-spectrum, NGO agencies, and Host Nation requirements,
but the option should be there to show additional fields (and even make some
standard for operations). This will save a substantial amount time in exporting
records out of Mercury, converting the records into PUB 7 compliance, and importing
them into SXXI.
• Upon export, find a way to capture comments so history is not lost.
– Example is the 502/520 lines within the PUB 7 format
• List original requestor POC info (803 line) between Request Routing Information and
User and Equipment Information on each request.
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
After Action Report - Applications (cont.):
– 3.0 used
– Used to deconflict assignments
– Supported generation of the JCEOI and Loadset (no shortfalls)
Minimum use
No classified requirements for the HA/DR
Time consuming to incorporate Mercury records into SXXI
Excluding loading of ITU records, EME would lack Philippines National
Telecommunications Commission (NTC) and Armed Forces Philippines (AFP)
– JTF Component deconfliction done with JACS
– Same case for 2004 Tsunami Relief and 2011 Tomodachi
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
After Action Report-Spectrum:
• Topic: Ability to respond and coordinate quickly during initial hours of
• Discussion: Spectrum was initially recalled Sunday 10 Nov to support the
activation of quick reaction teams ISO typhoon Yolanda. Even though it was
late on a Saturday PACOM time, III MEF was able to conduct coordination
with both PACOM and MARFORPAC IOT provide the first responders
frequency and satellite resources within hours of recall. This was only
possible because of linkages that had been created prior to the crisis. Well
established relationships sped the flow of traffic, eliminated recall time
(personal cell phone numbers were used), and provided the quickest
response times possible.
• Recommendation: In the PACOM AOR the importance of commodity
related functions such as conferences, working groups, and OPT’s can not
be overstated and should continue with the greatest participation possible.
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
After Action Report-Spectrum:
• Topic: Deploying JTF Spectrum Managers
• Discussion:
Due to unstable capabilities (network wise) the initial response
elements should not include the spectrum manager. Especially the lead element for
a HA/DR(JTF or MEF/MEB). Without connectivity the spectrum manger lacks the
capability to request, process, and coordinate spectrum requirements with senior
commands and external agencies. For the beginning phases, the lead spectrum
manager in country lacked the capabilities to effectively coordinate and process
requirements. When III MEF was identified as the JTF for the HA/DR, the decision
was made to leave spectrum managers in place with the in Main (Okinawa). This
decision allowed the Joint Spectrum Management Element (JSME) the capability to
operate seamlessly with all components, external agencies, and senior commands in
both a NIPR and SIPR environment.
• Recommendation:
Lead element spectrum manager is left in place until
deployable environment is stable for him or her to access NIPR and SIPR (For
HA/DR’s). *Note, this was a lesson learned from Katrina. During TSUNAMI RELIEF 04
and OPERATION TOMODACHI spectrum was successful because the above
recommendation was supported.
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson
JTF 505 J6
Joint Spectrum Management Element
After Action Report – Spectrum:
• Topic: PACOM/JTF Spectrum Management LNO with Host Nation
• Discussion: With delays in spectrum assignments to PACOM/JTF 505 Components
it was apparent that the Host Nation spectrum process could not fully support the
immediate spectrum requirements. From the PACOM/JTF 505 spectrum perspective,
at times it seemed as though the Armed Forces Philippines (AFP)/National
Telecommunications Commission (NTF) delays or no response to spectrum request
were not conducive to the support required. Without having representatives
assessing/supporting the Host Nation spectrum assigning authority there can be a
negative effect on “immediate” support to the JTF and it’s components. With this
move, the second order effect would be PACOM JFMO could have a better
situational awareness on non-government organization spectrum assignments
within JTF 505 area of operation.
• Recommendation: PACOM JFMO send a spectrum manager to the Host
Nation spectrum assigning entity in order to work JTF/Component spectrum
requirements. This is only in cases where there is no Sub-unified Command
and infrastructure (network wise) is supportable.
Submitted by: J6 JSME / CWO3 Foreman and GySgt Sisson