The Winners Losers in the move to Real-Time Cloud Communications Structure • • • • • • • 2 The Facts Why do we need APIs? Why all the big numbers? Mapping the Cloud Communications API landscape Where to Focus? Where is the Telecom Application Developer Ecosystems going? Who are the winners and losers? © 2010 Alan Quayle Business and Service Development No developed market telco has successfully engaged mobile application developers with Telecom APIs BUT Telecom API successes have come from using APIs internally AND Telecom API successes have come from using APIs with existing partners APIs reduce business friction. This means the value is not ‘in the API’ it’s in the service or data delivered through the API. Mobile Application Developers ONLY care about direct access to a large engaged customer base that is prepared to pay. Apple and Android fulfill this need, Telcos are IRRELEVANT Revenue This is the Most Important Slide in the Pack Internal Telco Developers Partner Developers Telecom App Developers Mobile App Developers Long Tail Developers Product What do we mean by Telecom App Developer? Developers that recognize they build telecom apps today Hardcore Telco Software Infrastructure (10ks) IT/Web Programmers building on FOSS, telecom app platforms and telecom APIs (1Ms) ‘Cut and Paste’ web developers using web-scripting and graphical tools on app platforms (10Ms) All based on IT / Web Technologies and Development Principles What do we mean by Telecom App Developer? Hardcore Telco Software Infrastructure (10ks) Developers that recognize they build telecom apps tomorrow IT/Web Programmers building on FOSS, telecom app platforms and telecom APIs (1Ms) ‘Cut and Paste’ web developers using web-scripting and graphical tools on app platforms (10Ms) All based on IT / Web Technologies and Development Principles What is an API? • APIs reduce business friction by making it easy for software systems to work together using existing well understood web technology that any IT person can understand Why do we need Telecom APIs? Why do we need a Web site? 1995 Of course we have a Web site 2000 2005 New distribution Accelerate internal projects Upsell Innovation Why do we need an API? 2010 Device and mobile support Operational efficiency Make churn harder Extend products / services Of course we have an API Increase footprint Partner opportunities Process automation New business Telecoms is the ‘vital spice’ of any successful business ecosystem Show me the money? graphic Where’s the Money in External APIs? $244B by 2017 $157B by 2018 $18B in 2016 Mobile payments revenue, source BI Intelligence. Includes Apple, Android, Square, Visa Mobile, etc. Total Telecom API revenue, source Mind Commerce. Payment, Communications, Identity, Cloud, etc. Alan Quayle’s view is the revenues will be $18B and dominated by payment and communication service revenues by 2016 Juniper predicts DCB (Direct Carrier Billing) growing from $2.5B in 2012 to $13B in 2017 (this assumes only digital downloads, not goods and services) What if a Telco does nothing? Telco becomes the “path of last resort” as apps use “easy and economical” APIs for 90% of comms Easy and Economical 90% Global comms clouds Applications Laggards 10% Telco Customers Mapping vendors across the API landscape Informational APIs (e.g. customer profile) Developer Community API Publishers Tropo, Twilio, etc. Developer Portal API Management Transactional APIs e.g. call control API Management (including API Security) Intel Software (Mashery), CA (Layer 7), Apigee API Services Network Gateway Cloud / BOSS Assets IT / Service Assets Network Assets IMS Assets Mapping vendors across the API landscape Informational APIs Transactional APIs Developer Community Developer Portal Apigee, Intel (Mashery), Layer 7 (CA), SOA Software, 3Scale, IBM, Open Source API Management API Services Intel (Aepona), Ericsson, Huawei, Oracle, Open Source Network Gateway Cloud / BOSS Assets IT / Service Assets 2600Hz, Aculab, Apidaze, Bandwidth, hSenid Mobile, OnMobile, OpenCloud, Plivo, Restcomm, Solaiemes, TelAPI, Tropo, Twilio, etc. Network Assets IMS Assets Where are External Telco APIs going? • External Telecom API Roadmap o Payments: whether to expand beyond digital downloads o Communications: across all VAS not just calls – RCS, messaging, number provision, WebRTC, etc. • Focus on building a businesses around the APIs rather than publish and wishful thinking o Sales, marketing, business development and critically support o Traditional transition from tech-focus to business-focus Customers Services 1-3.3% 0-2% Threats to Revenue 5.5 to 9% Over the Top Messaging hits SMS growth 3 to 4% Mobile substitution of fixed broadband with LTE 0 to 2% OTT substitution, saturation, competition -5 to -7% Mobile and OTT substitution Mobile Data ($275B) Fixed Data ($275B) Mobile Voice ($615B) Fixed Voice ($325B) 3-6% Regulated Services ($1.5T) + Unregulated Services ($650B) Total Telecoms Services ($2.15T) = Sources: operator averages across developed and developing markets, supplier estimates, Alan Quayle There’s just 2 things we need to focus on Make Telecoms an Essential Spice for every Business Recipe Do more VAS! Revenue Telecom Application Developer Ecosystem Internal Telco Developers Partner Developers Telecom App Developers Mobile App Developers Long Tail Developers Product What do we mean by Telecom App Developer? Hardcore Telco Software Infrastructure (10ks) Developers that recognize they build telecom apps tomorrow IT/Web Programmers building on FOSS, telecom app platforms and telecom APIs (1Ms) ‘Cut and Paste’ web developers using web-scripting and graphical tools on app platforms (10Ms) All based on IT / Web Technologies and Development Principles No Gatekeeper Focus Motivation