BCA 10 - 13 FW Thesis Guideline

BATCH : BCA 10-13 FW
Department of Thesis
Level 0, IIPM International Campus, Satbari,
Mehrauli-Chattarpur Road , Delhi , India
Phone: 91.11.30168408/412
e-mail: projectthesis@iipm.edu;
web: www.iipm.edu
BCA 10-13 FW
The primary objective of THESIS is to gain practical experience
sound appreciation and understanding of the theoretical principles
learnt in five semesters of BCA. THESIS is oriented towards
developing the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to make an
effective start as a member of the computer / IT profession.
Some of the many expected advantages to be gained by an BCA
graduate from thesis are.
• Systematic introduction to the ways of industry and developing
talent and attitudes, so that he/ she can enjoy fully, a career in IT
industry (as a Software developer/ Trainee/Software
Engineer/database administrator etc.)
• Recognizing his/her responsibilities as a professional of the future.
•Understanding real life situations in industrial organizations and
their related environments and accelerating the learning process of
how his/her knowledge could be used in a realistic way.
•Understanding the formal and informal relationship in an
industrial organization so as to promote favorable human relations
and teamwork .
• Appreciating that IT is an expanding field and that learning has no
• Understanding that the problems encountered in the industry have
unique solution and gaining experience to select the optional
solution from the many alternatives available.
BCA 10-13 FW
Select a Company (of your choice)
Identify a mentor/ external guide.
Write a rough draft of synopsis
Discuss with the mentor and finalize the synopsis
Submission of Thesis synopsis ( Max 2 pages) in hard/ soft copy
along with a consent letter from the external guide has to be
submitted to thesis department.
Approval of thesis synopsis by allotment of Alumni ID Number
sent through email from the thesis department.
Start working on your thesis report.
Get an Interim valuation of thesis done by your supervising guide.
Submission of Response Sheets
Submission of Final Thesis
( You are required to meet the guide atleast 4 times during the process of writing the thesis and
have to get your response sheet filled & signed by the supervising guide )
(It should be between 10000 to 30000 words )
BCA 10-13 FW
The project undertaken may be of various types Viz:
• System software / tools development type
• Application software development type
•Computer networks performance analysis type
• Web source development type (Client-Server)
• Middle ware technology development type
• Mobile computing
• Data base Applications
• Multimedia development type
• Data mining, Network security
• E-Governance, E-Learning applications
• Image Processing and Soft Computing
• E- commerce / E –shopping.
BCA 10-13 FW
•A student
can choose more than one person as his/her
(External Guide has to be necessarily from the industry)
External Guide
•It is advisable to choose one of his/her Guide who is well versed in the area
(technical in nature ) one has chosen.
•A Guide is expected to counsel the students
but not to solve the problems.
with respect to his thesis work
All the students are required to follow the following instructions:
Each student will have to submit the thesis report in the recommended format.
One copy is to be submitted to the Institute by the student individually on or
before …………….. ..
Thesis is an individual task. One can not submit the same report as the other
student, each report has to be different, even if the company is same.
Students will submit the report to thesis department.
The report should be properly typed. Submitted both in hard copy as well as
soft copy.
The report should be original, no photocopies are accepted.
The length of your THESIS Report should not exceed 60 - 70 pages
Use standard formal level of English (no slang or colloquialisms).
Use a good quality white bond paper.
The students those fail to submit the report by the deadline, will automatically
be deemed failed and would not qualify for the thesis credits.
Student should adhere to the timings for submission of report. No excuse
will be entertained in any case. Note: Delay in submission of thesis report will
attract PENALTY.
Students have to collect a certificate from the company after completion
of your thesis report (COMPLETION CERTIFICATE)
•Every report should have a certification from the employer who had engaged the
student for those days in a given firm/company. The visiting card of the
concerned authority should be stapled along with the certification and should be
added as the second page, just after the covering page.
BCA 10-13 FW
Phone Number:
Email address:
Thesis Topic:
Specialization Area:
Introduction of the organization:
Nature of the problem :
Project Description :
BCA 10-13 FW
Justification of choosing the topic:
Summer training details:
Company name :
Area of specialization
BCA 10-13 FW
Title Page
Thesis Topic approval letter sent over email
Table of Contents
List of Figures & Tables
You will introduce the subject matter of your project here in 1-2 pages. This must
describe the topic and the problem. The first thing is your problem statement.
Emphasize the problem area and its related effects. State the main objective of your
exercise here.
Research objectives & Methodology
You have to begin with by doing desk based (secondary sources centered) research.
Then you have to administer questionnaire / conduct interviews to collect primary data/
responses. If you had chosen either of them, give your justification for doing so, this
section is written in past tense. You have to describe new process used, if any.
Body of the report : Literature Review, Findings & Analysis
Here you will write the main body of your report (25-30 pages). In this section you
provide all the details including your findings with particular reference to the problem
areas. Undertake and report statistical analysis here. Emphasize areas of conformance
/divergence from concepts, assumptions and practices.
Conclusions & Recommendations
In this section you will highlight the main points of your project report and draw your
own conclusion. You may even make suggestions. Consolidate your findings. Do make
recommendations towards a better system. Critically analyse your report. Also report
limitations like size and quality sample, etc.
You will quote here all the books, articles and web based sources. Without this listing
your report will be rejected immediately. It is of utmost importance that you document
all your primary sources and the secondary references while you are researching for
your report.
BCA 10-13 FW
Final Thesis Format
The Manuscript consists of three main parts
The Preliminaries
The Content or the text
The References
The Preliminaries
•Title Page
•Certificate of Originality
•Thesis Topic approval letter sent over email
•Table of Contents
•List of Figures & Tables
Note: Preliminary pages Numbering should be in lower case Roman numerals; Centered at the
bottom of the page; Numbers at least ½ inch from bottom edge
Title Page
•Institute logo Name and place;
•Name of the Title Student and Guide; Batch and
Alumni No
•It should contain all capital letters ; Counted, but not numbered ;
•This should include the problem under investigation; the research methodology and theoretical
orientation; and the expected out comes and implications of the research
•Not to exceed 350 words
Certificate of Originality
•It should include original signature of the Guide.
•It indicates that the guide has approved the thesis as a complete and final work requiring no
further alterations. This signatory format is completely different from the format when
submitted at the time of synopsis.
•It should generally include acknowledgment of assistance received from various persons.
•Center the heading “ACKNOWLEDGMENTS”
Table of Contents:
•Lists all sections with page numbers; Double space between entries; Single space within entries
List of Figures:
•Required if figures appear in thesis
•Non-text items; Numbered consecutively throughout
List of Tables:
•Required if tables appear in the thesis
•Tables should be numbered consecutively throughout.
•Original synopsis (without any alternations) should be attached.
BCA 10-13 FW
Final Thesis Format
The Manuscript consists of three main parts
The Preliminaries
The Content or the text
The References
The Layout Requirements
• Spacing
• Font
• Header and Footer
• Margins
• Paper
• Overall Appearance
• Submission of Final Thesis in Soft-Copy & hard Copy
1.5 Inch space or Double space throughout
Exceptions: Title page and approval page, Table of contents, Captions, table or figure headings,
Extensive quotations, Footnotes or endnotes, Entries in reference section, Appendices.
Any standard font is acceptable; Use the same font throughout; Use font size 12
Exceptions: Captions (not smaller than 9 point), Headings (not larger than 20 point)
Header and Footer
The Header should include the Institute’s Logo with Name (extreme left)
The footer should include the Student’s Batch (Extreme left) and Thesis Alumni Id Number (Extreme
Pages must have at least 1.5 inch left margin; 1 inch top, bottom, and right margins
Exceptions: pg no’s must have at least ½ inch clearance from each edge
Overall Appearance
All corrections should be made before final copy is printed
Unacceptable: Overstrikes or cross-outs ,Handwritten additions or corrections, Lines, dots or shading from
paste-ups .
Soft Copy & Hard Copy of Final Thesis
Portrait format; One side only; Every content of the thesis should be in New Page
Thesis Front Page should include following – Institute Logo, Name and Place, Thesis Title, Student Name,
Alumni No, Batch, Thesis Supervising Guide.
The References
• It should include all works which are referred to in the thesis.
• May be placed at the end of the main text.
• Use any standard manual. If one is not using a style manual, single space within each entry and double
space between the entries.
• Inclusions: Articles, Questionnaire format, Old forms or reports, Sample filled questionnaires with
Business cards attached.
• Exclusions: Case study, Power point slides
Response Sheets
• All thesis should contain all the Response Sheets in the prescribed format
BCA 10-13 FW
Annex 2 : Thesis Response sheet
Response sheet number:________________________________________________________________
Thesis Topic:____________________________________________________________________________
Details of the student (Name ,Batch ,Alumni Id ,Phone No and Email Id )
Thesis synopsis (Attach thesis synopsis [ if response sheets are emailed] with every
response sheet )
Date when the guide was consulted: _____________________________________________________
Progress of the work :
(Students are required to give a gist of the literature review, data collection, analysis and
recommendations etc... however; the questionnaire (if it is part of the methodology) has to be
complete (use a separate sheet if required).
Comments from the Supervising guide:_________________________________________________
Signature of the Supervising guide:
Signature of the Student:
Note: -Whenever a student emails his/her response sheet, he/she has to send all the previous
response sheets too. Response sheets should be emailed to the thesis coordinator. Signature of the
guide is not mandatory if the student send through email.
BCA 10-13 FW
Annex 3: Thesis Submission Acceptance Format
STUDENT INFORMATION: ( To be filled in capital letters) Student Name:
Student Name
Thesis Id
Phone No.
Email Address
Thesis title
As THESIS MENTOR for the student named above, I
certify by signing below that I have read this student’s
final thesis draft, have approved changes required by me,
and recommend the Thesis for acceptance
Supervision Guide’s Name : _____________________________
Sign :____________________________Date :_________________
BCA 10-13 FW
Thesis report is an individual task and student has to submit a report
individually. Students should ensure that Annexure 1,2,3 are present
in the thesis along with the topic approval email sent from the thesis
department at time of final submission.
Synopsis submission to Thesis department
•Submission of Thesis synopsis in Hard / soft copy ( Due Date: 2nd –
8th April ’ 2013 )
•Submission of at least four response sheets before
final thesis (Every time the guide is consulted)
submission of
Thesis submission to Thesis department
•Submission of Final Thesis
( Due Date: 1st – 8th July ’ 2013 One Hard copy + One soft copy)
Note : Please adhere to the timelines strictly as delay in submission of final thesis will
attract penalty and also disqualify the student for convocation.
BCA 10-13 FW
Contact Thesis Department
For all thesis related queries:
Department of Thesis
Level 0, IIPM International Campus,
Satbari, Mehrauli-Chattarpur Road , Delhi , India
Phone: 91.11.30168408
e-mail: projecthesis@gmail.com;
web: www.iipm.edu
Best of Luck !!!
BCA 10-13 FW