Visual Information Requests

Visual Information Services and
VIOS Requests Overview
The Minnesota National Guard Visual Information (VI) mission is to acquire and
provide the Adjutant General, Joint Staff (JS), military departments and commanders
with record documentation, multimedia/VI products and services to satisfy official
requirements for military events and activities.
VI support is limited to official events or activities. The priority set for VI support will
be established with consideration to mission, cost effectiveness and the quality and
quantity of products and services available. The use of VI products, equipment, or
facilities for other than official purposes, such as loaning equipment to local and state
governments or nonprofit organizations meeting on government property, is at the
discretion of the local commander in accordance with (IAW) Army Regulation (AR)
700-131, AR 735-5 and AR 25-1.
VI products assist commanders at all levels, from tactical and operational commanders
to by providing a visual record of significant Minnesota National Guard events and
activities. Visual images are used in tactical C2 decision making, strategic planning and
management through presentations and reports. Doctrinal, combat, materiel and
training developers use VI records for analysis and in reports and briefings to support
military programs. VI products can be used for historical purposes to document
training, educational, research, logistical, personnel, medical and legal activities.
Specific Visual Information services are as follows:
Still photography. Producing, processing, and reproducing still picture film, print
and slide transparencies for military events and activities. To includes taking and
processing DA Photos and Command Photos.
Video. Producing and reproducing video recordings, CDs and DVDs packages. To
include briefings, internal news clips, operational documentation (OPDOC), video
reports and stand-alone video segments, with or without sound for military events
and activities.
Graphic Art & Design. Designing, creating, and preparing two and three
dimensional visual products. To include charts, graphs, posters, visual materials for
brochures, covers, television, motion pictures, printed publications, displays,
presentations and exhibits that are prepared manually, by machine or by computer
sound for military events and activities.
Audio. Recording, producing, reproducing and distributing sound in support of a
military event or activity. To include recording of briefings, news clips, ambient
sound, sound effects, reports, documentation, aural amplification and other studio
products for military events and activities.
Visual Information VIOS Requests
If your Visual Information VIOS request is not listed as an option in
the VIOS drop down menu pick the closest available option for your
specific request. Then provide Visual Information more detail on
your specific request in the “special instructions” narrative section.
It is also recommended that you call Visual Information at 651-2824410 once you have submitted your VIOS request to confirm your
request is clearly understood.
Creating a VIOS Account
Visual Information Requests
Print this page to aid with registration
Go to this website
and input the requested information.
Continuation from VIOS website
The CAC accessible web address is
Non CAC accessible is
Click this side of the U.S.
Use this certificate.
Select installation Minnesota ARNG
click Continue.
Click here
Fill in this information.
You only have to do this
once unless information
changes. Select Org level
closet to your own.
Fill in this information.
Depending on what your
request, will dictate what
the follow on information
Example to follow for Web updates
Select Design/Graphic Service
Enter Justification- Web Update
Click Next
Select Display or Publication
Then select “other” in the drop down menu.
Select the indoor button and quantity can be 1
-unless you have more significantly more changes
Name the “other” product something
Browse to attach a computer file with information about your
Click Add Product and wait for it to populate as seen above.
Select a request date.
Click Next.
Use this page for extra notes
and to give more detail.
Disregard cost estimate
Review and Submit.