WhyWhy develop thinking skills and is the development assessment for learning in the programme important? classroom? ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 Learning and Teaching “It is possible to store the mind with a million facts and still be uneducated” Why develop thinking skills and Our goal is to produce learners who are: assessment for learning in the • motivated and effective classroom? • increasingly independent • able to make use of new technologies • able to learn and apply new skills effectively through their lives. ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 It’s not what pupils learn, but how they learn it that matters. How they learn depends on their cognitive processing capability, and intervention in the process by which this capability develops is the route to fundamental improved life chances in the population of learners. Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? Adey and Shayer, Really Raising Standards 1994 ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 Developing thinking Developing thinking can be defined as developing patterns of thinking that help learners acquire deeper understanding and enable them to explore and make sense of their world. It refers to processes that we in Wales have defined as plan, develop and reflect. Although we are born with a capability to think there is ample evidence that we can learn to think more effectively. Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the classroom? Developing thinking pedagogy has considerable overlap with the principles of assessment for learning. ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 How was developing thinking approached? Teaching of thinking Teaching through thinking Cross curricular infusion Why develop thinking skills and assessment Uses formethods learning inRestructuring the Direct teaching of to lessons in subjects ‘thinking skills’ promote thinking in to provide opportunities Outside subject areas classroom? subject contexts to develop thinking (stand-alone) (stand-alone) e.g. Philosophy for Children, Somerset thinking skills, Let’s think! e.g. CASE, CAME, Thinking though Geography/History, Let’s think through Science/Maths ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 e.g. ACTS, Thinking for Learning (Cardiff LEA) Assessment for learning Assessment for learning is the process of finding out where learners are within a learning continuum, where they need to go and how best to get there. Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning in the It can be considered to be any assessment for classroom? which the first priority in its design and practice is to serve the purpose of promoting learning (formative). ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 Why develop assessment for learning? “There is no evidence that increasing the amount of testing will enhance learning. Instead the focus needs to be on helping teachers use assessment as part of teaching and learning, in ways that will raise children’s achievement.” Assessment Reform Group, 1999 A wide variety of research in this area has clearly shown the gains to be made by learners in both motivation and performance from employing assessment for learning strategies (formative assessment). The critical element lies in learners understanding why and how to make progress. SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 Evidence? Type of Feedback Learning gain made Motivational outcomes Marks only None High ability Low ability Positive Negative Comments only 30% All learners Positive Marks and comments None High ability Low ability Positive Negative Data from ‘Inside the black box’, Black and William (1998) Data drawn from Israel on 132 learners from 12 classes in 4 schools SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 Evidence? • Improvement in attainment on average by half a level at end of KS2 and KS3 and half a grade at GCSE • Effective feedback is crucial in a learner’s development to allow him/her to improve own performance other than judgement against normreferenced criteria: in a variety of research studies, effective feedback improved performance in 60% of the learners • Feedback given as rewards and grades enhances ego rather than task involvement – ‘learned helplessness’ can result from damaging self-esteem. SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 Why focus on developing thinking and assessment for learning? There is well-documented and substantial qualitative and quantitative evidence to show that this focus raises learners’ motivation and performance. Why develop thinking skills and The pedagogy promoted in both areas, and thein characteristics assessment for learning the of learning behaviours in lessons are very similar and mutually support one another. classroom? Between 2005 and 2008, DCELLS conducted a pilot programme with 9 LAs and 1 group of special schools. This involved 42 schools and over 100 teachers. An evaluation of the programme and its outcomes supported these findings. The full evaluation report is available to download from the WAG website ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 What were the outcomes of the pilot programme? In just 5 terms, teachers reported: • improved quality of work produced by learners (increased achievement and attainment) • improvements in learner behaviour • increased engagement and motivation with learning • increase in frequency of creative lessons • improved learner self-confidence and self-esteem • increase in inclusivity • improved speaking and listening skills • shift in pedagogy to facilitating learning rather than directing • happier learners and teachers! SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 What does the extension programme involve? • 3 year programme, reviewed annually Why develop thinking skills and • DCELLS working in partnership with assessment for learning in the LAs across Wales • 50 teachers coached in developing classroom? thinking and assessment for learning pedagogy per LA per year • programme continuously monitored and evaluated by LAs and DCELLS. ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 What will lead teachers be expected to do? • choose and trial 3 principles from developing Why thinking, develop thinking skills and assessment for learning or both assessment for learning ininthe • share and disseminate outcomes school and within clusters classroom? • monitor and evaluate processes and outcomes • meet with DCELLS through mentoring sessions • meet and work with lead LA adviser through coaching sessions. ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 Selected developing thinking principles to try: Plan Develop Reflect Thinking principle Activating prior Thinking about Evaluate own learning Why develop thinking skills andand knowledge, skills and cause and effect thinking understanding makinglearning in the assessmentand for inferences Determining the Forming opinions Reviewing the classroom? process/method/ and making process/method strategy decisions Determining success criteria Thinking logically and seeking patterns Reviewing outcomes and success criteria Considering evidence, information and ideas Linking and lateral thinking ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 Selected assessment for learning principles to try: Questioning Providing feedback to learners Peer and SelfAssessment Why develop thinking skills and assessment for learning Assessment for learning principlesin the Improving quality of Target Setting On-going lesson classroom? answers assessment Peer discussion Immediacy of feedback Active involvement of all learners ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 Uses of summative assessment What support is available? • Coaching visits by lead LA advisers to lead teachers Why develop thinking skills and • Mentoring school visits by DCELLS assessment for learning in the officers • Networking through cluster meetings classroom? • Virtual support through NGfL Cymru forum • Practical classroom support and ideas for strategies and tools through DCELLS. ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 What resources are available? Two web-based booklets: Why develop thinking skills and Why develop thinking and assessment for assessment for learning in the learning in the classroom? classroom? How to develop thinking and assessment for learning in the classroom. Web-link: http://wales.gov.uk/topics/educationandskills/curriculumas sessment/thinkingandassessmentforlearning/?lang=en ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 What resources are available? In the Aiming for excellence series, Why develop thinking skills and Developing thinking, BBC, Estyn, WAG, 2006 assessment for learning in the classroom? NGfL Cymru ‘good practice’ website and forum (available Autumn 2009) ACCAC SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009 What are the key roles of SMT? • give the programme and the action research of the lead teachers a high status within the school community • personally experiment with pedagogy and suggested strategies/tools to promote developing thinking and AfL principles • share and disseminate outcomes • develop lead teachers as coaches for colleagues in order to spread practice across the school • work closely with colleagues in partner schools (and ITET ) to ensure coherence and consistency in understanding and practice. SMT pack 2009 SMT pack 2009