Passive voice

Passive voice
Simple Present
General Tips
• The active form of a verb focuses on the doer of the
• Passive voice is used when the focus is on the receiver
of the action. It is not important or not known, however,
who or what is performing the action.
• The general rule of rewriting active sentences into
passive is as follows:
Active: [ S + V + O ]
Passive: [ O + form of be + V3 + (by +S)]
** When rewriting active sentences in passive voice, note the following:
the object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the passive sentence.
A form of (be) is added depending on the tense of the active sentence.
The main verb is changed into the past participle (V3)
the subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the passive sentence OR IT
In general, if the subject of the sentence is a pronoun, or a general noun like people,
someone, somebody, something, a man , a woman, there’s no need to mention it
in the passive form.
S = the doer of the action
O = the receiver of the action
Simple present passive
Affirmative statements:
Active: [ S + V1 + O ]
Passive: [ O + is/are/am + V3 + (by + S) ]
1. Active: They eat sandwiches every day.
Passive: Sandwiches are eaten every day.
2. Active: Someone visits the old lady at night.
Passive: The old lady is visited at night.
3. Active: They ask me all the time.
Passive: I am asked all the time.
• 2. Negative statements
Active: [ S + don’t/doesn’t + Vbase + O ]
Passive: [ O + isn’t/aren’t/am not + V3 + (by +S) ]
1. Active: People don’t eat kim-bap hot.
Passive: Kim-bap isn’t eaten hot.
2. Active: Saudi Arabia doesn’t import oil and gas.
Passive: Oil and gas aren’t imported by Saudi Arabia.
*** NOTICE that do and does are deleted.
• 3. Questions:
Active: [(Wh-) + do/does + S + V + O ]
Passive: [Wh-) + is/are/am + O + V + (by + S) ]
1. Active: Do they eat kabsa hot?
Passive: Is kabsa eaten hot?
2. Active: How does he plant the trees?
Passive: How are trees planted?
NOTICE that do and does are deleted in the passive form.
Put these sentences into the passive (present simple)
a) Farmers grow soya in Argentina.
Soya is grown in Argentina.
b) People export Spanish tortilla to the US.
• Spanish Tortilla is exported to the U.S.
c) You don’t find penguins at the North Pole.
• Penguins aren’t found at the North Pole
d) They draw some paintings.
• Some paintings are drawn.
e) How does she make sushi?
• How is sushi made?
f) Where do people speak Mandarin?
• Where is Mandarin spoken?
g) Do Saudi Arabia export oil?
Is oil exported by Saudi Arabia?
Complete the sentences with the present simple passive of the
verbs in brackets.
1. Glass _____________(recycle) in Britain.
2. These stereos __________(not / produce) in Japan.
3. Alcohol ______________(not / drink) in schools.
4. Jam __________________(make) from fruit.
5. French ________________(speak) in some parts of Canada.
6. The Olympic Games ______________(watch) by millions of people.
7. Cars _________________(make) in Poland.
8. Sandwiches ________________(not / sell) in banks.
9. ________________ (coffee/ drink) in Saudi Arabia?
10. _______________ (sports/ play) only by men?
11. Why __________________ (you/hit) by the teacher?
Answers: 1. is recycled
2. aren’t produced 3. isn’t drunk
4. is made
5. is spoken
6. are watched
7. are made
8. aren’t sold
9. is coffee drunk
10. are sports played
11. Are you hit
Choose the correct answer.
1. Farmers ___________ cotton in Egypt.
a. grows
b. is growing
c. is grown
2. Wheat ______________ in the U.S.
a. grow
b. is grown
c. are grown
3. They ______________ coffee in the morning.
a. aren’t drunk
b. drinking
c. don’t drink
4. Green tea ___________________ by many people in Jordan.
a. doesn’t drink
b. drunk
c. isn’t drunk
5. When _________ Saudis eat kabsa?
a. are
b. do
c. does
6. Where _______________ kabsa eaten in Saudi Arabia?
b. are
c. does
1. d 2. b 3. c 4. c
5. b
6. a
d. grow
d. grows
d. doesn’t drink
d. aren’t drunk
d. Is
d. Do