Prefixes: Important Word Parts What is a prefix? A. A word part at the end of a word B. A word part in the middle of a word C. A word part at the beginning of a word Prefixes: Important Word Parts What is a prefix? C. A word part at the beginning of a word Prefixes change words! locked Can you get into a locked door? Let’s add a prefix un locked Can you get into an unlocked door? How did the prefix change meaning of the word? un- The prefix was un-. Un- changes the meaning of a word. Tell your partner how unlocked is different from locked. How did the prefix change meaning of the word? The prefix un- means “the opposite of” or “not” So, when the door is unlocked, we could also say that it is “the opposite of locked”, or “not locked” Adding the prefix changes what the word means Let’s look at another word pack What does it mean to pack a suitcase? Let’s look at another word un pack What does it mean to unpack a suitcase? Let’s look at another word un pack Unpack means “the opposite of” pack Some questions! Which would you rather eat? a ripe apple an unripe apple Some questions! Which would you rather eat? a ripe apple Ready to eat an unripe apple Not ripe, not ready Some questions! Which would you rather eat? Spoiled food Unspoiled food Some questions! Which would you rather eat? Spoiled food Rotten, bad Unspoiled food Not rotten, not bad What do you know so far? On your paper, explain what a prefix is Come up with at least three other words that have the prefix “un” Another prefix What does expensive mean? Talk about it with your partner. expensive Another prefix in expensive Let’s add the prefix in-. How does this change the meaning of the word? Another prefix in expensive Inexpensive means “not expensive”, or “the opposite of expensive”. The prefix in- can mean the same thing as the prefix un- The prefix inSometimes, the prefix in- has the same meaning as unThink about these words: Inexpensive (not expensive) Inexperienced (not experienced) Independent (not dependent) Be careful with inDoes indoor mean “the opposite of door”? Be careful with inDoes indoor mean “the opposite of door”? No! In- does not always have the same meaning as un-. You have to read carefully. What meaning of in- do you see? invertebrate Does in- mean “not” in this word? Or does it mean “inside”? What meaning of in- do you see? invertebrate An invertebrate is a creature that does NOT have a backbone. So we see that the meaning of in- is “not”. Let’s review Talk about these questions with a partner. – What is a prefix? – What are some prefixes that we have learned about so far? A new prefix Non- is another prefix. Like un-, non- means “not” or “without” Using the prefix nonThe prefix non- is used in a slightly different way from un- To understand this, let’s look at milk! Using the prefix nonMilk often has the fat removed to make it healthier It wouldn’t make sense to use “un-fat” milk, because that would mean that the milk is the opposite of fat Using the prefix nonInstead, we use the prefix “non-” to show that the milk has had the fat removed nonfat Other words with “non-” What do these words mean? nonliving nonstop nonfiction nonsense Prefix or not? Let’s look for prefixes in some words. Be careful! Not every word will actually have a prefix. unhappy Prefix or not? Let’s look for prefixes in some words. Be careful! Not every word will actually have a prefix. unhappy This word shows the prefix un-. It means “not happy” or “the opposite of happy” Prefix or not? introduction There is no prefix here. “Introduction” does not mean “the opposite of troduction” Prefix or not? none This does not have a prefix. “None” does not mean “without e” (But it would be pretty funny! Prefix or not? inedible Prefix or not? inedible This word has the prefix in-. It means “not edible” or “not able to be eaten” What have you learned? What is a prefix? What are some prefixes that mean “not”? How do prefixes change words?