LEAN Government Services - Connecticut Department of Labor

Center for Lean Government Services
Reengineering and streamlining government services since 2004.
We believe…
If you don’t have knowledge of your business processes and
don’t manage them diligently, they will eventually manage you.
Center for Lean Government Services
Why implement Lean?
Government is under increasing pressure to:
reduce wastes
reduce costs
increase productivity and services with less
Improve processing time
improve quality of services
meet customer expectations
Lean symbolizes a new way of doing business
Center for Lean Government Services
Common Misconceptions
only a useful tool for manufacturers
increasing productivity creates higher stress for workers
eliminating waste results in staff reductions/job loss
focusing on internal processes = less attention to the customer
expensive to implement
Lean is NOT a “flavor of the month”
Center for Lean Government Services
Why the Center for Lean Government Services?
Established in 2004
Experienced facilitators and trainers
Immediate on-site consultation
Knowledge of government processes
Proven curriculum
Successful internal and external efforts
Support from U.S. Department of Labor
Facilitators and trainers dedicated to quality process improvement
The LEAN Team
Center for Lean Government Services
How do you sustain Lean in government?
The key is Management Behaviors
obtain management commitment
emulate Lean behaviors
empower all staff
encourage innovation
think like a for-profit organization
Lean is “employee centered” change
Center for Lean Government Services
Interagency Lean Activities
Benefit Payment Control
Office of Apprenticeship
Business Management
Business Services
Call Center Operations
Quality Program Review
Claims Examination
Shared Work
Customized Job Training
Trade Adjustment Assistance
Delinquent Accounts
Veterans Workforce Development
Information Technology
Wage & Workplace Standards
Merit Rating
Welfare to Work
Center for Lean Government Services
Collaborative Efforts
• Board of Education Services for the Blind
• Connecticut Housing Finance Authority
• Eastern Connecticut Workforce Investment Board
Departments of:
• Economic and Community Development
• Energy and Environmental Protection
• Public Health
• Social Services
Center for Lean Government Services
repeatable and predictable processes
increased productivity
fewer errors
exceed customer expectations
improved employee satisfaction
empowered staff
Lean is the relentless pursuit of waste
Center for Lean Government Services
Versions of a Process
1. What you think it is...
2. What it actually is...
3. What you would like it to be ...
Adapted from Product & Process Innovations, Inc.
Center for Lean Government Services
Lean Accomplishments
• 25 internal, external Lean events
more than:
400 process steps eliminated
330 process steps reengineered or automated
15,500 worker hours reengineered
$ 8.4m projected annual cost savings
Center for Lean Government Services
What our Customers are Saying
“Thank you for introducing me to one of the most positive experiences for me
here at the Labor Department. Now I can’t seem to stop wanting to Lean everything.”
“Eliminating waste in government has truly been an enlightening experience.
The process gave me a real understanding of the needs of our customers and
the way they do business.”
“Our commitment to streamlining the Business Management procurement
process was a rewarding and challenging experience that helped us in finding
solutions that would benefit our needs.”
Center for Lean Government Services
What our Customers are Saying
“The Lean process helped us to take an objective look at our internal business
processes and finds ways to streamline them. Implementation of these changes will
make for a better product, reducing wasted time and duplication of effort.”
“The Lean project was successful in reducing document requirements because it
involved those of us who deal directly with a very important customer - the employer.”
“The Lean program has improved our Customized Job Training contract process. The
Lean program helped to streamline the process without compromising integrity, and is
in sync with the training our customers are doing to be globally competitive.”
Center for Lean Government Services
Connecticut Quality Improvement Award Partnership (CQIAP)
2000 Platinum Connecticut Innovation Award
2004 Silver Connecticut Innovation Award