The alcohol use of students in Wales : from a socio-environmental context perspective Graham F Moore, Annie Williams, Laurence Moore & Simon Murphy Alcohol Policy and Social Norms Project • Develop and pilot a social norms marketing campaign • Develop and disseminate university alcohol policy and practice document • Carry out a Process evaluation to explore: development/implementation project intervention ‘tools’ alcohol use students in Wales 22 Outline methods used to collect data about multi-level factors Describe theoretical framework used for analysis Set early study findings within one of the theoretical constructs Consider whether use of theoretical framework promises to add to understanding of the role of different factors in student alcohol behaviours and norms The role of alcohol in the lives of students at Welsh Universities: Methods 4 participant universities Focus group interviews (N = 14) with 55 students from all year groups. Describe your drinking over your time so far at university Why do you and other students drink alcohol? Anything in/around university you think affects your drinking? Does this (town/area) affect how much you drink? Methods (2) Telephone interviews (n = 19) with university and NUS staff. What are your feelings about alcohol and students at your university? Do you think it causes problems? What kind of problems? Any specific times, locations, student groups? Methods (3) Observational visits to main university campus and surrounding area. Where can students buy alcohol to drink on/off premises? Associated adverts/drink promotions alcohol? Is there a Student Union on campus? Alcohol promotions on campus on visit day. Socio-environmental context framework (Ward 2011) Physical-geographical Social Temporal Personal:Historical University A Physical/geographical: Outskirts of small town, no immediate pubs or shops, no student focus/promotions On campus: most 1st yr accommodation SU not cheap: events Wed. Weekend quiet SU shop sells alcohol Going out = visiting large city (10 miles) Good access to city, huge student focus. ‘battle of the uni’s’, events all week nights ‘Normal’ drinking: 1st years drink in hall, SU & town years 2 & 3: accommodation & town. ‘going out means going out to [city], there’s always something, but getting home is expensive’ University B Physical/geographical: Isolated town: Poor travel links, next small town 50 mls. On campus: all 1st years. 4 bars in total, SU cheap, events once/week, no alcohol in SU shop. Locality, one shop sells alcohol. Town, 52 pubs < one mile away Constant promotions, sponsorships ‘Normal’ drinking: 1st years halls & SU and town other years accommodation & town. ‘ we are a drinking university’ University C(1) Physical/geographical: Small town 1/2 ml:. Good travel links, nearest town 20 mls. On campus: all 1st yrs, some others SU cheap. Events 2 x/week. Few promotions. Neighbourhood no pubs or shops ‘Going out’ to town minimal, Drinking pattern: In halls/accommodation & on campus. hall based parties very common ‘everyone knows everyone, it’s always someone’s birthday’ University C(2) Physical/geographical: In centre small town: V. poor travel links, nearest town 23 mls. On campus: all 1st yrs, some others SU cheap. 2 other bars, events weekly Few promotions. 11 pubs & 2 off- licenses, little student focus. Drinking pattern: In halls/accommodation & on campus ‘we go into local pubs for a quiet drink, but that’s all’ University D. • Physical/geographical: V small town, sister campus in city a 5 miles away. Bigger city b 15 mls. Travel links poor. SU 1 bar, alcohol cheap Events 1/week. Locality nothing, town < I ml, few pubs ‘going out’ = city a has 1-2 events/ week city b every weekly night. Normal drinking: In hall/accommodation, in cities. ‘[city’] has a couple of clubs I’d go out more if I lived in halls there’ Social norms and university geographical and physical factors. • Student norms affected by: • Availability – number student nights on campus and off campus • Access to pubs & clubs, travel costs, time & availability • Town & Gown relationship • Price alcohol in SU & in town promotions. Socio-environmental context model allows consideration of wider factors affecting student alcohol use. Highlights interuniversity variability & need for individualised alcohol policy to meet specific university contexts Simon Murphy, Graham Moore, Annie Williams & Lawrence Moore. DECIPHer , School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales Ray Hodgson – ARUK Gail Edwards, Adam Rees – NUSW Rachel Brown – Project officer, NUSW Prof. Jeff French – Social Marketing Consultant to Drinkaware Chris Roberts, Cathy Weatherup, Marloes Holtkamp – Welsh Assembly Government Kate Owen , Emma Healey – Drinkaware The study was funded by ARUK ,and conducted by DECIPHer. A UKCRC PH centre of excellence in conjunction with the NUS, the Welsh Government & Drinkaware