WEEK 5 RM assessment feedback

End of topic
assessment feedback
Question 1
Psychologists sometimes use case studies to study
children. One example was of a boy who was
discovered at the age of six. He had been kept in a
darkened room and had had almost no social
contact with people.
How could a psychologist maintain confidentiality
when reporting a case study. (2)
b) Outline one technique which the psychologist could use
in this case study. (2)
c) Apart from ethical issues, explain one or more
limitations of using case studies. (4)
Question 1(a)
 1 mark for identifying relevant way
 2 marks for elaboration (an example or a second way)
Answer 1:
By not using participants names.
Answer 2:
By making sure that participants cannot be identified
when reporting the case study. For example, using names
or initials and avoid publishing personal details.
Question 1(b)
 1 mark for naming technique
 2 marks for elaboration
Answer 1:
IQ test / observation / interview / questionnaire
Answer 2:
Psychologists might use interviews to gather data;
this could be with the participant themselves or
people such as parents who may offer a different
Question 1(c)
1c) Apart from ethical issues, explain one or
more limitations of using case studies.
 Evaluation: must refer to weaknesses
 Advice: make 2 points and elaborate on each one
 Use psychological terminology to demonstrate your
Question 1(c) – Exemplar answer
One limitation is that case studies may lack population
validity. This means that the results may not be generalisable
to other groups of people as the cases are unique, e.g. braindamaged patients.
Another limitation is that the psychologist may become
biased as they get to know the participant so well that they are
not so objective. This is called investigator effects.
Another limitation is that it is often necessary in case studies
to use information from past events (retrospective data).
Consequently this evidence may be unreliable as memory is
not always 100% accurate (e.g. forgetting).
Question 2
Research has shown that there is a relationship
between stress and illness. The figure below shows the
number of days off work through illness in a year and
scores on a stress questionnaire, where a high score
indicates more stress.
What does the figure tell you about the
relationship between stress and illness?
Question 2
Marks awarded for commenting on:
 Direction
 Strength
 Detail of relationship
Correct the 3 mistakes for an exemplar
 The graph shows a weak, negative correlation
between scores on a stress questionnaire and
weeks off through illness.
Question 3
Two groups of patients took part in a trail to compare the
effectiveness of two different drug therapies. One of the groups
was given Drug A and the other group was given Drug B. All
patients completed a rating scale at the start of the ten-week
course of treatment and again at the end of the course. This
scale measured severity of symptoms.
The Drug A group had an average score of 9 before the therapy
and an average score of 4 at the end of the course.
The Drug B group had an average score of 7 before the therapy
and an average score of 5 at the end of the course.
Sketch and label a bar chart to illustrate the data. (4 marks)
Question 3
 1 mark for correctly labelled x-axis (horizontal)
 1 mark for correctly labelled y-axis (vertical)
 2 marks for clearly sketching bar chart
 Full marks: must be appropriate use of
graph paper and bars labelled correctly
Common mistakes (Q3)
 Use the space available.
 Ensure all bars are the same size (need
 Need to label both axis (Y = vertical, and X =
 Use a key!
Question 3