RP Expert Briefing powerpoint

The Care Act & Adult
Safeguarding – Implications for
Age UK & Partners
Richard Powley
Head of Safeguarding
Age UK
Charity Commission
‘Strategy for dealing with safeguarding
vulnerable groups including children issues in charities’
Charity Commission Expectations
• Trustees have primary responsibility for
safeguarding in their charity
• They have a duty of care to safeguard
• They must always act in their best interests
• They must take all reasonable steps to prevent
• They have duties to manage risk and protect the
reputation and assets of the charity
Charity Commission
Awareness and Prevention
Preventing problems from arising in the first place!
Prevention - primarily trustees’ responsibility. They
must understand their safeguarding
Charity Commission
2. Oversight and Supervision
• Serious Incident Reporting (more later)
• Trustee checks – other charities? Relevant checks
carried out?
• Assessing required improvements
• Analysis of trends and responses to trends
Charity Commission
3. Co-operation
• Co-operation & liaison to stop those who seek to
exploit charities to abuse children and vulnerable
adults (with due regard to sensitive data)
• Regulators (CQC, DBS)
• Law enforcement
• Local authorities.
Charity Commission
4. Intervention
• The Commission will intervene:
In serious cases
• Where there has been non compliance or abuse
• Based on assessment against the Risk Framework
• They will not intervene if it is more effective for other
agencies to intervene
Charity Commission
In 2012-13 - safeguarding issues in:
• 11% of pre investigation assessment cases
• 7% of investigations
• 49% of serious incident reports
• 11% of whistle blowing cases
We’ve come a long way – great that the importance of adult safeguarding is
recognised, but;
Age UK and Partners may be operating in accordance with:
Charity Commission expectations
Their own safeguarding policy & procedures
Local Safeguarding Adult Board policy & procedure
CQC regulation
Contractual/commissioning clauses
CCG policy
Any others..?
The good news
• They all say pretty much the same thing
The bad news
• They may not have the answers that we
Our big adult safeguarding issues?
• Variable response from local authorities
• Variable local arrangements
• Confidentiality
• Onward disclosure without consent – mental capacity/vital
or public interest risks
• Local training offer/arrangements
• Advocacy
• Board Chairing/Inclusion
What might the Care Act mean for us?
Further information
Making Safeguarding Personal
Social Care Institute for Excellence resources:
Care Act factsheets (factsheet 7 – safeguarding)