Competition and Regulation in India

Competition and Regulation in India:
Evaluation of Status & Perceptions and
Associated Advocacy
(ICRR Project, 2011)
PROSAIG Advisory Group Meeting
8th December 2011
Suparna Karmakar, Senior Fellow, CUTS Institute for
Regulation and Competition, New Delhi.
Enhance the quality of regulation and level of
competition in six select sectors of the economy
Telecommunications, Real Estate (residential) and
Road Transport, in addition to thematic papers as:
Political Economy of Regulation in India, Essential
Facilities Doctrine and Financial Sector Regulation in India
To provide suggestions and thereby stimulate action
by governments (Central and State) and their agencies in
regard to regulatory reform
January 2011 – December 2012 (24 months)
Norwegian School of Management (BI), Norway.
National Reference Group
 A National Reference Group was created to ensure quality
in project execution as per stipulated plan. Subject experts,
academicians and practitioners, government officials, civil
society representatives constitute the RG.
 Dr Anupam Khanna, Senior Economist and Director
General, Policy, NASSCOM, appointed as the Overall
Research Adviser for the ICRR Project
 The first meeting of the RG was organised on 29th January
to launch the project and to deliberate on the structure
and contents of the report, methodology for undertaking
perception survey and identification of writers/reviewers,
Project in Progress
January 2011March 2011
 Operational Strategy note, project timelines and webpage
 Literature review and interviews of key experts and
practitioners, etc to finalise project TORs
 Formation of a National Reference Group (NRG)
 Project Launch Meeting held and 1st meeting of the NRG
organised on January 29, 2011
April 2011-June
July 2011September 2011
 Completion of stakeholder Perception Survey 2011
 Compilation and computation of survey data
 Obtained first draft of the chapters from the writers and
external reviewer comments
October 2011December 2011
 Received revised drafts from Authors
 Finalisation of the report based on reviewer comments and
revised draft chapters from contributors
Finalisation of the questionnaires for perception survey
Identification of local partners to carry out the survey
Start of the Perception Survey across 11 states of India
Collated comments on preliminary Draft chapters from experts
vide the International Symposium
 Stakeholder meetings for Retail and Real Estate sector inputs
January 2011- June
 An international symposium for stakeholder and expert
deliberations on the proposed sectors and focus of the report
 Stakeholder Perception Survey undertaken covering over 900
respondents from across 11 states of India
July 2011- December
 Newspaper op-eds to disseminate project findings and
analysis of current Regulatory Developments in India
• Get Retail Regulation Right, 16 Jun, Business Standard
• APMCs hold key to Retail Reform, 26 Nov, Business Line
• Do we need a Retail Regulator?, 2 Dec, Business Standard
 Finalisation of the draft report (Competition and Regulation in
India, 2011) in consultation with Project Adviser Dr. Anupam
January 2012- June
 Official release of the final report in India and in Norway
 Six briefing papers, one each on the competition and
regulatory scenario in each of the studied sectors; and one
policy brief summarising the policy recommendations
 Four advocacy and capacity building workshops
Planned Activities (1)
January - June 2012
Internal review and finalisation of the draft report
Publication of report
Release of draft report in India, March 2012
Preparation of the Policy Brief and Briefing Papers
Release of draft report in Norway, May 2012
Planned Activities (2)
July - December 2012
• Advocacy and capacity building Seminars in India for
dissemination of the draft report and other findings,
August – September 2012
• Meeting with policymakers on the final report and
project recommendations in India, November 2012
• Project Report Submission, December 2012
Thank You
©CUTS Institute for Regulation and Competition
R-75, Greater Kailash-I
New Delhi-110048, INDIA.
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