The Ransom of Red Chief

The Ransom of Red Chief
On a piece of paper (see
Ms. Feathers if you need
one), answer the
questions on the
following slides.
1. Sam and Bill decide to kidnap a child
because they want to
A. Punish Mr. Dorset
B. Get money quickly
C. Play games with someone
D. Have someone do work for them
2. What leads you to predict that Bill will want
to return the boy early?
A. The boy tries to scalp Bill.
B. Bill has to sleep near the boy.
C. Sam leaves Bill behind with the boy.
D. The boy asks the men many questions.
3. A conflict arises between Sam and Bill
A. Sam is willing to write a letter to Mr.
B. Sam likes spending time with the boy
C. Bill wants to ask for less money
D. Bill is left alone with the boy.
4. The boy stays with the men in the cave
because he
A. Likes playing with Bill
B. Please to get some of the money
C. Knows that Sam and Bill always watch
D. Knows that his father does not want him
5. What does the boy do that tells you that he is
upset about going home?
A. Follows Bill back to the cave
B. Makes Bill act like a horse
C. Uses his slingshot on Bill
D. Grabs Bill around the legs
6. The main reason for choosing to kidnap the
boy is that Sam and Bill
A. Know that his father is an honest and
wealthy man
B. Believe that he is able to take care of
C. Think that he is brave, healthy, and relaxed
D. See him playing outside unsupervised
7. You realize that the conflict between Sam and
the boy is more than Sam expected when
A. Bill’s screams wake Sam
B. The boy talks nonstop during dinner
C. Sam dreams about a redheaded pirate
D. Sam sleeps with the boy between himself
and Bill
8. Which event leads you to predict that Bill will agree to Mr.
Dorset’s demand?
A. Sam threatens to take the boy home if the boy does not
B. Bill tells the boy to quit kicking or the boy will be in
C. Sam admits to Bill that the boy has gotten on his nerves.
D. Bill tells Same to ask for only fifteen hundred dollars in
9. Sam and Bill sign their letter “Two Desperate Men” because
they want Mr. Dorset to know that
A. They agree to keep their location and identities a secret
B. Mr. Dorset must agree to give them the money or they
will beg for it loudly
C. The boy is annoying, and they are desperate to get rid of
D. They are desperate and might harm the boy if their
demands are not met
10. What does Mr. Dorset do that shows the men are not alone
in their feelings about the boy?
A. Tells the men that they can keep the boy with them at the
B. Warns the men to return the boy at night so that the
neighbors do not see them
C. Sends a bike messenger to the appointed place to drop
off a note
D. Agrees to Sam’s instructions about where to pay the
11. Ransom is money demanded for a
A. Past debt
B. Mail delivery
C. Well-done job
D. Person’s release
12. What are provisions?
A. Needed supplies
B. Spoiled plans
C. Fun games
D. Old letters
13. To comply is to
A. Keep a secret
B. Give directions
C. Obey a command
D. Mistreat someone
14. What does proposition mean?
A. Bad dream
B. Good deed
C. Suggested plan
D. Small problem
15. Commend means to
A. Beg
B. Praise
C. Agree
D. Question
16. A diatribe is a
A. Bitter criticism
B. Pleading request
C. Difficult confession
D. Complaint about abuse
17. Collaborate means to
A. Write a letter
B. Work together
C. Kidnap a child
D. Torment someone
18. What does impudent mean?
A. Lonely
B. Curious
C. Childish
D. Disrespectful
At this point, take your paper to Ms. Feathers
so that she can check it.
After that, look through the rest of the
questions. These are possible open-ended
questions. Mark them on your study guide
so you know what to study tonight!
How does Bill feel about the boy? Give one
detail to support your answer.
Why is Mr. Dorset’s letter a surprise to Bill and
Why do Bill and Sam agree to the terms of Mr.
Dorset’s letter? Use two details from the story
to support your response.
Identify two reasons for Sam and Bill’s choosing
Summit for the kidnapping.
How does the boy show that he likes Bill? Use
two details from the story to support your
Do you think Bill and Sam will try kidnapping
again? Why or why not?
O. Henry is known for writing stories with
unexpected twists and turns. Use details from
“The Ransom of Red Chief” to explain how
this story illustrates this description.
Which character has the most control in the
story: The boy, Sam, or Mr. Dorset? Support
your opinion with details from the story.