Diapositiva 1 - MUSEUM communicator

OAKE - Associates
Provide technical assistance, management and training
and development for organisations within the European
Union and in the developing world. The focus of activities is working with
people experiencing social exclusion by providing innovative actions and
developments that offer opportunities for economic and social
OAKE has particular experience of network systems using multimedia
technology and developing and delivering training for trainers, disabled
people, migrant workers and youth via action learning @e & m learning
materials providing effective solutions.
OAKE Works with
Public sector organisations including
health, housing and local authorities
Educational institutions including schools
, colleges and universities
Charities and voluntary organisations
OAKE What is our experience
EU projects in Training the Trainer
Cascade training
Developing new curricula and learning
methodologies for example experiential
Innovative appraches to learning
MU Com What we can do
OAKE Associates is not a specialist in museums
However we are specialists in identifying gaps in
projects and assisting partners
With regard to Mu Com we can : Identify a range “ commercially minded museums”
who self promote and gain a percentage of their
revenue from entrance fees sales and marketing
 Explore transferability of potential methodologies
to the project e.g. recruiting volunteers
MU Com What we can do
Collate the key themes present in each museum
through desk research
 Arrange potential site visits for partners to explore
ways they operate
 Access training Instituti0ns of those engaged in this
field to inform Mu Com learning programme
 Advise on curricula approaches that are
participatory and action learning based
 Explore web based and digital ways to promote
your messages
Bill Fryer
Tel: 0044 7773 429972
Dave Tynan
Tel: 0044 7798 698 577
Kenny Payne kenny.payne@oake-associates.co.uk
Tina Elliott