Organizational Excellence 2.0 Executive Summary Easier for members to apply Focus on demonstrating abilities rather than taking training Reduced from four levels to three designations Moves out of the specialty track category and renames the designations to more accurately reflect intent CAPP 50-9 Takes effect 1 Aug 2011 Is too! Is not! What OE is: Training to better prepare members to enable themselves and enable others to be more successful What OE is not: The pathway to command A requirement for command A specialty track Part of the normal PD track A requirement for promotion/appointment OE Administrative Changes 229 specialty track will go inactive on 1 August. Ratings will stay in member’s record for one year (until 31 July 2012) OE 2.0 designations will now appear under the general senior training tab (where schools and other non-ES training is located) CAPP 229 will go away 1 August 2011 CAPP 50-8 (OE Mentoring Guide is still current) See CAPP 50-9 for complete slate of changes OE 2.0 – Designations Management – tactical perspective, squadron/group level Corporate – operational perspective, group/wing staff and commanders Executive – strategic perspective, region staff/commanders & national staff OE 2.0 – Designations Management Target audience is squadron/group leadership Requirements (see handout 1) OE 2.0 – Designations Corporate Target audience is group/wing commanders, people considering being a wing commander and wing staff Requirements (see handout 2) OE 2.0 – Designations Executive Target audience is region commanders, possible candidates for region commander, region/national staff. Requirements (see handout 3) OE 2.0 Organizational Excellence Program Manager Not the PD Who makes a good OEPM Desire Availability Breadth and depth of experience in CAP Successful leadership experience Knows a lot of people in the program (can network) OE 2.0 Committee Objective: Assist the OEPM (OE Program Manager) administer the program Membership Region Committee: Region OEPM (tie breaking chair) and each wing OEPM in the region Wing Committee: Wing OEPM (tie breaking chair) and four others. PD may be a member but not required OE 2.0 Committee Help set and monitor progress for the programs goals Possible REGION committee goal – a OEPM and committee in each wing by 30 Sept Possible WING committee goals – at least 5 mentors by 30 Sept and 5% of seniors in the program by 1 Dec. Confirms qualifications and recommends designations to commanders (NOTE: all designation award are sent to NHQ for validation and processing after appropriate CC approval) Executive – National Commander Corporate – Region Commander Management – Wing Commander OE 2.0 OEPM and Mentors The job Provide opportunities and materials candidates need Chair the committee Meets in person at least twice a year but overall likely 4 to 6 times a year Meets in person or by phone Spin people up about being a mentor Why people want to be a mentor To continue their own growth as an individual and CAP member Wants to better prepare next generation and see them grow Recognizes that mentoring is part of being a good CAP field-grade officer Enjoys the challenge OE 2.0 OEPM and Mentors Where to find mentors Commander’s Call Conferences Awards Ceremonies CLC STRATOPS meetings Anywhere senior leadership meets Friends and neighbors (mentors don’t have to be CAP members, just have the appropriate leadership/ management experience) Manage mentors Provides mentors with materials Makes mentors aware of opportunities Reminds mentors to be in touch with candidates regularly and get them to take advantage of opportunities Help mentors with paperwork (being assigned as mentor and candidates apply for ratings) Mentors the mentors OE Mentor Be appointed in writing by the OEPM Be matched up to a candidate Make them aware of opportunities to meet requirements Provide candidates with needed material Regular and consistent contact Check in with candidate at least every month Accomplish a task a month (recommended) Track candidate progress using assignment worksheets and Form 40s Forward completed applications for ratings (and make sure action is taken in a timely action) OEPM and Candidates Get people excited about being in the program Process candidate applications and match them up with a mentor Process applications for ratings when received from mentor OE 2.0 and Candidates Why would they want to be a candidate Self-actualization Better prepared for leadership positions Better understanding where they fit into CAP Better leadership means a better CAP Success is fun and rewarding OEPM and Candidates Where to find candidates Many will self-identify Squadron Commanders Wing (and Region) staff Wherever people are doing more than just squadron meetings ES activities – people participating in missions Cadet activities – Encampments, trips, etc AE activities – trips, school visits Conferences Commanders calls Staffing activities Awards ceremonies Participant suggestions OE Transition for existing candidates Members currently enrolled in OE: Those with a “None” code for Track 229 will simply move to the new program (initial candidates will not be reflected in e-Services) Those with existing ratings (Tech, Senior, Master, Executive) will be ported over to the new rating with an equivalent designation. They will be notified by e-mail what their designation is and will begin working on the next designation automatically. OE 2.0 Conclusions Easier to navigate Better structure Focus on demonstrating abilities rather than taking training Three OE designations OEPMs and Mentors are the key players OEPM assignment should be their primary one CAPP 50-9, the OE Curriculum Guide, and CAPP 50-8 are the key resources Current candidates will be accommodated Get started Have fun OE 2.0 Conclusion Where can I sign up to be a mentor or candidate?