Parties 1787

The U.S. Party System
1789 - 1860
• Throughout our history,
political parties
developed based on
public opinion and its
– The shifting of the
parties’ base of support
among the electorate.
Federalists vs. Antifederalists
• 1789
– Pres. Washington begins 1st term .
• Splits his cabinet between
– Federalists (led by Alexander Hamilton)
– Antifederalists (led by Thomas Jefferson)
• 1793
– Thomas Jefferson resigns from position as Sec. of State.
• Why?
– He hates Alexander Hamilton!
– George Washington loves Hamilton, and picks his opinions over TJ.
» Jefferson immediately starts to establish his own followers….
The birth of the ‘Democrat-Republicans’
• 1793
– Federalists (aka democrats)
• Believed in large
– Give aid to business
– Give money to states to
build roads and buildings
• Split between
– Alexander Hamilton
– James Madison
supporters (hated
– Antifederalists (aka
• Believed in small government
– Help farmers
– States should govern
• Led by Thomas Jefferson
– hates Alexander Hamilton
» Asks Madison to join
him….. So we get.
Election of 1796 and 1800
• 1796
– John Adams (Federalists) vs. Thomas Jefferson
• Adams wins, TJ becomes VP
• 1800
– Adams (Federalists) vs. TJ
• TJ wins, Adams takes 3d (wins nothing)
– Federalists falls apart leaving only the Dem-Republicans
The Reign of the DemocratRepublicans
• 1800-1808
– Thomas Jefferson (Dem-Rep)
• 1808-1816
– James Madison (Dem- Rep)
• 1816-1824
– James Monroe (Dem-Rep)
• Election of 1824
– A little different story…
Election of 1824…birth of Democrats
• Since Dem-Rep’s have been in power for
almost 25 years, the Federalists have
• 1824 Election for POTUS
– John Quincy Adams (Dem – Rep)
– Andrew Jackson ( Dem – Rep)
– Henry Clay (Dem – Rep)
The Deal of the Century
• Popular Vote of 1824 election
– Andrew Jackson wins majority
• Clay and J.Q. Adams split the rest.
• However, nobody has enough
electoral college votes!
– Goes to H.of Reps to be voted
• A. Jackson = 40 % of votes
• J.Q. Adams = 35% of votes
• H. Clay = 25% of votes
– You need over 50%!!
– What do you do?
A Bargain is Struck!
• Henry Clay promises J.Q.
Adams his votes for the
position of Sec. of State!
– Sec of State = next POTUS
• ‘New’ election of 1824
– JQ Adams = 60% of vote!
– Andy Jackson = 40%
• Adams = 6th POTUS!
The Split of the Democrat -Republicans
• 1824
– J.Q. Adams and Henry Clay lead the Democrat –
Republicans in the White House
– Andrew Jackson leaves the party and starts his
• Called the “Democrats”.
– Believed in conservative America.
» The average American citizen needs to be able to survive!
• Must eliminate Native Americans.
• Slavery must remain.
Election of 1828
• J.Q. Adams (DemRepublicans)
• Andrew Jackson
– Jackson wins in landslide to
become the 7th POTUS.
• Last POTUS to have lived
during American
The Whigs (today’s Democrats)
• Started in 1829
– Hated Andrew Jackson
• Policies:
– Antislavery
– Big government
• Give money to business to build America!
• Tax citizens to raise money!
• At first, Whigs got little support
1828 -1860 (Civil War)
• 2 things dominated
American politics
– Slavery!
– Taxes!
– Major political parties:
• Democrats (pro slavery)
• Whigs join with
– Antislavery
1856 and 1860 Elections….lead to Civil
• 1856
– Republican Abe Lincoln
– Democrat Stephen
– Democrat James
• Wins promising to keep
slavery legal
– “popular sovereignty”
1860…a time of change in America
• Republican Abe Lincoln
• Democrat James Buchanan
• Democrat S. Douglas
• Lincoln wins electoral
college vote
– Buchanon and Douglas split
the popular vote.
• Lincoln only gets 46% of vote.
And Thus the Civil War….