QB Franny K Stein Book1 - Content Planning & Management

Question Bank
Franny K. Stein, Novice High
Chapter 1: Franny’s House / Chapter 2: Franny’s Room
Session: Infer the Next Scene
A. Infer the Scene
Directions: Answer the following questions based on the given picture.
Target Pages: pages 5 to 8
What can you find in Franny’s room?
Why does Franny think her room is something special?
How does Franny describe her room?
B. Infer the Cause and Effect
Directions: Identify the cause or the effect of the given situation.
Target Pages: pages 2 to 4
1. Cause: Franny’s mother would come to Franny’s bedroom every few days and
redecorate it with daisies, lilacs and pictures of lovely horses. Effect: ?
2. Cause: ?
Effect: Franny likes her room with dungeon, giant spiders and bats.
C. Infer the Scenes: Before and Next
Directions: Infer what happened before and what would happen next after the given picture.
Target Pages: pages 3 to 4
Chapter 3: New at School/ Chapter 4: A Proposal
Session: Personal Story
Directions: Tell your Personal Story based on the given situation from the story.
Target Pages: 9 to 22
1. Franny is just a new student in a new school. She thinks that she will like her
classmates. What do you think about the people in a place that is new to you?
2. Franny really wants to make friends but she is different from other students. What do
you do to have friends?
3. Nobody else can do what Franny does and her lunches did not look like the other
kids’ lunches. How are you different from the kids same as your age?
4. Experiment is one of the things that Franny could not resist. What are the things that
you cannot resist doing?
Chapter 5: The Experiment Begins/ Chapter 6: Back at the Lab
Session: Power Reading
A. Directions: Read with proper pronunciation the given phrases from the story.
1. kind of~
2. a bunch of~
3. into the~
4. batter up~
5. full of~
B. Directions: Identify which syllable has a stress, use (‘).
1. kind of~
2. a bunch of~
3. into the~
4. batter up~
5. full of~
C. Directions: Make sentences using the given phrases then read with proper
pronunciation, pauses, stops, stress and intonation.
1. kind of~
2. a bunch of~
3. into the~
4. batter up~
5. full of~
Chapter 7: Making Monsters/ Chapter 8: A Transformed Franny
Session: Personal Story
Directions: Tell your Personal Story based on the given situation from the story.
Target Pages: Pages 37 to 60
1. Franny did an experiment to transform herself into something else. If you
were Franny, what kind of transformation would you like for yourself?
2. Franny transformed into a nice looking and adorable girl. Have you
tried to change your ordinary looks or daily activities into something new?
3. Franny’s family was surprised about Franny’s transformation. Have you
done something that surprised your family as surprise as Franny’s family?
4. Franny needs to transform herself and change her ways just to be like
by her classmates and friends. If you were Franny, would you do the same? Why?
Chapter 7: Making Monsters/ Chapter 8: A Transformed Franny
Session: Personal Story
Directions: Tell your Personal Story based on the given situation from the story.
Target Pages: Pages 37 to 60
1. Franny did an experiment to transform herself into something else. If you
were Franny, what kind of transformation would you like for yourself?
2. Franny transformed into a nice looking and adorable girl. Have you
tried to change your ordinary looks or daily activities into something new?
3. Franny’s family was surprised about Franny’s transformation. Have you
done something that surprised your family as surprise as Franny’s family?
4. Franny needs to transform herself and change her ways just to be like
by her classmates and friends. If you were Franny, would you do the same? Why?
B. Infer the Cause and Effect
Directions: Identify the cause or the effect of the given situation.
1. Target Pages: pages 64 to 68
Cause: The children threw a lot of things plus an unstable industrial
waste in the trash can.
2. Target Pages: pages 74 to 77
Effect: Franny brought out an antidote that made her a mad scientist
C. Infer the Scenes: Before and Next
Directions: Infer what happened before and what would happen next
after the given picture.
Target Pages: pages 69 to 77
Chapter 11: It’s Mad Science Time/ Chapter 12: Ham, I am
Session: Summary
I. Characters and Monsters
Directions: Fill in the blanks with the needed information.
Target Pages: 79 to 83
A. Character:__________________
Physical Appearance: __________________________
Personality: _____________________________________
Interests: _______________________________________
Occupation: ____________
B. Character: ___________________
Physical Appearance: __________________________
Personality: _____________________________________
Interests: _______________________________________
Occupation: ____________
C. Monster: ____________________
Physical Appearance: __________________________
Personality: _____________________________________
Interests: _______________________________________
D. Monster: ____________________
Physical Appearance: __________________________
Personality: _____________________________________
Interests: _______________________________________
II. Issues and Solutions
Directions: Identify the how the issue was solved in the story.
A. Issue: Franny’s classmates are even more afraid of Franny.
B. Issue: The Lunch Meat Creature shook the flagpole thus, the Pumpkin
Crab monster drop Ms. Shelly.
Chapter 13: The Final Inning/ Chapter 14 Easy Come, Easy Go
Session: Power Reading
A. Directions: Read with proper pronunciation the given phrases from the story.
1. toward the~
2. right into~
3. drip off~
4. out of the~
5. tired of~
B. Directions: Identify which syllable has a stress, use (‘).